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Yet Another Girls Must Be Modest Because Men are Weak Post

Maul the Koala

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Many girls dress themselves and wear make-up in a manner that provokes males to be physically attracted to them. Is this wrong for a girl who is trying to attract a husband and be pleasing to God at the same time? Are some things acceptable while other things are not? Such as, jeans or knee length shorts or mid thigh length shorts or a one piece swimsuit or bikini or a low-cut shirt that shows cleavage or a shirt that is skin tight or just a t-shirt? Does the Bible give any specifics on this topic? Are there lines that should not be crossed?


Is this just a "natural" part of the dating/courting process in western culture for girls to show off their "beauty"?


Feel free to share your thoughts and why you think what you think. :)





And no, I'm not showing off my beauty as a part of the 'dating/courtship' process. I'm showing it off because my body is transforming into rockin'. I've taken up dance and the dance costumes aren't all that modest. So is life. I guess I'd defraud poor Paulie here with my dance costumes. *shakes hips*



Cari Stone Pichler

I'm just so glad that I'm not a guy. My heart goes out to men who are trying to remain pure yet are constantly bombarded with sleezy women everywhere :( Some women say that they can dress how they want; men are just perverts. Women do not have the right to say how a man feels. We, as women, have no right because we have no idea, and never will. Yes, there are men who will lust after any woman, but just because men are turned on does not make them perverts. Men are visual. Christianity is based on love. A love so deep, the greatest human understanding of it is laughable by God. This should not be about what our rights as women are; this should be about love, for the well-being of our brothers in Christ. What we need to remember about the verse in Matthew, where Jesus said a man who lusts has already committed adultery; Jesus said the man committed adultery WITH her. Sometimes, the woman is in on it.


Why yes Cari. Men are just perverts. That's all they are, stupid SOBs. I have no idea how they feel so I must dress so that I don't tempt them! Wait... I'm reading more and she says that men aren't all perverts. Buwaaaah? I have learned now, if I dress immodestly I will have men lusting after me and we will both have committed adultery. For shame. I have learned the error of my ways. :naughty:


I managed to attract my then-husband back in the day when I was employed at a bakery wearing my drab uniform top, dark Levis' cords, work shoes, no make-up, wearing my long hair in a bun or braids up-pinned, and glasses! Yep, I must have been quite the vixen!


omg that Cartman gif :lol:

I feel like fundies are just clinging onto one badly written "scientific" article that backs up this claim, hasn't it been debunked like a million times by now?


Fundies are so fucked up. Presumably in order to fail to tempt men, they should look like me (army boots, combats, hammer and sickle tshirt, unshaven pits and legs, shaven head, keffiyeh). Except, no! As this is the dress of a man, or somesuch.

So fundie women are told simultaneously "Attract men" and "Don't attract men." There may be a bit of a logical contradiction there.


I attracted my hubby in a non feminine Army uniform and he never complained when I was dirty and sunburned or tired from doing non-girly action stuff all day. I'll add it to my list of why I'm not fundie.


Ya know, for a system that loves to place blame on people and tell them what they're doing wrong, there is no accountability for men under this system. Seriously, they brutally train their toddlers not to give into temptation. But they seem to be saying to men "Oh go ahead and rape that hussy, she's wearing a mini skirt and you can't be expected to control yourself." Seriously, women have to dress in sack cloth because men can't be expected to act like civilized human beings around put-together women. I understand why a man would be attracted to this is belief theory. But I'm getting more and more hazy on what's in it for women.

Honestly, whether or not you look like a prairie reject has fuckall to do with whether a man chooses to be a jerkwad or worse a predator.

I'm in a mood today and this is just seriously pissing me off. Way more than normal.

I managed to attract my then-husband back in the day when I was employed at a bakery wearing my drab uniform top, dark Levis' cords, work shoes, no make-up, wearing my long hair in a bun or braids up-pinned, and glasses! Yep, I must have been quite the vixen!

:scared-yipes: Well is it any wonder that man of yours was unable to resist? I mean, PANTS!!! And a JOB!!! I can't take all this blatant harlotry! :lol:


Because only scantily clad women are turn men on, right?

Really, I don't understand this extreme modesty thing. I've seen videos of women wearing head-to-toe coverings like burquas - which cover everything, including the eyes (mesh covering) and still getting harassed by men. Should we just stay in the house so as to not attract men at all?

