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More Planned Parenthood defunding - Arizona {merged}


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The conservative republicans in Arizona don't seem to realize that Planned Parenthood isn't just used for abortion, but for women who need help with other health issues, as well as men. Why do the fundies want to stop the universal health care and Planned Parenthood, but kill people in the middle east? They make no sense. *shakes head sadly*


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Called it earlier. I'll merge the two threads.

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Sorry, Sola. Didn't see you there. *blushes in embarassment* * :oops: *

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No worries, mine was down on page 2 anyway.

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I had my abortion in a state where abortions are not subsidized at PP unless you qualify for income reasons, and as someone who makes enough money to afford the procedure, I paid full price. Even with this passing, I wouldn't have been affected.

Now, I don't mind that. I am blessed to have a job where I can afford expensive medical procedures.

But my abortion meant that I spent a good amount of time out in the lobby. I was given medication that takes 2 hours to set in, then one hour before I got Xanax and pain pills, so while I was allowed to spend the waiting time back in the clinic, it's usually far less boring to spend it in the lobby with your "person" (to borrow a ref from Grey's Anatomy"). In my 2 hours sitting in a PP lobby, I saw most women there with families (a lot with YOUNG families). Many were clearly coming for prenatal care. A great deal looked to be from a low income bracket. More to the point, I was the only person in the recovery room. And since this was the only clinic to provide abortions in the area, I'm guessing that the abortion recovery room isn't exactly a busy place. But let me tell you, the lobby is!

So I know these people probably feel like heroes, but they should know this: a woman of reasonable means will be completely unaffected by their idiocy. The people who WILL be affected are the low income women who flooded the lobby looking for routine medical and prenatal care.

They haven't hurt anyone but the poor. And I'm pretty sure that's NOT what Christianity is about.

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*sigh* As a resident of Arizona, I would suspect that there's more than anti-abortion sentiment behind this. I also believe there's probably a good dollop of covert racism (of the "we don't like brown people" variety) as well, along with a general feeling that the poor don't deserve help. So many days of the week, I am embarrassed to live in Arizona.

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I think we all know I'm pro-life. Well this pisses me off. Money from taxpayers doesn't fund abortions as it is. The bit about making sure no money indirectly funds abortions, well if a woman has one and has complications, she shouldn't be left to suffer the complications and die. A big part of PP is to provide birth control to lessen the number of unwanted pregnancies. I favor opening up more clinics for even just this reason alone. Aside from birth control, there are many other reasons that people go to PP. It's bullshit that Arizona is doing this. They are hurting women. I don't know a single pro-lifer who things defunding Planned Parenthood is a good idea.

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