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Duggar Kool-aid overdose (just for fun)


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As with any overdose, the symptoms of Duggar overdose has several symptoms. For this particular form of overdose, look for the following symptoms:


sudden, unexplained urges to wear either denim or black skirts


buying tater tot's in bulk


prolonged exposure to aquanet spray


saying the word purpose as a verb


rolling your eyes at random moments


talking in a high pitched baby voice



If you are experiencing any of these symptoms then you may have a Duggar hangover.


Suggested remedies are:


watching "Kid Farm" on youtube


kissing before marriage


eating fresh foods


writing on freejinger


rock and roll music

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Raising hand in shame :oops: as to buying Tater Tots in bulk - I got a HUGE bag at Sam's Club last week. We haven't had them for a long time. DH was excited!

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I'm a bit embarrassed- I turned my favorite pair of Lucky brand jeans into a jean skirt- but it hits just above the knee, so it's defrauding! but still, I felt weird getting excited over a jean skirt. LOL. :)

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How did you do that (jeans into a skirt). I thought about it but I don't have a machine or any supplies. Please tell me how it supposed to be done. :dance:

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How did you do that (jeans into a skirt). I thought about it but I don't have a machine or any supplies. Please tell me how it supposed to be done. :dance:

I don't buy in bulk but I will often buy Tater Tots when they are 2/1 or some other price deal.

I like them, I admit it. But, I've never had them in a casserole. I'm not a fan of french fries. I eat Tater Tots as a substitute and I use them as hash browns by chopping/smashing them up.

It also takes me a few months to go through two normal sized bags. At least. Longer in summer since I don't turn on the oven for convenience food. They are most definitely not a staple, but they are generally in my freezer.

Aside from the occasional Tater Tot in my diet, nothing on the list applies. The remedies, however, are kind of normal life. Except I've never seen Kid Farm.

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Oh no... I had tater tots for lunch. I pretty much live in a really nice denim maxi skirt (outside of work.)

That said, I'm watching the True Grit remake and Rooster Cogburn would send the Duggars into shock. Mattie, too.

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How did you do that (jeans into a skirt). I thought about it but I don't have a machine or any supplies. Please tell me how it supposed to be done. :dance:

Just cut them up alongside the inside seam, cut to desired length, and use the leftover material to connect the cut parts of the skirt, sew all of the pieces together, then hem, and voila. MIL did the work for me using my sewing machine. It's harder than it looks, which was a surprise for me lol.

a machine would be a big help but it's still doable with a needle and thread, just taking eons longer than a machine ;) next time I will do capri pants, so much easier (just cut and hem).

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