Not to mention that it's human nature to present one's physical appearance in the best way possible. It's genetically hardwired in us to do so, to propagate the human race. Physical attractiveness is subconsciously (and in some ways, biologically) tied to fertility.

I don't understand how they cannot see that they are contradicting themselves. Don't dress like a dude, but hide that "female form"!! I HATE that phrase! Not to mention that modesty isn't just about dress. Girls like "God's Daughter" Raquel who showcase themselves in long gowns, pouty poses, and ethereal imagery aren't acting modest (according to their standards). I personally don't care, but you can't have one without the other. You can't preach biblical behavioral standards of "shamefacedness" and clothing "modesty" if you're posting pictures of yourself in images of fantasy. Because that's exactly what some of these girls are doing. Putting the idea of the perfect female fantasy in the minds of the boys she hopes to attract to her site under the guise of "from a guy's point of view". We know what you're trying to do, Raquel.

Not very "modest", if you ask me.


Ya know, lots of other animals use physical attributes to attract a mate. Why is it so weird that we would do the same? Many of the female characteristics that most men are attracted to (healthy weight, youth, big boobs etc) are signs of the ability to reproduce. The only difference I can see is that we have the ability to enhance those attributes artificially.


snarkykitty said:

Should we just stay in the house so as to not attract men at all?

Ding ding ding--you got it, snarkykitty! You win the fundie gold star! Stay in the house! Better yet, lock yourself in the closet with a bag over your head so you won't be offensive to men. That is the woman's proper place.

I love how they contradict themselves. Sex is horrible. Sex is a sin. Yet, sex is an irresistible force. And women will never understand it. It's a mysterious man thing that foolish females cannot comprehend. And yet, the existence of evil sex is all the fault of women--even though we don't even know what it is. Man is the ruler of everything, and yet, controlling his sex drive is entirely up to women. Men are perfect and better than us in every way, yet they are full of lust that we don't even understand. Whaaa?? Perhaps the teaching is designed to stupefy.

Clearly, fundie sex is for men only. By this reasoning, women have no sexual desire and no sexual needs. We are just objects for men to slaver over. Our only role in sex is to make sure the slavering is carried on properly with the permission of our headships. There's no reciprocity here, and no place for women to make our needs known. We don't have any.


:scared-yipes: Well is it any wonder that man of yours was unable to resist? I mean, PANTS!!! And a JOB!!! I can't take all this blatant harlotry! :lol:

And add to that, the smell of baked goods! What man could resist? Hell, what woman could resist?


If men are so damn weak minded, as they claim, they why do the fundies want to put them in charge of things?

snarkykitty said:

Ding ding ding--you got it, snarkykitty! You win the fundie gold star! Stay in the house! Better yet, lock yourself in the closet with a bag over your head so you won't be offensive to men. That is the woman's proper place.

I love how they contradict themselves. Sex is horrible. Sex is a sin. Yet, sex is an irresistible force. And women will never understand it. It's a mysterious man thing that foolish females cannot comprehend. And yet, the existence of evil sex is all the fault of women--even though we don't even know what it is. Man is the ruler of everything, and yet, controlling his sex drive is entirely up to women. Men are perfect and better than us in every way, yet they are full of lust that we don't even understand. Whaaa?? Perhaps the teaching is designed to stupefy.

Clearly, fundie sex is for men only. By this reasoning, women have no sexual desire and no sexual needs. We are just objects for men to slaver over. Our only role in sex is to make sure the slavering is carried on properly with the permission of our headships. There's no reciprocity here, and no place for women to make our needs known. We don't have any.

My thoughts exactly, a circle that does not make a lick of sense. In other words: You nailed it. Plus, the idea that women don't have any sexual desire or needs and men are the ones who need and get pleasure from it while ignoring that there's a reason women have clitorises and g-spots. Fundie men are probably not aware of those though and I won't be surprised if the women were not even aware of them. My HS health teacher never talked about it. No sex ed I took mentioned those, except the clitoris as a part without stating the purpose. Some cultures do know this however and they physically remove the clitoris so the woman can't enjoy sex as much. I'm honestly surprised some of the more extreme fundies haven't advocated for more horrible things like FGM and claim it prevents men from being tempted since they know they can't sleep with you and won't desire it or something just as ridiculous.

Fundies are so fucked up. Presumably in order to fail to tempt men, they should look like me (army boots, combats, hammer and sickle tshirt, unshaven pits and legs, shaven head, keffiyeh). Except, no! As this is the dress of a man, or somesuch.

