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Leaving Fundamentalism - British viewpoint


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I don't think we have discussed this site I just came across - can't find it on search anyway.

I have just had a quick browse around. It is written by a guy who grew up in a fundie Christian church in England (reasonably unusual). Seems that he followed the Accelerated Christian Education curriculum and began to have doubts about it all in his teens. I think this site is quite new but there are already a lot of interesting, and disturbing, stories there:


Haven't broken the link as it's not a fundie blog.

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I graduated from an ACE using christian school. It's an absolutely crap curriculum. I'm still plugging the gaps in my education, 30 years out. Greek and Roman myths? Nope. Great literature? Nope. Geometry, calculus, physics? Nope. Hands on science? Experiments? Nope. Non white history? Nope.

Luckily I was and am a voracious reader so I'm not a walking talking idiot, (I don't think) but I know there are gaps you could drive a truck of paces through.

I actually thought/hoped it wasn't around. My old school is now using A Beka. This story sent me to Google, and I found out it's still around. That is a freakin' crime.

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