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Did someone say... tapir?

Inspired by @Maggie Mae, whose blog post gave me the warm fuzzies and a reason to dig out some old photos. I believe everyone has at least one fascinating relative... mine just happens to have several thousand acres partially apportioned to an animal preserve. A few years ago, I tagged along in the truck on a feed and took some photos. (I survived unscathed, despite a camel stampede and a 7-year-old with a BB-gun in the backseat). I'll start with the tapirs, but some of the other ones were



Buglers Branch Out

Our steadfast fundies, Danny-Joe and Melissa, had borne eight blessings: Aaron, Abel, Abigail, Abijah, Abilene, Adah, Adalia, and Adam. But they weren't in the home stretch yet. In short order came their next four: Alexander, twins Amos and Anna, and Asa. Life was a breeze for Melissa now that Abigail was old enough to take over baby care. Meanwhile, Abilene was studying the fine art of home economics to provide for her family and future... ...while Abel had met Hana, a new special friend



A Growing Quiver

Danny-Joe and Melissa were blessed to be a new family of five with children Aaron, Abel, and Abigail. But, of course, more children were yet to come. Danny-Joe could hardly believe how quickly God had fruitfully blessed his helpmeet's womb. He began to focus on fishing to support his growing family. Meanwhile, Melissa learned that fried fish was a perfect frugal meal. Soon, baby Abijah made an appearance. Raising all these kids was going to be tough without enough daughters! The SOTD



A New Season of Life

Danny-Joe and Melissa had just welcomed their firstborn twin boys, Aaron and Abel, and already they wouldn't stop crying. Melissa was hoping to get pregnant again as soon as possible, but she still breastfed... Danny-Joe had no idea how to help with his sons, and settled for hovering over them with a slightly panicked expression. Exhausted by his minimal contribution to childrearing, he collapsed on the first available surface to take a nap. But as soon as they could resume biblically-sa



Blessed Beyond Measure

It was the morning after their wedding, and Danny-Joe and Melissa were ready to move into their new home. They weren't sure they had the hang of this kissing thing yet, but they were determined to get as much practice as possible... First things first... sweet, sweet fellowship. Melissa was excited to take a pregnancy test, but with only $4 in their bank account, she knew they couldn't afford it yet. Danny-Joe realized he needed to start providing, and went out in search of collectibles beh



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    • bea


      Election judge training today - we have new electronic pollbooks, so I have to go in and learn how to use them.
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    • smittykins


      Just filled out my absentee ballot.  Blue all the way! 💙
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    • Hazelbunny


      It is never too early to start the Christmas music 😍🎻
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    • Kiki03910


      It's been 5 weeks since I said goodbye to Mija. I can barely stand to go in my bedroom, where she used to curl up by my pillow when it was bedtime. Man, this sucks.

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    • Kiki03910


      From a Dodgers fan friend:

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