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Women need to learn their place and RESPECT men!


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20 men speak about respect at Stay at Home Daughter, who did a lovely series about R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

1. When ladies let me lead. 2. When ladies receive the respect and love I want to show to them by trying to be a gentleman. 3. When ladies appropriately praise Christ-like character that they see in me. 1. When a lady does not understand who she is as a woman and does not act as one toward me. 2. When a lady attempts to take charge of certain situations instead of letting the men lead. 3. When a woman gossips about men.

Poor guy, perhaps he ought to see a doctor about his ego problem.

Failing to allow men to be “gentlemen†(opening doors, etc) Failing to acknowledge the real differences between the sexes

My dad and I had a discussion the other day about opening doors. He basically said he's older and he knows about this stuff more than I do to which I said I think I, as a woman, know what I want and sexism isn't it.

Not only does the way a woman dresses signify how she respects herself, it is also reveals if she cares about or respects the eyes of men she has contact with. An immodestly dressed woman is disrespecting a man because its not taking into consideration his greatest stumbling block, his eyes.

You as a woman have the power to show a man respect simply by your clothes in public.

Men do everything and anything for a women show some respect is all they ask.

They do? Really? Could have fooled me.

trying to dominate or control them

Pot meets the kettle.

One of the most common ways that women disrespect by usurpation in our society today is by not meeting their primary calling to be their husband’s helpmeet. Too often, the wife’s career takes precedence over how she can best help her husband fulfill his God-given calling. Unfortunately, husbands frequently do not have this mindset either, which often causes them to tacitly endorse their wives’ supposed calling.

So does he want to be the pot or kettle?

When you are disrespected by a woman does this typically motivate or demotivate you to please her or gain her respect?

This is one of her questions? Um, I'm certain anyone who feels someone has been disrespectful is going to feel "demotivated" to gain the respect of that person. That's a duh.

When that simple act of being a gentleman is ignored or worse scowled upon it is very disheartening. A generation ago that was seldom an occurrence. In this day it seems many woman think I am simply a “doorman†and seem to ignore the act of kindness.

Aw, he wants an award for holding open a door for women. Respect him dammit! He has a penis and that entitles him to be rewarded for opening up a simple door.

Generally women in our culture are taught to disrespect men. Men are some how less evolved then women.

TV is a bad example for respect, but I, as a feminist, believe men and woman are equal and deserve to be seen that way. Neither is less evolved than the other.

In our culture in general, I feel men are generally disrespected by women. I feel that women are often too forward and “manly†in the way they act.


About why women should respect men:

Our feministic culture has done everything in it’s power to strip away the very thing men want most, respect. It strives to crush the authority and worth of husbands, fathers, brothers, friends in the name of so called “equalityâ€.

Women are by nature nurturers and helpers designed to support and encourage the men that God has placed in their lives to protect, provide for and lead them.

God built within women the deep desire to be cared for and treasured by men but especially by their husbands. Likewise God designed men to long for the respect of women, especially their wives.

First, we must do this because it pleases God. How can we so callously discard the roles and desires He has so carefully placed in men?

Secondly, let us show respect to the men in our lives because of our love for them, because we are commanded to love them as we love ourselves.

She quotes Luke 10 here.

We were designed to enjoy properly respecting men, only after the fall did it become a struggle to maintain this fulfilling state. Also, when we rightly show respect it many times encourages men to treasure and protect us in return which greatly adds to our sense of fulfillment.



If we were all 'made' to fit into these rigid sex roles, nobody would have to talk about it. It'd be like reminding people to breathe in and out or telling babies they have to learn to walk. Nobody needs to be told to do what's innate and obvious. :roll:


That's a pretty good list....FOR ME TO POOP ON [/triumph the insult comic dog].

Talking about respect that much is a huge red flag. Especially since you can be damned sure that he isn't talking nearly as much about what men ought to do to EARN respect--except, you know, leading women. Vomit.


Why do they always think that women being equal to men must therefore emasculate men? I don't get it. I also don't get the whole door-holding argument. I've never complained or even failed to say thank you when someone holds the door for me. I naturally assume they're just being polite. But if you're holding the door open for me because you think I'm an attractive female, but let it slam in the face of an "ugly" woman, or another man, then you're not a gentleman, you're an asshole. And if I happen to be going in a building first, with someone behind me, I hold the door open for them. Man or woman. I'm not trying to emasculate them, it's just common courtesy!

