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Ohio Mom-Catholicism is a false religion Part I


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Having grown up with Catholic friends, it always sickens me to hear "Christians" assume anyone not doing it "their way" is wrong.

1. Catholics believe in being baptised and doing works and following church rules for salvation instead of just a belief in Jesus, so obviously they are believing wrong. I mean, how dare people help others and get baptised, despite that Jesus himself was baptised.

2. Catholics have more books and therefore are taking and adding to the Bible, which is sin. This couple is Baptist, or "Bible-believers" as they claim. The husband here says that his grandmother died a Catholic and he seems to believe she's in hell because of it. Really sick if you ask me.

3. Catholics follow traditions and hold this high, so obviously it's sinful.

4. Catholics have repetitive prayer and call their priests "father" which is obviously sinful. Oh and Euchrist, infant baptism, nuns, confession, praying to Mary, no Friday feasts, statues in their churches, pope infallibility, purgatory belief, and praying for the dead are also what's wrong with Catholicism. I mean the idea of women devoting their life to God instead of a husband is totally sinful. She isn't supposed to be close to God, she exists to serve men and God and raise chlidren. Even though Paul says men and women shouldn't marry unless they can't control their sexual desires. Of course, Paul also says women are only saved through childbearing, so...yeah.

I'm not a Catholic and my parents aren't either, but this list speaks for itself. Most of the commenters tear into her a bit, but she dose back into "it's false, the end." I loved Sara's comment and Tracy trying to defend herself, but goes back into Catholics are wrong.

I could also go into a long diatribe about why Baptists aren’t biblical with their belief in once-saved, always saved or how their lack of tradition leaves everything open to interpretation, but I won’t. Because that would be assuming that I know EVERY Baptist on earth and what they believe and that because of those erroneous beliefs (not to mention the ridiculous TULIP doctrine) EVERY Baptist is unsaved.

Tracy returns and doesn't answer Sara's concerns or realize that Sara is saying all denominations and religions can be labeled as "false":

I don’t know any baptists personally, off hand anyways, who believe in that TULIP or Calvinism. We don’t, at my church. I may be writing about that false teaching later.

And “I†didn’t say “I†believe all Catholics are unsaved. But if anyone is depending on a list of do’s and don’ts from the Catholic Church organization for their salvation- well, that is not what the bible teaches, right?

God’s Word stands above every church tradition, every church teaching. If a church is not in subject to the Word of God…then the church is wrong.

TULIP for those who don't know and don't want to look it up: Total depravity (man has freewill only to sin and all men are depraved of the will for good because of the fall), Unconditional election (God saves a few from eternal damnation), Limited atonement (Salvation limited to the handful God so chooses), Irrestible Grace (Those saved desire to do good), and Perservance (desire and doing of good works)

I don't think Baptists believe TULIP, but Baptists do believe in: Once saved, always saved for those who truly were saved in Christ (also along the line of "if you fall away, you weren't truly saved" quite often). Baptists also baptise, though I don't think they believe it's required for salvation, but an expression of salvation or something (this from friends who're Baptist and what I'm recalling them telling me).



2. Catholics have more books and therefore are taking and adding to the Bible, which is sin. This couple is Baptist, or "Bible-believers" as they claim. The husband here says that his grandmother died a Catholic and he seems to believe she's in hell because of it. Really sick if you ask me.

I can appreciate people believing in Christianity because they like the idea of seeing their loved ones again in heaven, and are comforted by that belief. But believing that some of them will be burning in hell...I mean, congratulations on making yourself more miserable than anyone else ever could?


1. Catholics believe in being baptised and doing works and following church rules for salvation instead of just a belief in Jesus, so obviously they are believing wrong. I mean, how dare people help others and get baptised, despite that Jesus himself was baptised.

As a Catholic I could find something to say on all the above points, but I'll stick to this one for now because I was thinking about it earlier. After reading the BJU student handbook and learning more and more about the ridiculous rules people in the Gothard/ATI movement have to follow, people like this have some gall accusing the Catholic church of making its parishioners follow a set of rules, for salvation or otherwise. :roll: They may say their rules aren't meant for salvation but for how to live after you're saved, but their attitudes towards people who DON'T follow their rules to the last jot and tittle say far, far otherwise. :x


I can appreciate people believing in Christianity because they like the idea of seeing their loved ones again in heaven, and are comforted by that belief. But believing that some of them will be burning in hell...I mean, congratulations on making yourself more miserable than anyone else ever could?

I have a Catholic friend, recently converted and very old-school, who believes this as well. Apparently his family was once Catholic and turned Protestant. My friend's father died and my friend really does worry that his father is in Hell because he never returned to Catholocism.


I was raised Catholic although I do not attend any church now. It has always amazed me that so many people don't even seem to understand that Catholics are Christian. A younger relative of mine on my husband's side said to me 'So you're not a Christian then?' when I told her I was Catholic. I don't know if this is because of the dominance of the Church of England here or what. Bizarre.


I though the commenter "Jen" had some good points but she didn't even address what she had said. I can't stand people like that.

It always confuses me that people don't realize that Catholics, Mormons, etc are Christians. Christian = belief that Jesus is the son of God.

I though the commenter "Jen" had some good points but she didn't even address what she had said. I can't stand people like that.

It always confuses me that people don't realize that Catholics, Mormons, etc aren't Christians. Christian = belief that Jesus is the son of God.

Is that a typo? Because if not, I'm confused.


Yes, typo. Fixing now.

After reading the BJU student handbook and learning more and more about the ridiculous rules people in the Gothard/ATI movement have to follow, people like this have some gall accusing the Catholic church of making its parishioners follow a set of rules, for salvation or otherwise. :roll: They may say their rules aren't meant for salvation but for how to live after you're saved, but their attitudes towards people who DON'T follow their rules to the last jot and tittle say far, far otherwise. :x

Hi there! I've been lurking for a few months, but finally had to sign up to post on this one! This lady is a moron! She is local to me. I was actually in one of the FB groups she took over that was supposed to give info. on things to do free/cheap with kids in the area. Anyway, she's posted a few other religious-based things before that I tried to ignore. One day, she posted about this "great movie" for the family and all of the places that were playing it.....none other than Courageous, of course. I called her out on it and said Kirk Cameron was a jackoff and did nothing but use his celebrity (if you can call it that) to spew and propagate hate. She didn't like that very much, but lots of other people clicked my "like"! lol I unsubbed because I didn't want that junk cluttering up my FB page. Soon, she'll probably start promoting the Akron Fossil and Science Center. *rolls eyes*


Anti-Catholic attitudes are behind Santorum's losses, imo. Not enough conservative Protestants willing to back him. Considering that so many WASPs in the US are of descent from northern Europeans who left Europe when anti-Catholicism was at its strongest there, and the links between Catholicism and Communism, it's sad but not surprising that attitudes like this are so common.

Also, I am surprised that her church apparently is anti-Calvinism? Generally Baptists are Calvinists, and Anabaptists are Arminianists. Most Protestants are Calvinist to some extent, although obviously not all take it as far as fundies do.

For what it's worth, I take the classic Anglican position of hedging my bets and am neither Calvinist or Arminianist :)

Edited to add that sainthood exists in Protestantism too, even if they're not formal saints. The amount of hero-worship Calvin or Luther or the Wesleys get surely puts them in the same league as a saint. Catholics don't even worship saints anyway! They ask saints to intercede on their behalf - no different to asking a friend to pray for you. I don't believe that those who have gone before are conscious/can intercede because I believe in soul sleep, but it doesn't bother me that others believe differently.


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