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Confetti and Funfetti

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The Theory (HP)

I mentioned in one of the threads that I'd attended a charity dinner where JK was speaking and had a theory that I wound up defending in a Tumblr challenge a few years back.  My theory is that Molly Weasley had her own Deathly Hallows in the final battle.  While viewed as a children’s story, or a physical quest, there was much more to the Deathly Hallows than that, the mastery of death could lie not just in objects, but in the right mix of people. The theory, hotly debated amongst vigi



Five Feline Traits

Dailymail ran an article on cats' personality mirroring their owner's and it led to a link to a personality quiz for my kitty. In a nutshell there are five feline traits: Skittishness, Outgoing, Dominance, Friendliness and Spontaneity. Her results come across as mostly accurate, but I'm also the person who filled out the survey so it would be very strange if they didn't. She's typical on most, a high outlier on Outgoing and Skittishness and low on Spontaneity. They mention indoor cats tend to ra




I'm overwhelmed, pregnancy stressed, can't quite process twins just yet. So I stress cooked comfort food in the middle of the night and will probably eat the rest in the morning. I forgot to take a photo.  Chilaquiles 1 tsp butter or cooking spray 6 eggs (one in reserve) 1 tbsp milk 1/4 C salsa (quemada, verde, rojo - personal choice)* 3 C tortilla chips, .5 c used in reserve 1/4 C sharp shredded cheddar or cojita blanca Dash of cumin Black pepper to



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      It is never too early to start the Christmas music 😍🎻
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      It's been 5 weeks since I said goodbye to Mija. I can barely stand to go in my bedroom, where she used to curl up by my pillow when it was bedtime. Man, this sucks.

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