Car doors is something else though. A guy running around to open the car door is kind of awkward, at best.Or pulling out chairs. That does make me uncomfortable.

Why do they always think that women being equal to men must therefore emasculate men? I don't get it. I also don't get the whole door-holding argument. I've never complained or even failed to say thank you when someone holds the door for me. I naturally assume they're just being polite...And if I happen to be going in a building first, with someone behind me, I hold the door open for them. Man or woman. I'm not trying to emasculate them, it's just common courtesy!

Same here, I always try to hold the door for people behind me. Maybe that's more a southern thing, I don't know, but I think that people who don't hold the door, regardless of their gender, are rude.

Car doors is something else though. A guy running around to open the car door is kind of awkward, at best.Or pulling out chairs. That does make me uncomfortable.

When a guy does this for me, I assume it's a sign that he's romantically interested.


when did this magical time happen?

when do these men learn their place in the world and learn to respect? hate to tell them but if you don't respect others you will never be respected. respect is earned and it does not come from having a set of balls god gave you. If you can't respect your wife why should she respect you??

Repeat after me we do not live in biblical times wives are not bought like cattle. get over yourselves.


This whole thing is one big WTF! I say it's time to put men in their places for a change and knock them off their pedestals! However, opening doors on the other hand is just plain good manners where I come from, so I personally don't have a problem with this. Heck, even I open doors for people of both sexes.

Guest Anonymous
This whole thing is one big WTF! I say it's time to put men in their places for a change and knock them off their pedestals! However, opening doors on the other hand is just plain good manners where I come from, so I personally don't have a problem with this. Heck, even I open doors for people of both sexes.

Do you ever read before you post? "Put men in their places?" Really? Equality is about having everyone standing on firm footing, side by side - not knocking people down.

I can't even with you.

Failing to allow men to be “gentlemen†(opening doors, etc) Failing to acknowledge the real differences between the sexes.

I'm the perfect gentleman, I open doors for people all the time. :lol: Honestly, you open a door for someone because it's polite, regardless of their gender (or yours). This silly notion of 'being a gentleman' should have nothing to do with it.

Dressing in “sexy†ways (clothes too tight and/or revealing). This is fine in private, but when out in public it looks as if she is trying to attract the attention of other men (and that is probably what is going to happen). I’m not saying a woman has to go out in public wearing a burqa, but she needs to be careful about how she dresses. She shouldn’t, even unknowingly, be making her man jealous.

Ways that men can respect women:Learn self-control. :roll:

trying to dominate or control them

That goes both ways, hon.

This piece is just so full of dumb. I wonder how old these 'men' are because I can guarantee that my 84-year-old liberal, feminist grandfather would have a few choice words to say to them about this crap they're spewing.

Why do they always think that women being equal to men must therefore emasculate men? I don't get it. I also don't get the whole door-holding argument. I've never complained or even failed to say thank you when someone holds the door for me. I naturally assume they're just being polite. But if you're holding the door open for me because you think I'm an attractive female, but let it slam in the face of an "ugly" woman, or another man, then you're not a gentleman, you're an asshole. And if I happen to be going in a building first, with someone behind me, I hold the door open for them. Man or woman. I'm not trying to emasculate them, it's just common courtesy!

Car doors is something else though. A guy running around to open the car door is kind of awkward, at best.Or pulling out chairs. That does make me uncomfortable.

Like others in the thread, I'm fine with opening doors for people and receiving the same favor from others. Pulling out chairs is kind of weird to me, but not over the top weird. REALLY weird was when a guy took me to a nice Italian restaurant and asked what I wanted to order. I told him, and much to my surprise and chagrin he ordered for me..."and the lady will have [horribly mispronounced pasta]". :shock:

I actually found it totally embarrassing. Not a child. Perfectly capable of ordering my own food AND I can pronounce it properly. Jeez.

That relationship didn't last LOL.

Guest Anonymous
20 men speak about respect at Stay at Home Daughter, who did a lovely series about R-E-S-P-E-C-T.


