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GOP Online Obamacare Stunt Trolled

Peas n carrots

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This reminds me a bit of how Dougie was trolled a few weeks ago. Things like this make my day.


I would c&p the article but my iPad isn't letting me do it.

ETA: The GOP needs to call BRADRICK stat!

Here is the text:

Today the National Republican Congressional Committee invited anyone on the internet to sign a petition to repeal Obamacare, then livestreamed a printer as it printed out the personalized petitions, one-by-one. The most logical thing in the world happened next: People trolled the shit out of it.

It seems the "Watch Your Petition Print" livestream ran for only a few glorious minutes before it was shut down after some poor person was overwhelmed trying to pull out all the joke names as they emerged. But not before "Connie Lingus," "Detective Rex Hardbody," "Pointless Empty Gesture," "Weedlord Bonerhitler," and many, many others had voiced their support of an Obamacare repeal. Here is one collection of a few of the best, via Twitter user barfcaptain. Yeah, that's "barfcaptain." The printer never had a chance.

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There's a video that goes along with it, make sure you take a look at that. Towards the end, the GOP stops printing because, well, they've figured out they're being trolled.

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This made my Friday a bit fun, thank you for sharing, Peas n carrots!

(in high school plays, those of us "talking" in the background would frequently invoke your name)

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This made my Friday a bit fun, thank you for sharing, Peas n carrots!

(in high school plays, those of us "talking" in the background would frequently invoke your name)

LOL...not too far off from where I got the name. It was a Southpark episode...though memory does not serve me as to which one. The crowd would whisper in hushed tones "peas n carrots."

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I wish I had known! I'd love to troll the GOP! All of the names made me giggle but my favorite was "Pointless Empty Gesture"...it just summed up the GOP perfectly, imo.

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