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I blog about my McMansion, because God wants me to.


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I blog for me. Not for readers. Not for income. Not for fans or friends or family. I blog because God has put that desire in my heart.

Generic DIY on her excessively enormous house. Christianity. I don't see how the two equate. She's also the one who beat her under-two-year-old and still managed to win the Homie Award at Apartment Therapy. More and more of her posts have mention of God, Jesus, and her religion. I kind of hate everything about her.

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I don't know anything about this woman, except a quick scan of her blog tells me she has one of the tackiest homes I've ever seen in my life.


She's like besties with YHL and I can't stand her. I read about 20 posts on her blog right after the move and it was just too much. Seriously, she is obnoxious.


I have to say that is the most annoying blog I have ever read, and I have read some annoying blogs.

Plus, if you went to all the time and expense to buy and remodel such a ridiculously large, pretentious house, wouldn't you go to the trouble of cleaning the nasty stains out of the downstairs toilet, or closing the lid on the pot, before photographing it?


Wow. Why exactly is she popular? Her starter house is like most people's save up to buy house.


she's seriously friends with the YHL couple? not seeing that at all. blech.


What does YHL stand for?


Young House Love. It's a DIY/Home Improvement blog.


FINALLY, finally someone says what I've been thinking since the Bowers bought their current house: it is HIDEOUS. So many people--mostly her fans, but even people who dislike her or the blog--think it's just stunning. It is ridiculous and doesn't fit their decorating style at all. Their first house was, IMO, perfect... then they had to buy this monstrosity. Ugh.

I don't dislike her, though, and she is funny sometimes. However, I'm disturbed by this baby-beating stuff--where is that on the blog? Also, I really don't think she is naturally the submissive-wife type, yet she tries so hard to be, or at least to portray herself as such. Another ugh.


What a strange house... it looks like one house from the front - and like a completely different house from the back. :? bowerpowerblog.com/2012/01/wedding-at-the-bowers-my-pictures/

I keep thinking about the nouveau riche people in Sweden in the 18th and 19th century - they built houses that looked like mansions from the front to show off their wealth - and the back side looked like farmhouses without paint because they really couldn't afford that kind of house. Potemkin coulisses anybody?

I do love their first home - would love love love to own a house in this style, whatever it is called.



Heh. Her first house is a somewhat bigger version of my first--and current--and only house, which was built to accommodate five people.

Am I alone in preferring most of the "Before" shots to the "After" ones?

So, her God decided she should blog about her house. MY God decided I should treat people kindly and give to the poor. I kinda like mine better.


I started reading her because she is Sherry's (YHL) bestie. I don't think I even lasted a week. Her fundie personality is grating, and I hate the way she decorates her house.

Young House Love. It's a DIY/Home Improvement blog.

I think she is a groupie of theirs but it is portrayed as if she were BFFs with Sherry.

RE Sherry/YHL, I don't believe they are fundies (or religious at all) but fwiw I have found her to have become increasingly annoying over time.


Most of her "remodeling" consists of fresh coats of paint and some new pictures being hung up. Am I missing something?


Generic DIY on her excessively enormous house. Christianity. I don't see how the two equate. She's also the one who beat her under-two-year-old and still managed to win the Homie Award at Apartment Therapy. More and more of her posts have mention of God, Jesus, and her religion. I kind of hate everything about her.

I missed that. Link please?

Most of her "remodeling" consists of fresh coats of paint and some new pictures being hung up. Am I missing something?

People seem to misuse the term "remodeling" on a fairly consistent basis and it bothers me to a ridiculous degree. Even worse is when I hear people say they need to "completely gut" a room/house, but they really only mean that they want new counter tops. :doh:


I missed that. Link please?

http://www.bowerpowerblog.com/2011/08/a ... iscipline/

bowerpowerblog.com/2011/08/ask-the-bowers-discipline/ (<---if you don't want to click from here, but really, I don't care if she finds us. It's not going to keep her from blogging, that's for sure.)

Not only do they hit their baby, it's their go to method for discipling him when he hits other people.

Edit: Here's our discussion on it - viewtopic.php?f=10&t=8578&p=229750&


And fresh paint.


I don't know much about the Bowers, but I do remember the one and only time I came across their blog (via YHL) there was some big drama that many of her readers were upset with her claiming financial problems (i.e. whining that she didn't have any money), then went on some really nice vacations.

For me personally, I don't care what you spend your money on (whether you have it or not), but I do care if you monetize your blog and cry money problems in hopes to up your income, yet blog about your super great vacation. Just turns me off and seems skeevy to me. So I personally chose not to read her blog anymore.

Doesn't surprise me though that others don't find her all that appealing either.


She later refers to it as a selfish hobby, and the insight of that statement is refreshing...but why did God make her have a selfish hobby? I do not understand. It sounds like when God made the Pharaoh refuse to de-slave the Israelites so God could inflict deaths of firstborns on the Egyptians and whatnot...which I also don't understand. But, you know, Bible. I thought she was claiming that her blog was amazing because it was heavenly-inspired, but it seems like actually she's saying that every impulse she has, good or bad, is God-given? So even if she fails she succeeds. I would think that, you know, she just has impulses and ideas all on her own, and if they result in success or failure it reflects on her actions, but apparently God.

It's one of those, "There are children starving somewhere, why does He care about your crown molding?" things.


What exactly do these people do, that they can afford these kinds of houses???????


She's following Ted Tripp, and she's pretty spot on for his discipline instructions.

WTH would someone ask parenting advice to a new mother of only one toddler? I don't get it. Exactly how does her setting up her DIY blog make her someone worhty of immulation and an expert to ask parenting advice from?

Hell, just read Sheparding A Child's Heart and you can get ALL of her techniques along with all of the bull about tying heartstrings she's talking about as if it was all her idea.

What exactly do these people do, that they can afford these kinds of houses???????

I can't remember exactly how much they paid for the current house, but it was under $250K. Their first house was less than $200K. Depending on where you live, that may seem reasonable or like a lot; from my perspective, that's unbelievably cheap. (I live outside a major East Coast city.)


How many damn bathrooms does that house have? Who needs more than one or two at the most?


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