So fundie women are told simultaneously "Attract men" and "Don't attract men." There may be a bit of a logical contradiction there.

I have a friend like you JFC. She doesn't wear combat boots though. ;) She has no problem attracting the gentlemen.

I'm always puzzled that men are weak and perverts so women shoulder all the responsibility in making sure men aren't. I think what makes me especially sad is to see women perpetuating these stereotypes. Is it because they want to be the holiest of holy? Are they trying to convince themselves of something?

I'm not sure what they are trying to accomplish. I wear bra tops for yoga and dance. My dance speciality pretty much requires it to accentuate your movements. Yoga. It's just easier. I'm not sure how you could exercise in super extremely modest clothing. I know it can be done but it just seems uncomfortable. My male friends always say "God bless Lululemon!" because of yoga pants. So there goes yoga pants.

Blah. should we women just not exercise for fear of defrauding the men?

Should we just stay in the house so as to not attract men at all?
Well, that WAS the original idea and practice in the wealthy families of the Middle East, India, and Asia. The word "harem" is derived from the Arabic word meaning "forbidden/sacrosanct place." The harem was where the wives and concubines, their young children, and female relatives of the head of household lived. In China, it was the hougong, the "palaces behind." In these separate places, no virile men were allowed; the women were generally guarded by eunuchs. Once you entered, you left the outside world behind. If they ever had to go out, they were completely covered and/or hidden in four-walled carts/carriages. Male children were removed once they reached a certain age. Entire lives were lived within these residences. Some women who were born in a harem might have never seen a man other than their father, the eunuch guards, their brothers (as young children), and their husband (after marriage, of course).

I have a friend like you JFC. She doesn't wear combat boots though. ;) She has no problem attracting the gentlemen.

I'm always puzzled that men are weak and perverts so women shoulder all the responsibility in making sure men aren't. I think what makes me especially sad is to see women perpetuating these stereotypes. Is it because they want to be the holiest of holy? Are they trying to convince themselves of something?

I'm not sure what they are trying to accomplish. I wear bra tops for yoga and dance. My dance speciality pretty much requires it to accentuate your movements. Yoga. It's just easier. I'm not sure how you could exercise in super extremely modest clothing. I know it can be done but it just seems uncomfortable. My male friends always say "God bless Lululemon!" because of yoga pants. So there goes yoga pants.

Blah. should we women just not exercise for fear of defrauding the men?

I know I mentioned this a few months back in another post, so I feel like I'm repeating myself but... I wear skirts when I exercise. I prefer them to workout pants (I feel weird and naked in pants in general) and the movement of the skirt keeps me cooler than pants have in the past!

If men are so damn weak minded, as they claim, they why do the fundies want to put them in charge of things?


Winner winner chicken dinner!

I wear skirts when I exercise.
Well, I have a running skirt that I originally bought sort of as a joke, but it's relatively comfy and kinda cute. Mine is mini/mid-thigh length, but several companies carry longer skirts that even the Duggars and Bates would approve of (at least in appearance - I don't think they would ever let their daughters wear them). For example, http://store.runningskirts.com/skirts/k ... ess-skirts or http://store.runningskirts.com/skirts/capri-skirts

I also looked up the Ballet Magnificat that a blogger mentioned, and while the women do wear sleeveless tops, it appears they always wear capri-length tights under their skirts. I can't tell if the skirts are attached to the tights to always keep them down, but that's possible. I've seen that done in theatre productions to keep skirts from flying up over the actors' heads during dance numbers or stunts. As long as the skirts as loose and flowy enough, it doesn't inhibit any ballet movements.

What you wear to exercise isn't really the question, though. I don't think many of these families would encourage their girls to exercise in a deliberate way because it's not "feminine," and exercise generally makes you more aware of your body and your physicality, which they want their daughters to avoid at all costs. Although, of course, it's perfectly acceptable to exercise in a ladylike way, inside your house, after marriage, to ensure your fitness for pregnancy (Michelle and the elliptical, anyone?).

