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Would the duggars consider this dancing?


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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoY_D6QH ... ure=relmfu


skip to 4 minutes in when they start the jazzercise routine. Is that considered dancing? We all know that the duggars diet when not divided by 20 people causes massive weight gain (Josh and his ability to get seconds AND thirds). Would this be considered blasphemous? It is held in a church and seems pretty harmless to me, just a community based way to get in shape using the most significant vessel in the city. however, dance moves are used, and now that I think about it, dance moves are used a lot in physical exercise. What makes something dancing and another thing "righteous?"


link is youtube so not breaking it


They considered a little boy swaying back and forth to a song on a Fisher-Price toy radio to be "dancing," so I'm pretty sure if it involves music and movement, it would be verboten.

I wonder, if you listen to music while "praying for blessings," does that count as dancing? :lol:


I think the Duggars would consider any kind of movement to music as "dancing" (or if one of the kids was doing it spontaneously as "jumping for joy"). Personally, dancing is a great way to stay in shape and it's easy to do. There are also a lot of water aerobic classes that could be considered dancing.

As for the "rule" they have against dancing- it's ridiculous. I can understand being against bumping and grinding (ew), but there's nothing wrong with a waltz, line dance, or just plain busting a move. It's about having fun and many people use dance as a method of worship or to demonstrate their faith.

They considered a little boy swaying back and forth to a song on a Fisher-Price toy radio to be "dancing," so I'm pretty sure if it involves music and movement, it would be verboten.

You see, this makes no sense. They are against dancing because it "stirs up unrighteous desires", yet a child as young as Jackson was has no idea what those "desires" are. Personally, JB probably sucks at dancing and doesn't want to be upstaged by one of his kids who may have natural talent in that area. I noticed on an episode of 18 Kids and Counting when they were talking about Johannah climbing everything in sight and the thought occurred to me that she might become a very good gymnast if she were allowed to take classes (it's not likely she would be very tall if her sisters are any indication and she'd probably stay skinny because of the lack of food at the TTH).


I really like the Church workout thingy, I am going to have to do a look and see if a church in my town offers something like that. I like it because it looked fun, family centered and no feelings of someone judging me pro or con.

To bad the Duggars can't see how wonderful all the different kinds of dance can be. Sure there is a newer trend for people to dance like their in the act of having sex but I don't call that dancing. Dancing can be a work of art, spiritual, life changing, mood lifter, exercise and just plain fun. Why do they have to take the joy out of Jesus? Bastards. :snooty:


They would definitely consider it dancing, and would not go for music with drums (or the devil's beat as they call it), and the clothes would be considered defrauding. So, yeah, I don't see them going for it.

On a different note....As an obese person myself, part of me makes me want to laugh, and part of me wants to cry. People just don't get it. Most of us don't sit on our asses all day eating. At least I don't. My food diary looks like that of an average weight person. For me the problem for me is exercise. Meniere's Disease complicates that since I'm prone to severe vertigo attacks. So that limits the physical activity for me.

Doctors have suggested gastric bypass or lap-band surgery. Here's the problem with those. They aren't the miracles they are made out to be. Someone I know (who weight over 600 lbs) had gastric bypass, results were immediate, this person was losing weight and exercising , but this person was suffering from nutritional deficiencies because their body was getting the proper nutrients, and supplements weren't helping. Their hair was falling out, and they looked a lot, and I mean a lot older than they actually were, and had loose skin from the weight loss hanging all over their body. They did lose a lot of weight though. I lost contact with this person andrRan into them again, and this person looked bigger than before surgery, and no, the surgery hadn't been reversed. The little pouch left for a stomach stretched just like a normal stomach would. Hardly the miracle surgery. So you see, it takes a complete lifestyle change and psychological help. I can't say if this person got that kind of help or not. They didn't want to discuss the WLS anymore. And let's not forget genetics can play a factor.

For me personally, if I can get my Meniere's Disease under control, I might consider lap band surgery rather than having my guts re-arranged because the band is adjustable. But I would first need to change my lifestyle (which isn't easy at at all), psychological and spiritual help before I have the surgery and get on a good diet and exercise plan approved by my doctor(s). You have to get to the root of the problem from all angles. And let's not forget genetics can play a factor, too. So, it's not a matter of stop eating and getting off your ass and exercising. A lot of people don't and won't see or accept that.

Off my soapbox now.

ETA a few times to add details & to correct grammar/spelling


I can't find the episode where Jackson 'dances' anyone know?

I can't find the episode where Jackson 'dances' anyone know?

I know that the episode had Jessa or Jill telling the cameras that Jackson wasn't dancing but that he was jumping for joy. They were at a store and Jackson was on the floor playing with a toy with music and his father stopped him after he started reacting like most people do when they hear music (start grooving, tapping their foot, moving their head to the beat).


I know that the episode had Jessa or Jill telling the cameras that Jackson wasn't dancing but that he was jumping for joy. They were at a store and Jackson was on the floor playing with a toy with music and his father stopped him after he started reacting like most people do when they hear music (start grooving, tapping their foot, moving their head to the beat).

