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Happy to be Home (Swanson/Sarah Bryant interview)


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Happy to be Home: Kevin Swanson interviews Sarah Bryant, who wrote a book titled The Family Daughter at sixteen/seventeen years of age. She’s twenty now. All italics are my wording, the rest if what they said. I did my best to quote them exactly, but apologies for slight errors. I wasn’t going to re-listen to the whole thing to be certain.


K: There’s a gender specific approach to raising children. God designed boys to be boys and girls to be girls. Boys into men and girls into women. I know that’s a radically weird concept to those raised in the present culture where the vision has virtually disappeared for 64% of children under 16 years of age are in latchkey conditions.

*gasp* boys turn into men and girls into women? Who knew? What a radical concept indeed!

K: Mothers don’t spend all that much time with their children anymore


K: 95% of jobs lost were with men and 75% of she-covery, of jobs that were recovered were with women. Men aren’t doing what men are supposed to do and women aren’t doing what women are supposed to do and I, uh (laughs) I’d like to see how that works out over the uh, the next 20-30 years. We’ll see how the socioeconomic collapse happens when people abandon a Biblically concept for life.

I’m raising four little women and I’m one big man.


K: They say I agree with all the Biblical principles, but I don’t want to apply it.

Of course, he DOES apply them all. He’s a man of God, above the heathen Christians. He’s above all them!

Anyway, just blah, blah, blah about Biblical man and womanhood and he introduces Sarah Bryant.

No offense, but Ms. Bryant sounds very nasally when talking.

K: Why are you still at home?

S: Well, that’s the Biblical plan the Lord laid out and that daughters stay at home under their father’s authority and that really is the most fulfilled mission the Lord has given us. It really is the most fulfilling role a daughter can have [being a keeper at home]and just be there serving our parents and, um, loving our siblings. That really is the most amazing plan.

I love my siblings too. I love them even more now that I don’t live them.

K: Have you ever wanted to leave home?

S: No, I’ve really not. *laughs* So joyful.

K: No…so, it’s not as if your father forced you to stay at home?

S: No, he did not. Hm-mm. He’s taught me that daughters are most fulfilled at home where they can prepare to be a godly woman and helpmeet to a husband some day if that’s what God wills. That’s really given me a huge vision and there’s something new to learn everyday.

K: There are cases where people emancipate, in fact now it seems that the majority of young ladies are emancipating

You best believe it. I’m much happier as an independent soul and my parents and I have a much better relationship now that I don’t live with them. Nothing wrong with staying home though like through college, in fact for some young men and women this is best solution financially. I don’t know anyone who’d mock a young 20-something in college living with their parents. In this economy and with how expensive unis are, it’s understandable.

K: and that is, they are leaving home and are affectively on their own economically, socially and emotionally. They are just out there. Is that your sense of it?

Quite a stretch…going away to college does not=financially independent. It’s really, really difficult for 18/19yos to make it on their own without any help at all, so most are still rather dependent on family. Those who don’t have parents to help rely on the government to help because they can’t do it alone.

S: I do see that. It seems to be the major and it just tears down the whole family and the whole-the whole system of what God wants us to do and daughters do not obey.

K: Do you ever face discontentment?

S: Oh, I do. That’s something everyone faces.

K: Quotes 2 Timothy 2:9

S: I think the attitude we girls have in modesty and shamefacededness (her word) has a huge impact on men in our culture

Here it comes, wait for it…

S: That’s important that we women are, are focused on the Lord and are really seeking to please him through that and that really has been a struggle of course, um, to be, um, to have the right attitude, um, and be modest and um, my brothers and brothers spiritually, um, keeping them in my-mine’s eye when I dress and um, carry myself and keep their best interest cause the Lord calls us to be accountable to-before him.

K: Um-hmm…not the most popular message out there. Haven’t seen too many clothing liners (I think that’s what he said, but I can’t go back. I hope I heard wrong) come out with a shamefaceded line.

S: Right *laughs*

K: “Laughs* Right, that’s just *laughs*just not big out there these days.

Knew they’d do into something related to a stumbling block. Gee, I wonder…dare I mention that my MS Word doesn’t recognize shamefaceded as a word. Nor is found in my Webster or Oxford dictionary, so that could be a reason…most companies probably want real words so they don’t look illiterate. Being illiterate just isn’t big out there these days.

K: And women align themselves with good works. What does that mean? You-you mention these in your book. What are some of these? What does that look like in a home where a 20yo daughter is-is there?

S: I think good works are the things we do to please the Lord Jesus. Um, it’s not really the work itself that what pleases him-it’s the attitude which you do it with. Just the day by day things. Serving joyfully, um, washing the dishes, um, without discontentment or daydreaming and just being there to encourage your siblings and to, uh, honor your father and uh, give a hug to your sibling that’s having a hard day. Those little things are what honor the Lord and really adorn ourselves with the good works is what Jesus Christ calls us to.

Hmm... And not daydreaming while doing dishes is good works? That’s just funny. If daydreaming is a sin, I’ve got a one-way ticket into the depths of hell. Also, she sounds a little tired, as if this is part has been told to her many times to the point of cliché. I really thought she was going to sigh at the “honor your father†part.

K: How do you create loving and kind relationships at home, especially with your siblings? How do you work those relationships (sibling)?

S: Hmm, well, it just takes so much of God’s grace. I just think it’s the [grease?] of God’s grace that kinda, you know, oils our relationship and really I think it takes humility and true love which is not willing to be puffed up and not demand my own way. To give into their best interest and encourage them spiritually. Also, I think a big thing the Lord has been teaching me is gentleness toward them. Um, not being overly bossy or, um, bearing over them because I don’t have the authority over them as an older sister.

