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Can I just say I fund it hilarious that any time they post to tell us how great the 1ton onramp classes are doing they get so few comments. Face it, Steve, your overpriced non-accredited courses are not exactly drawing in the crowds. Seems like they teach one session every couple of months to a few people. Not exactly enough to support Nathan and his family and certainly not enough to get another Maxwell cult-offshoot off the ground debt-free.


To be fair, small new businesses are always difficult to get off the ground. In this economy, it's probably even harder. They appear to have many sessions but I don't know how many students they have per session. They are pimping it out a lot, but again, most small businesses have to in order to survive. I don't see that as an indictment of a failing business model. The reason I think their business will probably fail is that it's expensive and doesn't offer anything that a community college or a book could offer----and it's unaccredited! Plus, it's taught by two people whose credentials are minimal on paper. While Nathan has (what appears) to be an extensive work history, Joseph has nothing except but a few family projects and a homeschool high school diploma. Despite fundies' own disparagement of degrees, not even they will blindly assume someone is qualified because they say they are.

No, I feel the Maxwells may find themselves in a tough bind as the economy is poor and they are so closed off. They lack any type of tertiary training and severe restrictions on the education they do have makes for poor workers, methink. Well, time will tell how well they do.


They are PRAYING about when to have the next course??? Because praying beats market research hands down every time.


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