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Jill Talks About the J'Slave Book


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The blogger at Duggar Family Blog interviewed Jill about the book the Duggar girls are writing. Sounds like progress is going at a snail's pace.






Catch more of this multi-multi-multi-part interview during the rest of the week.



Ellie: Whose idea was it to write the book?

Jill: "My dad has always brought up the idea--'Hey, y'all should write a book.' So as far as the original idea, I think it was a mutual agreement between us girls and my parents as far as what we wanted to express."


Translation: "My dad came up to us and said, 'Daughters, as your male headship, I command you to write a book."

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Who the hell are "By Lily and Ellie"?

Who the hell are "By Lily and Ellie"?

I think Lily and Ellie are a mother/daughter duo that run some Duggar family webpage.

Who the hell are "By Lily and Ellie"?

Lily & Ellie are IMO, the creepy people who LOVE LOVE LOVE the Duggars. Anyone who devotes that much time to following & blogging about the Duggars is weeeeird!


I wish they were allowed to write the book totally on their own to see how they really right, even if it'd be horrible. I want the failures of the SOTDRT to be exposed. They probably would be anyways, because it's really hard to spin the fact that they're not doing anything with their lives as adults.

What I really want is one of the J-Slaves to escape and right a real book, talking about how life really is as a Duggar daughter. Maybe Joy will be the one. I'd read that. But the book they're writing now I doubt will do well.

The blogger at Duggar Family Blog interviewed Jill about the book the Duggar girls are writing. Sounds like progress is going at a snail's pace.




Catch more of this multi-multi-multi-part interview during the rest of the week.

Translation: "My dad came up to us and said, 'Daughters, as your male headship, I command you to write a book."

Well the girls can't work, they aren't married and dad is a cheap skate. It's his way of making money off them so he doesn't have to spend any of his own money to feed and house them.

Ellie: How is it coming along? Have you set a release date?

Jill: "We are still in the rough phases of the book, going between our friend/ghost writer in Georgia and trying to get this thing on a roll. I think we are running on "Duggar time" though and have a feeling our summer date will be pushed back a little....Hopefully it will be out sometime this year."

At least they admit to using one. Who is this person?


"I think we are running on 'Duggar time' though and have a feeling our summer date will be pushed back a little....Hopefully it will be out sometime this year."

Not at all surprised by this.

"Girls--that's our main target audience, since we're girls....I think there will be a variety of readers, but our show is watched mainly by women, so probably it will be moms buying it for their daughters."

No Jill, you're women. Grown, adult WOMEN.

"Helpful ideas from our girls' perspective...things that we've learned, principles that we are learning currently, that we hope will help other girls."

According to Jill, her and her sisters' utmost goal is to "minister to other girls" and to help them "better their relationship with the Lord, and if they don't have a relationship, that it will bring that context into the picture of what that looks like."

"There are questions that every girl faces and challenges throughout life," continues Jill. "And hopefully we can share the same faith that my parents have been able to live out in their lives, be Christ-honoring, and be somewhat of an example to younger girls."

More use of 'girls.' :roll:

"[The book] also brings into perspective relationships and what that entails, as far as your friendships outside your family, then your siblings, your parents...and then you have your relationship with God, and of course, guys."

What on earth could these young women possibly know about friendships outside their family or relationships with guys? :eusa-think:


Hey. They met the camera men! And all those brothers...


If this book sees the light of day, the girls will never get a penny. They will give it all to JB like good obedient daughters.


They do have plenty of ATI/VF girlfriends.


So they're writing a book about what their parents want them to express. Hmmph.

I'd really love one original thought or idea or comment from one of them.

They do have plenty of ATI/VF girlfriends.

But they also mention guys... Two women who aren't married, have never dated and aren't even allowed to be in the same room as a male without someone else there is going to give us advice on guys.

This is going to so awesome, and inspiring, and educational! My whole social life will change because of the J'Slaves book! I just know it!


It will be concerning things like if you meet a guy and think he is the right one for you or a guy shows interest, you must pray for Gods guidance,talk to your dad, pray some more ad nauseum and knowing what to look for in a mate.Really stuff they have talked about on the show and the earlier books

They do have plenty of ATI/VF girlfriends.