Left out similar talk here because repetition=boring.

S: I think the unity our family is because of-our parents really [sic] and preventing outside influences that really deter from unity and allowing us to be friends and love to talk about things and enjoy life together. We miss each other when we’re not around each other, but that’s why God and our parents encouraging that, so

Titus two discussion, where she says she shares with God to others and to her siblings and a brief mention of Bible roles for men and women. Repeated so much here that I thought it was just a bore to write down.

K: Here you are in the home and you, um, have a relationship with your father and you obviously ran into him at a fairly regular basis since he’s there and uh, how do you honor your father? Do you struggle in that area at all?â€

S: Oh, yes, of course, that’s something I think women do struggle with-submission and honoring their authority. God’s given authority to every woman whether she accepts it or not, but, um, I think the things we can honor our father are-seem so little it seems like sometimes, just like having an attitude that is open towards pleasing him, being cheerful to do the small things he would like and honoring him and his preferences, um, doing small things like fixing his favorite meal or packing his lunch or slipping a note of scripture in there, just encouraging. The Lord really does bless those with an attitude of submission toward her father.

K: And I think so few sons and daughters know how to honor their mother and father. …Dishonor, dishonor, dishonor. It’s the zeitgeist of the age. As Christians, we really need to break free of that.

S: We do, I think that’s really where our culture is at the base of being crumbled and by the next generation ignoring all their fathers and mothers have put into them.

They go on to talk about the “The Family Daughter: Becoming pillars of strength in our father’s house†by Sarah Bryant.

Then they go into how others like her encourage one another. Same diatribe, so I’ll spare you. They talk about unhealthy eating habits and fulfilling desires as bad and health kick stuff. Anyone else notice that those obsessed with Christianity to the point of extremes are also obsessed with other things…?

K: Have you heard of Quivering Daughters? They reject the vision. You have young ladies who were raised in Christian homeschools, much as you were, but man they react against it. They write books against it. They reject everything their dads ever taught them about anything. You know, that’s amazing. Really shocking. What-what is your thoughts about that? What is it that grows in the hearts of some daughters, I don’t need you to talk about anyone specifically, but what is that grows in the hearts of some daughters that would produce unsavory fruit?

My guess, sin and the world’s ways got to them? Rebellious hearts?

S: I-I think that’s coming out-out of an attitude of rebellion of their father’s authority and so if they’re rebellious and do not want to submit to what he’s teaching them, which-which in the situation you just mentioned was Biblical and needs to be embraced. That requires God’s grace to return her heart to-to the-her father, her authority, but if she’s going to rebel against that, she’s going to want to turn against everything he’s taught her and the correct way, which is God’s plan.

K: There’s just a tremendous lack of faith out there, you know, what God calls us to do. I mean, your flesh doesn’t understand why you are where you are. I mean, it’s got to be scary for you, your body doesn’t understand-you don’t appear to be gaining much ground in terms of the worlds perceptions of what the world consists of *laughs*

S: “Right. *laughs*

Boring stuff about how you study scripture and preparing to study the Word so you can be ready to teach your children one day should you get married, blah, blah, blah.

K: But a lot of people aren’t doing anything. They aren’t growing, they’re not preparing themselves spiritually, physically, emotionally for being mothers, for being fathers and because they don’t prepare themselves, they-they’re a mess. They’re not ready to build those houses and a family, of course 70% of men aren’t ready at thirty years of age vs 30% in 1970, so they’re not getting married and they’re not doing good things with their lives and that’s the majority.

Sarah brings up Proverbs 31

S: We can prepare each day by sewing, cooking, cleaning, speaking with a tongue of kindness, seeking beauty in the Lord, that-that’s [sic] do to prepare.

They discuss college briefly

S: I do study from White[sic] College, it’s an online college. Um, I study a lot of Theology.

Not heard of this school and can’t find it since I missed the entire name.

K: People are going to listen to this program and think this is odd. Only about 2% of the population is doing what you’re doing, so it’ll seem strange today. Though in history it wasn’t all that strange.

No, it wasn’t, not when women were nothing more than property. Everything that was hers was his and everything that was…was still his. Are you daughters just property, Kevin?

K: You give examples in history of those who have effectively worked the household until marriage. This is the way things happened for a long, long time until the modern age.

S: Right, from Biblical times until about a hundred years ago, that was a daughter’s role, to make her home prosperous and be a huge influence.

Muh-ha-ha. Sureee it was. That was so the goal…I want to laugh, but yet this is sad at the same time. This girl doesn’t even get it. I wish she could learn outside the box she’s been stuck in by her parents.

Kingsbloomingrose.com is her website.

K: It would be unsavory to say in a college class that I think the role for women is the meek and quiet spirit, saved by childbearing, learning in silence, and having modesty in dress. Uh, Yah!

It cut off here. Kevin Swanson, little man with the big ego.


Well....I had just got my tummy to stop churning. :shock:

dairyfreelife, I would have nightmares if I neglected to thank you for sacrificing your hearing for as long as it must have taken to listen to that bombastic little pencil-necked geek and Miss Bryant. Your commentary: spot on.

Mr. Swanson? A woman is saved the same way as a man is: by belief in her Savior. That's why it's called Christianity. But then again, you are a dominionist, which is entirely another thing altogether.

Once more, thank you, dairyfree. Your work stands on its own!


Wait - 2% of the population is doing what she's doing? Like as in, 2% of the population are SAHD? I think it's more like 0.01%


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