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The Fundees - Sims Style

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What would happen if we transported our favourite fundies back to before they got married and had a bunch of kids and then stuck them in a house together?

Introducing... Steve (Maxwell) and Steven (Pisser) Jill and David. Will he become her husband in this universe?! We will have to wait and see!


Jill - Over emotional, dramatic, mooch, diva, natural born performer. Likes pink, western music and key lime pie [I would have chosen ice cream, but that is not an option]

David - Slob, couch potato, heavy sleeper, angler, mooch. Likes orange, Latin music and peanut butter with banana sandwiches.

Steve - Workaholic, no sense of humor, technophobe, perfectionist, neat. Likes white, classical music and salad.

Steven -  Adventurous, hot headed, athletic, charismatic, mean spirited. Likes blue, cheesesteak and songwriter stuff [I couldn't think of anything else that wasn't too secular or "satanic"]

Entries in this blog

Part 2

Despite keeping Jill away from David as much as possible when Steve and Steve 2 were at work, she still liked-liked him more. Steve was too boring and the other Steve was too angry for her tastes. David and Mrs David - not Ms. thank you very much! - got married in a Godly church, and are currently waiting for God to bring them their first child. In the meantime, David is spending his days fishing in Gods green gloryness, and Mrs David is spending her time singing Godly tunes to praise Him.



Day 1

Since it was the weekend (not that he worked anyways, so every day is the weekend) David decided to go fishing. He caught a minnow, which he was extremely proud of. Steven took his day off from his fireMAN job to work out. Jill went to the library to read a secular book. It it about having babies, so it is acceptable. She sees a man - potenital baby making helper - come in, but his skin is too dark. She also notices a slutty woman walk past her.   Steve, be



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