Where's Douglas Adams when you need him?: "Thank you for making a simple door very happy!"

Why do they always think that women being equal to men must therefore emasculate men? I don't get it. I also don't get the whole door-holding argument. I've never complained or even failed to say thank you when someone holds the door for me. I naturally assume they're just being polite. But if you're holding the door open for me because you think I'm an attractive female, but let it slam in the face of an "ugly" woman, or another man, then you're not a gentleman, you're an asshole. And if I happen to be going in a building first, with someone behind me, I hold the door open for them. Man or woman. I'm not trying to emasculate them, it's just common courtesy!

Car doors is something else though. A guy running around to open the car door is kind of awkward, at best.Or pulling out chairs. That does make me uncomfortable.

Bolded-that's happened to me more than once. I recall once when I was in a senior in HS and my sister was a freshman, two guys saw her coming and opened the door for her. I was literally right behind her. THey looked at me and shut the door in my face. Not insulting at all. Happened a couple weeks at school too. I was nearing the top of the stairs and some guy raced past me and opened the door for the young woman walking just ahead of me. As I got to the door, he shut it on me. I know he saw me right behind him. So, I'm the "ugly" woman those "chivalrous" men slam the door on. :lol: Really, all you can do is laugh at their stupidity and rudeness.


I looked at the original article, and it was just disturbing.

These guys are seriously being trained to see anything less than all women automatically submitting to them and allowing them to be the boss as "disrespect".

If we were all 'made' to fit into these rigid sex roles, nobody would have to talk about it. It'd be like reminding people to breathe in and out or telling babies they have to learn to walk. Nobody needs to be told to do what's innate and obvious. :roll:


That's a pretty good list....FOR ME TO POOP ON [/triumph the insult comic dog].

Talking about respect that much is a huge red flag. Especially since you can be damned sure that he isn't talking nearly as much about what men ought to do to EARN respect--except, you know, leading women. Vomit.

I had to highlight Triumph the insult comic dog.

And I have to say, I don't want, need or desire this kind of respect. Nope.


Who cares that much about having doors held open for them/having people to open doors for? Why the fuck is a door such a big sign of chivalry? JFC.

My favourite part about having doors held open for me, however, is when I'm at an awkward distance from the door and have to half-run to not seem like I'm taking my damn time for the person holding open the door.


Do you ever read before you post? "Put men in their places?" Really? Equality is about having everyone standing on firm footing, side by side - not knocking people down.

I can't even with you.

I think that the first time someone reads these comments, their first thought might be anger. However, we have to keep in mind that this isn't about every man just a few entitled fundamentalists. Extremism seems to breed anger and I think that these type of guys' look for things to be outraged over.

What fundamentalist women need to understand is that they will never win. THey will never be able to show fundamentalist men enough respect or be submissive enough. If, after having several children on a limited budget, these women age or put on a few pounds, the men in their lives will feel personally disrespected.


Do you ever read before you post? "Put men in their places?" Really? Equality is about having everyone standing on firm footing, side by side - not knocking people down.

I can't even with you.

I mean put them in their place as our equals, by knocking them off their I am the man therefore you will respect me, woman pedestal. Respect by the way is earned not a given in relationships. I didn't mean harm or dominate men. I'm sorry if I didn't make that clear. :oops:


I mean put them in their place as our equals, by knocking them off their I a man therefore you will respect me, woman pedestal. Respect by the way is earned not a given in relationships. I didn't mean harm or dominate men. I'm sorry if I didn't make that clear.

Actually, no you didn't.

You came here again determined "show FJ" that you have made a 180 turnaround from your last time here, and you are working too hard at it - without even thinking before you post. Maybe it would be better if you would read and think a while, and post less.


I understand why you would think that, but that is not true. I do see your point and maybe I do need to step away.



These guys remind me of spoiled, whiney children. The kind you want to smack, but don't, 'cuz that would be wrong. I want...I want...I want....

Where's the other side of the coin? What do women get in return for all this "respect"? They get to be "treasured" and "cherished". What does that mean exactly?

Give up your dreams. Give up your ambitions. Give up your dignity. Give up any control over your life. Give up the ability to change and grow. Give up your ability - better yet responsibility - to hold your partner accountable.

