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Jewish girls should serve their brothers and fathers


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If you Google the names of these "Little People"-esque toys (we used to call them "mentchies" in Yiddish when I was a kid), you'll see that they're the real deal:


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What a find... oy vey.

I wonder whether this is a case of Christian fundamentalist social norms bleeding into Chareidi Judaism. Mind you, we have our own brand of crazy, to be sure... but this 'serving your male family members' just doesn't really strike me as a Jewish thing. Extreme modesty? Sure. But this? Not so much.

Odd and disturbing.

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Heh. I'd seen the Hanukkah set before on some people's blogs (kids playing with it).

Following the link here, I'm amazed that they have different basic sets for Yeshivish vs. Chassidish. Chassidish dad wears a streimel, of course, and the son only wears black and white...

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Maybe Faigy is the hired help? :)

Charedi Jews are friggin' scary. I agree with the earlier post that they are overly influenced by the right wing Christian culture. 50-100 years ago even Orthodox Jews would have agreed that the world is not less than 6000 years old and that the Torah is about symbolism and allegory. But, under the influence of the creationists and other nutjobs it seems that they've adopted the same rhetoric. Now, this is not everyone. I know quite a few Chabad and Ultra Orthodox Jews who basically say that they don't agree with the right winger stuff and they vote Democrat. But, they also won't discuss politics lest they have to get an earful from the right wing elements. The sad fact of the matter is that right wing seems to also mean louder and more argumentative.

If you look at photos of Ultra Orthodox women from the city or upper class families from a few generations ago you'll see them wearing berets with their real hair only covered somewhat. The women on the lower end would wear kerchiefs that normally didn't cover 100 percent of their hair and only the old and really backwards women wore full wigs that covered absolutely everything. And they were cheap ugly wigs. I've heard others say that this new super religious generation is in response to the Holocaust and problems in Israel. Like, if they go all they way and start being uber observant and then some that it will signal the coming of Moshiach (Messiah) faster or something.

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Occasionally Failed Messiah will post photos of famous gedolim and relatives/students/etc from the early part of the 20th century and yeah they're wearing normal clothes for the time - which meant suits (the fact that the 70's could have such a thing as the "leisure suit" says it all, about the ubiquity of suits) but they're not doing the penguin thing, and the women are exposing way more flesh than they do now.

As someone mentioned in the thread on frumsatire too, the book "Strictly Kosher Reading" talks about a lot of the retroactive history mythology going on. It's a good read.

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