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Musings of An Annoying Fangirl

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A place for me to rant and rave about the obsessions that keep me marginally sane. 

Entries in this blog

Playing Around With Watercolors

I've recently been playing around with watercolors a lot (mostly because I wanted to paint something nice for my bestie for her birthday) and I just kinda wanted to show off some of the things I've done recently. So this post now exists.  Most of these are from my #drawweirdaleveryday project (which I gave up for a long while but am now doing again) but the cat is my friend's cat Khéops. I painted that for her birthday.  I've got one more I could show, but it's not



A Work-Related Rant (Much Profanity)

So I work basically self-employed. I drive a man around to his appointments and such and I help him get in and out of his wheelchair. As such, I don't really give half a flying dickfuck about how I look as long as the dude doesn't start complaining. He's pretty chill, doesn't give a fuck if I wear weird combinations of leggings, shorts, and graphic tees. Has never complained about my multicolor hair or my weird ass eyebrows. But every once in a while I get a stupid fucking twatknuckle cockface



Wild Ramblings About Weird Al

THIS IS PROBABLY KINDA INCOHERENT AND HARD TO FOLLOW. I promise you I am trying to make sense. So I’m slightly inebriated and I have less than 48 hours separating me from my eleventh Weird Al concert across my almost-17 years of being a fan. Somehow I’ve decided that this means I am going to ramble at y’all here on the fj about how much I fucking love “Weird Al” Yankovic. I mean, it’s pretty apparent just from the Al-related tattoos I have (there are four so far with more to come), but I’m



I Went To My 10th Weird Al Concert On Wednesday

I will attempt to be brief with this but I've been fairly verbose every time I've told this story so far. Wednesday night I attended the Weird Al concert in Columbus, OH. I drove two days to get there. I was BEYOND excited. Front row seat, meet n greet afterward-- hell yeah. I made my own Jedi costume specifically for the concert. It was made on knitting looms and then I crocheted the ends. It turned out fabulous. The 501st garrison was playing around with me when I was waiting in line at t



I Feel Like I'm Bragging: I Met Another Celebrity Tonight

I met Ramin Karimloo this evening following the utter privilege (for which I paid a reasonable chunk of money) of sitting flippin onstage during one of the two shows he played this evening, and getting to sit next to one of my best friends for the second show he played this evening. During the first show, the second song he sang was "Til I Hear You Sing" from Love Never Dies and.... oh my god.... I never... I never thought I would actually get to hear him sing that live. And I got to hear H



An Excerpt From One of My Fanfics

I thought maybe some people on here might enjoy my Star Wars fanfiction, so what better way to pimp that stuff than by posting about it here on my bloggy blog. Which I will probably never refer to again as my "bloggy blog" because looking back on that it seems to have been a mistake haha. Anyway, the following is the first chapter from my (actually relatively popular) fanfic: Taken You can find the full thing on ao3 here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/5595058   One —



I drew an emo teenage Kylo Ren

A few details: -Darth Vader "Che" shirt -Bumper sticker on wall says "honk if u <3 the dark side" -Belt says "Greedo shot first" -Darth Vader figure on his shelf -Death Star model on his shelf -Anakin Skywalker's Revenge of the Sith hairstyle -Sassing his mama -Probably about to get his ass beat



I'm Not Crying, You're Crying

The title of this blog post is a phrase I've found myself saying a lot since my life took its sudden turn toward better things back in April of 2015. It was one of the first things I said on the Amtrak train to NYC in April and it was one of the last things I said before I left Laughlin, NV in September. But I almost have to wonder if my life is really so much better now if all I am is a weepy mess. I'm far happier on this end of 2015. Now that we're in 2016 I've found myself actually looki



"Weird Al" Yankovic

Kind of a rant? I don't know. This probably doesn't make much sense.  It wasn't even six months after I first saw Star Wars Episode One: The Phantom Menace for the first time with my mother that I was first introduced to the music of "Weird Al" Yankovic. I was positively obsessed with Star Wars, and my mother-- ever the enabler-- was using anything at her disposal to keep me planted deep within that beautiful Star Wars fan mindset. As much as she complained about me being loud and obnoxious



A Brief History of My Love Affair With Star Wars

I'm sure that none of the people on this website have any idea who I am, but I mean that's part of why I've decided to do this blog *here* specifically. Ain't none of you have a clue who I am aside from someone who occasionally posts random remarks on threads mostly centered in Quiver Full of Duggars. Clean slate, so to speak.  My name is Emmaline and I have two modes when it comes to my interests: Utterly obsessed or completely disinterested. For nearly two years running, up until December



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