It's a pretty sour deal. Let the door slam in my face, bratty man-children. Thank you very much.


I'm pretty sure the only benefit women get out of respecting their headships is the right to wash his sacred skivvies. :eyeroll: Or, if you follow all of his spoiled man-boy rules, he MIGHT not call you a slut while treating you like his slave.

If we were all 'made' to fit into these rigid sex roles, nobody would have to talk about it. It'd be like reminding people to breathe in and out or telling babies they have to learn to walk. Nobody needs to be told to do what's innate and obvious. :roll:

Agreed. I hear this a lot, but then hear that women have to be "taught" to respect men because they "naturally" want to be respected and usurp a man's role. So, it's supposed to be natural for women to be loved and men respected, but yet women naturally don't want to show respect, they want respect too and don't want to be submission and let the men lead. Men who want respect are going by God-given instinct. Women who want respect are going against God's instinct. This concept allows for the notion that women need led because they don't know what's best for them like men do, that women are emotional, manipulative evil beings from the moment they exit the womb. Cursed for having a vagina. Really, these men hate women and women hate themselves for being women it seems. They don't even think they deserve to be treated like a person. I'm honestly surprised these women don't hate having daughters.

Of course these same people who perpetuate the myth don't see their own irony regarding respect. No one deserves respect. It has to be earned. Treating women like useless, weaker vessels who need protected isn't how a man will get it either. Why aren't women able to provide as well? They are perfectly capable usually? Sometimes men aren't capable for whatever reason (a disability or something). Men are supposed to protect women, but what do we women need protected from anyway? Creeps like the guys she interviewed who believe simply by existing they deserve to be respected and simply being a man means I'm supposed to show them respect for no other reason than being a woman? Yeah...no. Get over yourself already! With seven billion people living at this very moment, you aren't anyone special and don't deserve any more respect than anyone else (the guys she spoke to, not Conuly).

Rant over.


Sadly, part of the mindset of these folks is that, they believe they are 'Godly men' and as "Godly men" they automatically are entitled to the respect they rant on about. It is a rather bizarre form of reasoning. They are essentially, putting themselves on a pedestal. If you want to go with logical fallacies, I'd say it's the "no true Scottsman" argument.


Agreed. I hear this a lot, but then hear that women have to be "taught" to respect men because they "naturally" want to be respected and usurp a man's role. So, it's supposed to be natural for women to be loved and men respected, but yet women naturally don't want to show respect, they want respect too and don't want to be submission and let the men lead. Men who want respect are going by God-given instinct. Women who want respect are going against God's instinct. This concept allows for the notion that women need led because they don't know what's best for them like men do, that women are emotional, manipulative evil beings from the moment they exit the womb. Cursed for having a vagina. Really, these men hate women and women hate themselves for being women it seems. They don't even think they deserve to be treated like a person. I'm honestly surprised these women don't hate having daughters.

Of course these same people who perpetuate the myth don't see their own irony regarding respect. No one deserves respect. It has to be earned. Treating women like useless, weaker vessels who need protected isn't how a man will get it either. Why aren't women able to provide as well? They are perfectly capable usually? Sometimes men aren't capable for whatever reason (a disability or something). Men are supposed to protect women, but what do we women need protected from anyway? Creeps like the guys she interviewed who believe simply by existing they deserve to be respected and simply being a man means I'm supposed to show them respect for no other reason than being a woman? Yeah...no. Get over yourself already! With seven billion people living at this very moment, you aren't anyone special and don't deserve any more respect than anyone else (the guys she spoke to, not Conuly).

Rant over.

These people are not critical thinkers. They compartmentalize. They do not check their claims for logic or consistancy. They do not have the intellectual integrity to acknowledge or correct flaws in their reasoning. On some level they know their desire to be worshipped is ridiculous and unreasonable. However, this is unacceptable to them because they are so egotistical. Therefore, they make up a bunch of bullshit all scattershot to try and tackle arguments one by one rather than come up with an internally consistant argument. They are obligated to fall back on superstitious claims because they have no rational basis for their assertions. It fails on fairness. It fails on reasonableness. It fails on humaneness. It fails on basic decency. It fails on justice. It fails on ethics.

Okay...so you know where stand. Lol.


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