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DJ Wilson-The Beauty of Ladies


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So Mr. Refuses to Let a Woman Say No to Him guest posts about the beauty of ladies.


I did a post on my blog about being a gentleman. The reactions in the comments I got were varied. Some thought that the standards I had set for being a gentleman were too high - even for any person to achieve. They thought you would have to be "super-human." Others (ladies), commented and said they wouldn't want a guy following rules to impress them. The point is, quite a number of the comments were very unladylike and ungentlemanly-like in my opinion.

Translation: Any woman who disagrees with my thoughts about being a gentleman is not being ladylike.

*Based on the comments, that means any of the women who disagreed with the insist and persist comments were unladylike. He's mad that women find men who keep insisting when she says no, thanks is annoying, insulting and sometimes creepy. He doesn't want to hear anyone disagree with his rules for a "true gentleman" or that a "true gentleman" respects a woman's wishes and knows that no means no. A woman called it insulting because it makes it sound lika woman doesn't know what she wants and needs pushed. One person said men should be a gentlemen by nature and not just go off a list of rules of how they should act. Those are the unlady and gentleman like comments he's speaking about. Oh, he tries to weasel around it that he meant he asks all women and then asks again to know that he wants to help. It doesn't actually mean to insist and persist how it sounds to us. Why not just say if she says no, ask one more time? If she still says no, drop it? He doesn't though. He says insist and persist three different times and I think he meant that.

you must know that I am not simply a teenager with a strong ego. I follow by faith what the Bible teaches.

:roll: Actually, you don't have a strong ego, you have an ego problem. A harsh dose of reality may be needed to deflate it to a humility level.

Any non-believer can be a perfectly proper gentlemen. Yet they will never, and I repeat, NEVER fully understand what being a gentleman or a lady is.

Is that so? Based off your own words, I know an atheist guy is WAY more humble and far more of a gentleman than you any day Mr. Wilson. He respects women and treats them as human like himself and takes no for an answer unlike you.

Non-believers choose to not listen to what we say or what the Bible says, so it's their own fault.

Translation: Don't believe as I do, you aren't a believer and you'll be as good of a gentleman as me :snooty:

Plus I'm a guy, so you ladies might not trust me.

I don't trust you because you seem like a creep based off that post. I'd run from you to be honest.

A lady should never lead a guy on. Whether intentionally or not. Yes, guys are irritating like that. They're hard to understand. If 'you give them an inch, they swim all over.

I don't think men are that difficult to understand. They aren't a different species for crying out loud. And I'm not fond of that last sentence. Yes, my mind went there.

A true lady will wait until she is old enough and until a man who can support for her and care for her comes around.

Translation: Wait for a man to come to you and never the other way around.

A lady needs patience. It sucks to wait for the right man. But if you have faith in God to bring you a man, you will be blessed with one.

Tell that to Sarah Maxwell.

a lady must restrict herself from being 'too close' to her new-found lover. She belongs to God still. And just importantly, she belongs to her earthly father. Her body is not the man's property until they are married.

:shock: Wow. His property? She's property? *gets down on knees and thanks god for not being raised in this culture and being allowed the freedom I have*

Once a lady reaches their teen years, it should be expected of them to BE MATURE. Guys are idiots. We're really immature and stupid. We don't know any better. You have to feed us food to make us obey (basically dogs).

Because this is so not sexist toward men at all. We're just stupid dogs. Yet this same guy thinks men should lead but they are immature and need a woman to be the mature one? They don't even get their "logic" and how insane it is.

A young lady must learn to deny themselves things. Basically 'self-infliction', if you understand my meaning, which few of you will.

Arrogant, much?

It's not attractive when a woman hates men being gentlemen. The same is true of men: we find it attractive when a girl acts like a lady. Not only does it build respect and honor for either parties, but it's simply Christian to do so.

Translation: If you don't believe as I do, you aren't doing the Christian thing and if you don't find women attractive the way I do, you aren't a real man.

He has several quotes on here as well. I'll share:

Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are...you aren't

Works both ways. You keep insisting you're a gentleman, yet I just don't believe you.

Your dressed should be tight enough to show you're a woman, but loose enough to show you're a lady ~Edith Head

Because it's just so easy for us to find well-fitted clothes. I have a very difficult time with it personally, especially shirts.

Be the kind of woman that when the feet hit the floor each morning, the devil says "oh crap, she's up."

If the devil tempted Jesus, wouldn't he see fit to tempt a normal human?

Be a girl with a mind, a woman with attitude and a lady with class.

No comment

Every lady loves a gentleman

Why yes, yes I do love a gentle-man, but I mean a real one, not a faux stalker chivalrous holier-than-thou pretending to be one.

The Beautiful Eyes look for the good in others, The Beautiful Lips speak only kindness and For Poise walk with the knowledge that you are never alone ~ Audrey Hepburn

Ironically, he did a midnight post on his own blog recently that stated this:

Looks like I've officially killed all chances of a girlfriend at this point. Or has it always been that way? Never-mind, I'll leave complaining about relationships for Valentines Day.


Gee, I wonder why you can't get a girlfriend. Normally I don't say anything to anyone who can't get a gf/bf because I knows it's not that easy to just find one and it's harder for some people than others, but if he's wondering why he can't get a girlfriend, I'd bet it has to do with his views about women. Most women are not turned on by creeps who can't take no for an answer.

