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Cat Tales

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Talking about life with Mr. Cats & Baby Cats.

Entries in this blog

My Premie baby birth story

From the beginning of my pregnancy I wanted a home birth in water. I knew my son was going to be my last child, and I truly wanted that experience. Until I hit 34 weeks. March 23rd I called my primary physician & told her something didn't feel right. I had a ton of pain in my abdomen and my baby wasn't moving much.  She referred me to the only OB practice in the area that takes my insurance & they basically told me "pregnancy sucks, you're fine, get over it." The weekend passes and I fee



I swear I'm not a fundie lol

Did some belly painting with my daughter tonight, trying to get her excited for her brother. 10 weeks to go <3 I know the skirt totally screams fundie but all my leggings were in the dryer and FUCK pants right now lol. 



25 week bump!

I'm just really excited this pregnancy has gone so smooth health wise compared to my daughter. With her I was in early labor from 20 weeks until 40+2. 



Burlesqueing while pregnant

I miss dancing so bad. I stopped performing with my burlesque troupe after I got married. It felt like the right thing considering hubby was less than thrilled about me taking off my clothes in front of strangers for free, and while I respect that, the transition from ballet rat 6 -14, full time theatre junkie from 14-18  (skipped 19 to have my daughter and recover!) then burlesque dancer most of the year I was 20/early 21 kinda sucks. I miss the freedom of hearing a song on the radio that speak



Got to visit my husband!!!

This weekend I was lucky enough to have a family member take my 2 Y/O all weekend! So instead of cleaning or resting like i probably should've, I loaded up the car & drove 2 hours north to go see my husband. We camped in his truck on the beach and just enjoyed being together, it was a short visit because I got there at 9PM and head to leave for work the next day at 1PM, but even a little time was nice. He was hoping to feel the baby kick, but we're not quite there yet. I feel kicks, but you



going full Jill.

I recently found out I'm pregnant with my 2nd baby. I'm currently 13 weeks along & HATING the Ob/gyn practice that is covered by my insurance, having already delivered a baby, and studying midwifery, I know there's better care out there than a clinic that doesn't call you back for 6 days and messes up appointment times habitually.  So I contacted a LM with good reviews and decided on a homebirth. We had a consultation yesterday & OMG i love this woman. She has attended over 370 births an



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      It is never too early to start the Christmas music 😍🎻
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      It's been 5 weeks since I said goodbye to Mija. I can barely stand to go in my bedroom, where she used to curl up by my pillow when it was bedtime. Man, this sucks.

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      From a Dodgers fan friend:

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