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Checkmate, Pro-Choicers


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Adults and fetuses have died because of illegal abortion. I'd say that's more of a checkmate to you "pro-lifers".

Adults and fetuses have died because of illegal abortion. I'd say that's more of a checkmate to you "pro-lifers".


ETA: Sorry, wrong pic.



ETA: Sorry, wrong pic.

If staying pregnant is so safe, why do people die from issues that would be resolved via the availability of legal abortion?


For the record, these aren't my views.


Wow that site is full of all kinds of bologna.


For someone who claims to be anti-abortion, this person appears to be almost advocating for the back alley variety.


This is all kinds of crazy one of them says women don't regret mother hood then in another it says steve jobs mom didn't want him. I thought women didn't regret motherhood?!



ETA I'm going to copy-paste the title of the Jezebel post here because it says it so much better than I ever could: "Checkmate, Pro Choicers: Brilliant Satire or Seriously Awful?"


I came here just to post about this. I think it's real because the author said this (http://checkmateprochoicers.tumblr.com/ ... -from-high):

June 3, 2012


Do you go to college? Also, did you graduate from high school?


I graduated from high school a year ago and I am currently taking college courses from home so that I can continue to be a daughter serving my family.

Her logic is of the SOTDRT variety.

For the record, these aren't my views.

I knew. :D


It looks like cotton candy vomit.



Ok, this one has GOT to be satire!



And if a baby can breathe and survive outside the womb at 40 weeks...?



And if a baby can breathe and survive outside the womb at 40 weeks...?


The notes on that one are amazing. My two favourites:


If I can feel pain at 22 years old. I can feel pain at 2,200 years old. Checkmate. HERP DERP

I'm so confused. My brain hurts. I don't think chess analogies suit the SOTDRT crew too well...


And if a baby can breathe and survive outside the womb at 40 weeks...?


Dontcha know, a 4 week old fetus is completely viable... Oh wait, 4 weeks isn't even a fetus, it's a blob of cells that has just developed a bulge at the end of it's spinal cord that will eventually become a brain. A week later it develops a tail!

About ME!

This blog is run by me! My name is Rebecca and I started this blog to point out the stupid things that anti-lifers (or pro-deathers) have to say about abortion!

Abortion is murder, plain and simple. The goal of this blog is to make anti-lifers see how stupid they are being and stop supporting murder! If you have a hypocrisy or flaw in logic that you see pro-abortion people using, submit it!

(Please keep all submissions, comments, and reblogs kind and Christ-like. Even though many girls who have abortions may be sluts, this blog is not about calling them sluts. It is about stopping the new Holocaust!)

Yup there is no hypocrisy or flaws in logic on that site at all.


Please, please, please let this girl get out into the real world for a while. Even just long enough to learn some real manners!


And if a baby can breathe and survive outside the womb at 40 weeks...?


How does that one even make sense? It's true because....she says so? Also at 4 weeks it's called an embryo, not a baby. And it's essentially a parasite that can't survive without its host. Sooo...I don't get her point.


Honestly, I think the whole site is a parody/satirical.

Poe's Law.


Except for the last line, this is actually true. Both 1 month old and 10 month old babies can feel pain.

Fetuses, however...


Even if Susan B Anthony was "pro life". Um, she lived in a time where women couldn't even VOTE. Socially... it was a completely different WORLD.

Generally NO WOMEN worked outside the home. Really historically (and i am NOT saying its right), until WWII, women generally didn't work outside the home! so someone getting an abortion, culturally was a completely different situation than it is now. When women have SO MUCH more freedom, so many more options. Hell, planned parenthood didn't exist. AND any kind of surgery back then was extremely dangerous.

I guess what i'm trying to say in a really cumbersome way : is our culture has changed SO MUCH in the last 100 years, that the fact that Susan B Anthony was "a feminist and Pro life" is completely irrelevant to the current arguments surrounding women's choices, birth control and bodily autonomy today.

AND any kind of surgery back then was extremely dangerous.

In the small amount of research I've done on why abortion was outlawed in the 1800's, I've found two reasons. A- because it kept women from "getting away with things" and B- because women were dying from surgical abortions.

(and that's just surgical abortions. Adds for substances that would "restore the blocked menses" were common for long after surgical abortions became illegal.)


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