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Article: How To Win A Culture War and Lose A Generation


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I guess I fall in the 80%. I grew up in a Southern Baptist Church in NC... but it wasn't what it is now. We used to go, sit, sing, listen to stories about the bible and then go home. Today, it's all about telling people how to live and what to think (imo). I view organized religion as hyper-judgemental, hypocritical cherry pickers. My husband was raised very IFB (not really fundie lite and not hard core fundie -- although they were for a time.) We're still discussing how to raise our children. I identify as Unitarian. He identifies as never wants to step foot inside a church again. The problem that I feel we'll have down the road is certain people trying to "witness" to our children. I feel like we need to put forth some familial doctrine so that our children feel confident in saying "thanks, but no thanks. That's not what our family believes" when confronted with the hordes of IFB family members that I'm sure will try to descend upon them to save their souls from the spawn of satin... which would be me.

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I agree with you. Anti-women is the 1st thing I think about when any of the 3 Abrahamic religions come up.

me too.

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I'm a little bit out of that age range, and I would say that the conservative stereotypes are not what first pops into my head, but that's because I have so many extremely liberal Christians in my life (and I would label myself as a confirmed atheist). My mother works for her (liberal Lutheran) church as a parish nurse. My oldest friend is a (female, Episcopalian) priest. My husband considers himself still a Catholic (took communion at a recent Catholic funeral, and will be taking communion tomorrow at an uber-Catholic wedding), but never attends mass unless at events such as those, or with his parents at the holidays. So I know from very personal experience that there are definitely Christians that don't represent the stereotypes in the quote in the OP.

Ask me about what thoughts come up when I think about Christians represented in the media, however, and it would be an entirely different story. I agree with a point upthread that it's unfortunate that what may just be a vocal minority color the good name of many Christians with good intentions.

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me too.

Ditto this too. I refuse to participate in a community where I have no voice -- unless it's teaching Sunday School to persons under the age of six.

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I'm 39 and I think:




I honestly think that of almost all religion. Sure, some people within those religions may be wonderful, feminist, accepting people. But they just don't seem as vocal as the assholes.

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