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What Women Want


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Ashley of stayathomedaughter.com wrote another guest post for Chris's blog and decides that since she's a woman, she knows what all women really want, even if they try to pretend they don't want it. :roll:

Women want badly to be loved, valued and protected. It scares us to death to imagine what it would be like to receive the opposite treatment. Every woman dreads the thought of being looked at as inferior, feeling unloved, wanted only for her body or service, left unprotected, unprovided for or being treated without understanding and gentleness by her leader.

Ashley of stayathomedaughter.com wrote another guest post for Chris's blog and decides that since she's a woman, she knows what all women really want, even if they try to pretend they don't want it. :roll:

I think my mind just went into a permanent boggle.


I think my mind just went into a permanent boggle.

My brain just exploded. This concept is so alien to my existence as a single woman that I don't even. I get plenty of love from my family and friends, and I can protect and provide for myself just fine, thanks.


My brain just exploded. This concept is so alien to my existence as a single woman that I don't even. I get plenty of love from my family and friends, and I can protect and provide for myself just fine, thanks.

This concept is alien to my existence as a married woman.


Homer Simpson is in my head singing to the tune of the Batman theme,




Women want badly to be loved, valued and protected. It scares us to death to imagine what it would be like to receive the opposite treatment. Every woman dreads the thought of being looked at as inferior, feeling unloved, wanted only for her body or service, left unprotected, unprovided for or being treated without understanding and gentleness by her leader.

From her lips to our ears, handtogod.

Ah, frankly, I want to know I can take care of and protect myself, and my children. And guess what, I can. Though it has been mighty handy having my husband of 27 years around to help, I still feel better knowing I could do it myself.

How old is this Ashley? All she's doing is parroting the party line. Maybe that's what she thinks she wants, but she sure doesn't speak for 'all women'. Not even all Christian women.


She doesn't know very many women, does she?


Ashley of stayathomedaughter.com wrote another guest post for Chris's blog and decides that since she's a woman, she knows what all women really want, even if they try to pretend they don't want it. :roll:

Every woman? Um, she didn't talk to me. I do not want to be provided for. I also don't want a leader. What I find most amusing is that most fundie women ARE wanted only for their bodies (uterus) and service (baby rearing and house work) and quite of few of them are not treated with understanding (Teri Maxwell anyone?)

Do you want to know what I really want? I want a large cappuccino, a chocolate chip muffin and no pain from shingles any more. :) I wouldn't mind a red-headed fire-firefighter or Cat Cora or Rachel Maddow. Oh, and a good book would be nice.

Have you ever wondered why women, from a very young age, so love the stories of a damsel in distress being saved by some handsome prince? I believe it is because deep within every woman is placed a desire to be rescued. Some women have attempted to hide this desire but truly almost nothing makes a woman feel more secure and loved than to have a man stand up to protect her and provide for her. We are a weaker vessel

Those were never my favorite stories "from a very young age." I always like the stories where the "damsel" managed to kick butt, take names, and solve her own damn problems, not sit waiting around for a man to rescue her. In my favorite books, the heroine realized that if she wanted her situation to change, she was going to have to do something about it. Maybe she needed the help of friends to accomplish her goals and maybe some of those friends were boys, but she never sat around waiting to be rescued, she took responsibility for her own life.


And men are completely oblivious to living in poverty, being treated as shit and not being valued and loved by family and friends. Yeah right.

Take basic human needs and wishes, exaggerate them and attribute them to one sex only without any proof for this attribution and welcome to Fundieville!


I have never, in my 33 years on this planet, met a woman who told me what she wanted out of life was a "leader". Just sayin'.


Because needing a leader means you are perfectly equal to said leader... Right... And I'm an egg laying bunny rabbit.

:text-threadjacked: Loveday - is your avatar Daniel Radcliffe? Where's it from?

I don't know- it kind of resonates with me, and makes me wonder why she would put herself in a position where she would be completely subordinate, viewed as inferior, only worth her ability to clean and have children, and be completely subject to the whims of another person.

ETA: actually read the link.... Belch, never mind.

I have never, in my 33 years on this planet, met a woman who told me what she wanted out of life was a "leader". Just sayin'.


Although I find it highly amusing to think of my husband as my leader. I end up thinking of, "Take me to your leader," and wonder where I'd take an alien who made that request.


Well, I don't like being looked upon as inferior, but that's where her understanding of what I, as a woman, want ends.

I like this typo, though:

a Christ like manor

What's a Christ-like (sorry, I had to stick the hyphen in there) manor? A big house that looks like a cathedral?

We are a weaker vessel. Our bodies were not designed to be as strong as a man’s. A feeling of love and safety comes over us when we see that another stronger being has taken the responsibility upon himself to gently protect and provide for us. This might mean [1] shielding us from an intruder, [2] defending us when someone speaks badly of us, [3] offering us his jacket on a cold night or [4] making sure our daily needs for food and shelter are met. Every woman was designed to relish the strong care of a man. When a woman feels securely provided for this also encourages her to submit to the one valuing her so.