Well, I have a running skirt that I originally bought sort of as a joke, but it's relatively comfy and kinda cute. Mine is mini/mid-thigh length, but several companies carry longer skirts that even the Duggars and Bates would approve of (at least in appearance - I don't think they would ever let their daughters wear them). For example, http://store.runningskirts.com/skirts/k ... ess-skirts or http://store.runningskirts.com/skirts/capri-skirts

I also looked up the Ballet Magnificat that a blogger mentioned, and while the women do wear sleeveless tops, it appears they always wear capri-length tights under their skirts. I can't tell if the skirts are attached to the tights to always keep them down, but that's possible. I've seen that done in theatre productions to keep skirts from flying up over the actors' heads during dance numbers or stunts. As long as the skirts as loose and flowy enough, it doesn't inhibit any ballet movements.

What you wear to exercise isn't really the question, though. I don't think many of these families would encourage their girls to exercise in a deliberate way because it's not "feminine," and exercise generally makes you more aware of your body and your physicality, which they want their daughters to avoid at all costs. Although, of course, it's perfectly acceptable to exercise in a ladylike way, inside your house, after marriage, to ensure your fitness for pregnancy (Michelle and the elliptical, anyone?).

Thanks for those links! My skirts are just cotton jersey, but I've wanted to try a proper athletic-y fabric for a while now.

I feel like I should say that I wasn't trying to comment on femininity and exercising, though.* I was just responding to the question "how on earth would that work?" I usually dress like a religious nutso, save for not covering my hair, but my activities have never been limited by my ankle length skirts (that's right, Duggars, I think your skirts are immodest). I guess I just have the urge to explain that you really can do anything in a skirt. :P

*I'm all for people doing what they want, dressing how they want to dress, etc. I don't think it's very cool at all that these women probably couldn't exercise even with properly modest apparel. Plus, recalling the King's Daughters ballet stuff and the girls' lack of hip turnout, I wonder how many other activities these women would have to modify to make them "acceptable"?


Fundies really don't think highly of men, so they. Statement, not a question. It's not that hard to keep the pants zipped and to not rape someone for being attractive. You simply...don't do it. If men can't keep enough control to not whip out their penises, then why are they in charge? It's really twisted.


Thanks for those links! My skirts are just cotton jersey, but I've wanted to try a proper athletic-y fabric for a while now.

I feel like I should say that I wasn't trying to comment on femininity and exercising, though.* I was just responding to the question "how on earth would that work?" I usually dress like a religious nutso, save for not covering my hair, but my activities have never been limited by my ankle length skirts (that's right, Duggars, I think your skirts are immodest). I guess I just have the urge to explain that you really can do anything in a skirt. :P

*I'm all for people doing what they want, dressing how they want to dress, etc. I don't think it's very cool at all that these women probably couldn't exercise even with properly modest apparel. Plus, recalling the King's Daughters ballet stuff and the girls' lack of hip turnout, I wonder how many other activities these women would have to modify to make them "acceptable"?

Yeah I trip over myself on a good day. :) i need to wear skirts that are short(er) because ankle length skirts a) are too long in my size and b) when I trip it's not modest at all! ;). I was just trying to figure it out because let's say you are doing yoga, you'd have to wear pants/shorts underneath anyway for some of the poses. I did hot yoga today and that's ~105 F. I tried to do it with long pants and a longer sleeved t-shirt the first time around. By the end I had stripped right down. To what I could anyway. Nike!!! It does seem very limiting what they could/couldn't do. Running is about the only thing I could think of. Pilates and yoga would be too defrauding. I don't see them switching to light breezy skirts for anything either.

If men are so damn weak minded, as they claim, they why do the fundies want to put them in charge of things?

Because it's God's will. No other answer necessary, for anything, ever.

let's say you are doing yoga
Well, I doubt many fundies are doing yoga, since that's a heathen practice, and might require them to say foreign words that have the power to deliver your soul straight to the debbil.

Namaste! :lol:

Well, I doubt many fundies are doing yoga, since that's a heathen practice, and might require them to say foreign words that have the power to deliver your soul straight to the debbil.

Namaste! :lol:

Haha. I was thinking about it though. If they want the women to be popping out kids left, right and centre they should be encouraging ab exercises! At least something. I don't know it would help Jicelle at this point but at least Anna would get something out of it. If she wants us to stop speculating she's pregnant. :lol:

Put Smuggar on the treadmill while we're at it.


Left a comment! (I don't use my real name on FB, so it's no skin off my nose.)

Why is "beauty" in "scare quotes"?

And if I understand it correctly, shame about one's body being naked entered the world via Adam's sin in the Garden of Eden. But didn't Christ die to redeem ALL sins, including that one? If that's the case, and we are free from sin through Christ, then we should be able to show a *lot* more skin than we currently do, y/y?



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