They have plenty of female acquaintances that they're in a constant purity/beauty/submission contest with. Friends? I don't think their siblings even count as true 'friends'.


Well, that was an enthralling interview. Why the hell was that split over so many posts? It wasn't even enough of an interview for one post, nevermind 3.


With more posts to come. Trying ping that site counter?


who will go on the book tour? I wonder. I am sure there will market the whole family... even if it is through the older Jslaves point of view


Lily & Ellie are IMO, the creepy people who LOVE LOVE LOVE the Duggars. Anyone who devotes that much time to following & blogging about the Duggars is weeeeird!

Oh wow, I thought that blog was run by the Duggars. That is creepy.

Jill: "Girls--that's our main target audience, since we're girls....I think there will be a variety of readers, but our show is watched mainly by women, so probably it will be moms buying it for their daughters."

I fucking laughed at that quote. The real audience for the book is going to consist of mostly fundie teen girls and women. There won't be a large variety of readers like Jill said in the interview. I think deep down she knows the book won't have a variety of readers. Some mainstream Christian girls who have already bought into the Duggar bullshit, might buy the book . But a lot of mainstream Protestant Christian and Catholic young women have seen through some of the bullshit or they know about Gothard/ATI. There are some mainstream or liberal Christian circles that dislike the Duggars and other fundie families quite a bit. I think most atheist/agnostic women and most women from non-Christian religions would never read the J'slave book. Most non-fundie young women from ages 18-24 would cringe after reading about buddy systems, sharing rooms, with several siblings, having daddy choose who you court, and other aspects of the fundie lifestyle. The only moms will buy the book are fundie moms or the mainstream Christian moms who are in the dark about certain things. My mom has watched the Duggar shows several times and she disagrees with how the J'slaves are treated. A lot of mothers who use their brains would never buy the j'slave book for their daughters.


The interview is probably broken up because the blog has been reeeeeaaaaaallllly hard up for material the last several weeks. They even resorted to posting jokes that appeared in pictures on Josh's IG account.


I want to see some suggested titles for this masterpiece. I like "School of the Dining Room Table: A Tween's Guide to Teaching Siblings"


I fucking laughed at that quote. The real audience for the book is going to consist of mostly fundie teen girls and women. There won't be a large variety of readers like Jill said in the interview. I think deep down she knows the book won't have a variety of readers. Some mainstream Christian girls who have already bought into the Duggar bullshit, might buy the book . But a lot of mainstream Protestant Christian and Catholic young women have seen through some of the bullshit or they know about Gothard/ATI. There are some mainstream or liberal Christian circles that dislike the Duggars and other fundie families quite a bit. I think most atheist/agnostic women and most women from non-Christian religions would never read the J'slave book. Most non-fundie young women from ages 18-24 would cringe after reading about buddy systems, sharing rooms, with several siblings, having daddy choose who you court, and other aspects of the fundie lifestyle. The only moms will buy the book are fundie moms or the mainstream Christian moms who are in the dark about certain things. My mom has watched the Duggar shows several times and she disagrees with how the J'slaves are treated. A lot of mothers who use their brains would never buy the j'slave book for their daughters.

If I had a teenage daughter, I'd totally have her read on the grounds of showing her why she should never join a cult.


How do four grown women who aren't in school and have no jobs NOT have the time to-

Oh, right, because they're busy raising their siblings. Carry on. :evil:

I know it's not because they're always on trips. They're not on trips that often.


Their book is going to contain the same crap we hear them say over and over again on their show or on the Today Show. They don't have much to bring to "girls" but pretend they do just because they have this super awesome relationship with God and submit to anything and everything Boob says. More than likely, they're going to claim how awesome it is to be a stay at home daughter and how they would not want anything else, how waiting for daddy God to bring them their Prince Charming is their choice, and how they are not controlled since some like TTC while others prefer a flippin' pickle for lunch.

I would much rather read a Duggar book where one of them escapes Gothard's cult and writes a tell all, confirming the "stay sweet" is nothing but bullshit, how independent thinking is completely forbidden, how Michelle's smile is fake for the cameras, how the girls cannot pick their own Prince Charming since Boob controls very aspect of their lives, how their mental growth was stunted due to IBLP, how the older daughters were mothers to the younger siblings, etc. If that book is ever released, I have no problem spending money on that.


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