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Insomnia Notes and News

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In which I ruin dinner: Old-timey recipes

"Dreich" is what the weather is like. It's a Scots word that describes the grey misery of a miserable cold, rainy day, when you feel like the damp will just seep into your bones and stay there forever. And ever. You will never get warm, or fully dry again. The rain will always teeter on that fine line between mist and drizzle. Not enough to warrant opening an umbrella, enough to get you soaked and chilled regardless. Since there is nothing I can do about the weather, I decided to cheer up o



In which I have a cold: Old-timey remedies that no one should try at home

"Fregg", or as my husband calls it "that weird disease that only people from your region, in Germany, can catch". I'm not sure about the spelling, much less how to explain it. It's like a bad cold, only worse. But it isn't quite a flu. It's like a bad cold with the added benefit of a fever, and possibly an upset stomach. So, that's me right now. The obvious way to treat this horrible disease is to take steam baths. Several times a day. You stick your head over a steaming pot full of camomil



Of Mice and Humans: Humans are horrible

Do you know that situation? You're all alone, and suddenly you catch a movement from the corner of your eye. You turn to look and there's nothing. You laugh a bit at yourself and that's that. But what if there actually is something? In my case, there was something. It was small, grey, had whiskers and adorable little bug-eyes - a mouse. We both got a start, when I loudly exclaimed something that rhymes with "duck", and it scampered off. Of course, I had noticed its presence before. It left



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    • bea


      Election judge training today - we have new electronic pollbooks, so I have to go in and learn how to use them.
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    • smittykins


      Just filled out my absentee ballot.  Blue all the way! 💙
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    • Hazelbunny


      It is never too early to start the Christmas music 😍🎻
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    • Kiki03910


      It's been 5 weeks since I said goodbye to Mija. I can barely stand to go in my bedroom, where she used to curl up by my pillow when it was bedtime. Man, this sucks.

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    • Kiki03910


      From a Dodgers fan friend:

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