Also, Mr. Wilson claims he follows the Bible for his gentleman rules. I want to know where in the Bible it tells men to open doors for women, keep insisting when she says no, refusing to let her carry anything, opening car doors, insisting and persisting that a woman sit down or take the front seat even if she doesn't want it, etc. I'd love to know because I can't find them anywhere. :think:


When I was young, I was probably obnoxious also but this boy really is arrogant, isn't he?

Well I asked my father this: "Does being a gentleman or a lady simply mean being a God-fearing Christian?" And he responded, "Yes, that's exactly

what it means."

I realize that he will pull the No True Scottsman card but there have been many examples of Christians doing horrible things to other people. Being a Christian does not mean that someone will be a good person.

I've been a Christian all my life and I've had it drilled into my head from sermons and Sunday school classes since before I could walk. That doesn't mean much, it just means I've heard a lot of things over and over again.

Umm, so we ladies should follow his esteemed leadership just because he's been thoroughly programmed? Just wonderful :roll:


I'm not a lady--DJ Wilson can kiss my fat, pasty white, middle-aged, never married, living alone, no headship KIESTER!

ETA: In the Bible, women were property. And we were property (at least in the USA) until the late 1800s.


Well half the people I know would call me a lady in the true sense of the word. The other half would say that I have lady like tendencies but would tear you a new one if you ticked me off. I would say I'm trying to be me and if you tick me off I will rip you a new one in my own way, even if it is only in my head.

This fool would never survive a day with me or my friends. I haven't raised 3 sons to adulthood just to have some smart ass punk undo all the feminist work my mother, my sisters, my friends, my husband and myself put into these men. And this tool will never get to have his words reach my 2 younger sons. Oh hell no. :snooty:


Oh yes, what most women want...a man who thinks his wife as chattel.

This guy is an uber creep. What father...even a fundie father...would want to marry their daughter off to such an arrogant twaht?

Oh yes, what most women want...a man who thinks his wife as chattel.

This guy is an uber creep. What father...even a fundie father...would want to marry their daughter off to such an arrogant twaht?

Steve Maxwell

Doug Phillips is a tool

Mike Keller

Those are only the first 3 off of the top of my head.


Steve Maxwell

Doug Phillips is a tool

Mike Keller

Those are only the first 3 off of the top of my head.

I'd scratch Steve Maxwell off that list, no one is good enough for his daughter.


We need to start keeping air sickness bags around here. Bleck...this....this THING makes me vomit. I am not going to call him a man...he isn't one for all his self promotion.


Haven't looked at this kids blog yet, but, it makes me wonder. How much experience around women has he had. At least women, or human females that are unrelated to him. My guess, not much.


Really, he's just laughable in a mirthless way. I think he's making this gentleman/lady shit the outlet for all his sexual energy. He probably has it in his head that having sexual thoughts isn't quite as damning if he is at least acting like a gentleman! :lol:


Fundie blather about "ladies" and "gentlemen" makes me think of the hedge priest John Ball, a leader of the Peasants' Revolt of 1381. He preached a sermon to the rebels that included the slogan, "When Adam delved and Eve span, who was then the gentleman?"

When Adam delved and Eve span, Who was then the gentleman? From the beginning all men by nature were created alike, and our bondage or servitude came in by the unjust oppression of naughty men. For if God would have had any bondmen from the beginning, he would have appointed who should be bond, and who free. And therefore I exhort you to consider that now the time is come, appointed to us by God, in which ye may (if ye will) cast off the yoke of bondage, and recover liberty.

Take that, fundies--you and your worship of slavery and domination. Of course, poor John Ball ended up excommunicated and hanged, drawn and quartered for treason, for the crime of preaching liberty. There's real persecution for you.


Oh, he tries to weasel around it that he meant he asks all women and then asks again to know that he wants to help. It doesn't actually mean to insist and persist how it sounds to us. Why not just say if she says no, ask one more time? If she still says no, drop it? He doesn't though. He says insist and persist three different times and I think he meant that.

Personally, I think even asking twice threatens to push a guy into creeper territory. There's just something to asking repeatedly (even twice) that seems degrading. Like something you would do to a child, not a fully independent adult whose opinions you have no reason to question.


He knows about us and I am 100% sure he reads here on a regular basis. He interviews people on his blog and one question he always asks is if they think he should respond to people who criticize him. I think he is just desperate for people to justify him being too scared to debate his beliefs. I also think that he knows he can't actually debate and back up his beliefs which is why he sent his 13 year old friends here to defend him.

You are no gentleman Daniel, you are a coward. And a fool. Grow up before you marry Miss Raquel.

Really, he's just laughable in a mirthless way. I think he's making this gentleman/lady shit the outlet for all his sexual energy. He probably has it in his head that having sexual thoughts isn't quite as damning if he is at least acting like a gentleman! :lol:

You may be assured that this fellow MASTURBATES LIKE A FIEND.

But in a gentlemanly way.

Go to it, young man: http://images.google.com/search?tbm=isch&hl=en&source=hp&biw=1366&bih=576&q=boobs

Grow up before you marry Miss Raquel.

Was that a recommendation, or a threat? :lol:

Fundie blather about "ladies" and "gentlemen" makes me think of the hedge priest John Ball, a leader of the Peasants' Revolt of 1381. He preached a sermon to the rebels that included the slogan, "When Adam delved and Eve span, who was then the gentleman?"

(The answer, of course, was Adam, but the authorities of the church had carefully concealed this dangerous knowledge.)


Don't worry if you never get a girlfriend. There's always self-infliction.


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