[1] Nothing would terrify me more than having my partner "shield [me] from an intruder". I hate being a passive bystander, and quite frankly I'm more capable of physically defending myself than he is.

[2] This is a two-way street. If someone insults my partner in front of me, I defend him. OTOH, if someone insults ME to my face, I can defend myself TYVM.

[3] Again, this isn't gender-specific. Appreciating the loan of a spare jacket has nothing to do with the gender of the person loaning the jacket or the person being loaned it.

[4] I'd rather do it myself.


I like how she assumes this is how every woman is designed. Um no, it's not. Even though I have a headship, I take care of my own damn self. I fact, I'm pretty sure I could do a better job of protecting us than he can if it came down to having an intruder break in (I'm very athletic while DH as much as I love him is a couch potato...and Im slightly taller than him to boot).

Anyways, we do nice stuff for each other. DH doesn't handle heat very well, so in the summer heat I'm the one protecting him from the sun by making sure he drinks enough fluids, wears a hat/sunscreen. DH generally protects me from my own stupidity, such as thinking a novice biathlon is a great thing to try :lol:

But really, easy women want different things, and Ashley needs to STFU about generalizing women, because that certainly I doesn't describe me or many other women I know.


I want a Christ-like manor! Who wants to buy me one?


I think one of the things that's really bugging me about this whole series of posts is that he's getting these articles on marriage from SAHDs who have never been married and who most likely have limited experience with the real world outside their parent's circles.

We are a weaker vessel. Our bodies were not designed to be as strong as a man’s. A feeling of love and safety comes over us when we see that another stronger being has taken the responsibility upon himself to gently protect and provide for us. This might mean [1] shielding us from an intruder, [2] defending us when someone speaks badly of us, [3] offering us his jacket on a cold night or [4] making sure our daily needs for food and shelter are met. Every woman was designed to relish the strong care of a man. When a woman feels securely provided for this also encourages her to submit to the one valuing her so.

Alternately, you can learn to stand up and speak up for yourself. I like the whole idea of a strong man willing to defend me, but knowing you can defend and take care of yourself is much better and it doesn't place you in some sort of helpless victim mentality if you happen to be alone or if you end up divorced or widowed.

[1] Chances are that will never happen. Even when I was trying to be super-submissive, my husband is a very hard sleeper, so I was still usually the one who'd be getting out of bed and checking the house there was a noise. Even if he did check on something, I was expected to either be backing him up or covering the other door or other side of the house.

[2] You should be able to speak up for yourself. If it's behind your back, then your husband should defend you, but so should any good friend or relative.

[3] Or you could quit being such a flibbergidget and dress appropriately for the weather. Why should he freeze because you didn't bring a coat? I'll admit my husband has offered me his before, but he has also ended up wearing mine when he didn't bring one (I keep a flight jacket in my car - it's pretty unisex).

[4] That actually sucks. It sounds all freaking romantic and the idea of being provided for and not working outside the home can be a pretty good deal, until hubby decides that since he's meeting your needs, he decides what those needs are. Nothing like being expected to make meals form crappy food because he only wants to buy the cheapest or needing clothes and not being allowed to buy them (or told to get the $15 discount bras that don't fit right and poke your boobs because he things the more expensive ones that fit right and are supportive are an unnecessary expense). Also, not knowing for sure if the bills are going to be paid or how much you may have to spend on household necessities from week to week or month to month can be more stressful than working and having money of your own to contribute.

I want a Christ-like manor! Who wants to buy me one?

Really. My house has been rather unforgiving lately -- a Christ-like one might be gentler.


It sounds all freaking romantic and the idea of being provided for and not working outside the home can be a pretty good deal, until hubby decides that since he's meeting your needs, he decides what those needs are. Nothing like being expected to make meals form crappy food because he only wants to buy the cheapest or needing clothes and not being allowed to buy them (or told to get the $15 discount bras that don't fit right and poke your boobs because he things the more expensive ones that fit right and are supportive are an unnecessary expense). Also, not knowing for sure if the bills are going to be paid or how much you may have to spend on household necessities from week to week or month to month can be more stressful than working and having money of your own to contribute.

This is why I'm not sure I'd still be married to my husband if I hadn't gone back to work.

:text-threadjacked: Loveday - is your avatar Daniel Radcliffe? Where's it from?

Yes, it is Dan! :lol: I have no idea where it's from, though! I think I stole got it from someone on LiveJournal's ONTD, but it's been ages.

I really need to find out what photo shoot it's from, I've been asked about it before, and now I'm curious. :think:


This person obviously didn't consult me because this is certainly not what I want. I love being able to take care of myself. I love being the one to provide for my family. I'm an intelligent, capable adult, not a child. I do not need anyone to take care of me or stand up for me. I can do that stuff myself. What I need from my husband is love, respect, and companionship. Things that I'm sure he would say he needs from me also.


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