It would have been in the 17 kids and counting season as they were in a baby store buy new not used for baby Jordyn. Try look ing there.


It would have been in the 17 kids and counting season as they were in a baby store buy new not used for baby Jordyn. Try look ing there.

I shall do my best.


Found it


You see, this makes no sense. They are against dancing because it "stirs up unrighteous desires", yet a child as young as Jackson was has no idea what those "desires" are. Personally, JB probably sucks at dancing and doesn't want to be upstaged by one of his kids who may have natural talent in that area. I noticed on an episode of 18 Kids and Counting when they were talking about Johannah climbing everything in sight and the thought occurred to me that she might become a very good gymnast if she were allowed to take classes (it's not likely she would be very tall if her sisters are any indication and she'd probably stay skinny because of the lack of food at the TTH).

In the one of the World Tour episodes, JB did some kind of dance and he sucked at it.


I would love to force the Duggars to watch So You Think You Can Dance, Dancing with the Stars, and maybe some Zumba or dance fitness videos. I think Michelle would react ok. Boob would be horrified and the younger kids wouldn't know how to respond.

I can't find the episode where Jackson 'dances' anyone know?

I can't find it. But poor Jackson wasn't even dancing. He was imitating a robot. How is that dancing?


I can't find it. But poor Jackson wasn't even dancing. He was imitating a robot. How is that dancing?

scroll up- I said I found it :)


Ok, I subjected myself to the "...And Baby Makes 18!" finale episode of the first season of 17 Kids and Counting. My goodness, there was a ton of snark-worthy material in this episode. First, there was Jinger's epic eye-roll when Josh and Anna said they hadn't picked their letter yet (plus Anna sitting in Josh's lap which was OTT- get a room, for real). Then, the kids acting like beasts in the new chapel that had been built in the hospital where Michelle was going to deliver (my parents would not have allowed us to act that way).

Anyway, the Jackson scene took place at a baby store Michelle was at while she was buying new stuff for Jordyn (how a woman with 17 children needs to buy new stuff when she just had another baby less than a year before is ridiculous). Michelle had told the howlers to go play with the toys in the toy area of the store so she could keep looking and the camera recorded Jackson pressing the button on a music toy and bopping his head to the music and doing a pseudo-robot move. The cameraman asked Jana why Jackson was dancing if it was against the rules. Jana said he wasn't dancing, but jumping for joy. She even went and watched Jackson do it (same movement) and it still didn't register. Then JB spouted off some garbage about how music can control you.

Also, on a side note, many of the moves they show Michelle and Anna doing during those pre-birth classes are far more scandalous than a line dance could ever hope to be.


In the one of the World Tour episodes, JB did some kind of dance and he sucked at it.

See- my point has been proven. :lol: Why wouldn't I be surprised if JB took over the car lot from Josh if it ever became successful? He can't stand his kids being better than him.


I can't find it. But poor Jackson wasn't even dancing. He was imitating a robot. How is that dancing?

It was a small child reacting like all children do when they hear music- they bop their head in time, tap their foot, or move in time with it (or just do their own thing, haha).



More of that "Do as I say, not as I do" Duggar mentality...


That looks like he's trying to do a kazatsky. (I may have spelled that wrong.)

Edited to say: I am the sin in the camp! Muahahahaaaa...


I found that it is called the Hopak. And according to Wikipedia, Stalin was a fan ... "Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin once famously forced his eventual successor Nikita Khrushchev (who had been the Communist Party chief in Ukraine) to dance the Hopak."

Not only did Jim Bob do a dance ... He did a dance loved by a Commie! :shock:

I found that it is called the Hopak. And according to Wikipedia, Stalin was a fan ... "Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin once famously forced his eventual successor Nikita Khrushchev (who had been the Communist Party chief in Ukraine) to dance the Hopak."

Not only did Jim Bob do a dance ... He did a dance loved by a Commie! :shock:

The hopak? Good to know.

But boob still looks like an arse doing it.

I would love to force the Duggars to watch So You Think You Can Dance, Dancing with the Stars, and maybe some Zumba or dance fitness videos. I think Michelle would react ok. Boob would be horrified and the younger kids wouldn't know how to respond.

I would love the force them to watch a performance of "The Nutcracker". Even though the costumes are modest by many modern ballet standards, the costumes would be defrauding to the Duggars. Then they would complain that a Christmas show has nothing to do with Jesus. Then there is all of the occult stuff in the ballet - fairies, magic dolls, evil animals. The most innocent ballet ever would be seen as evil. No one would care about the gorgeous sets or costumes or beautiful music.

For me personally, if I can get my Meniere's Disease under control, I might consider lap band surgery rather than having my guts re-arranged because the band is adjustable. But I would first need to change my lifestyle (which isn't easy at at all), psychological and spiritual help before I have the surgery and get on a good diet and exercise plan approved by my doctor(s). You have to get to the root of the problem from all angles. And let's not forget genetics can play a factor, too. So, it's not a matter of stop eating and getting off your ass and exercising. A lot of people don't and won't see or accept that.

Off my soapbox now.

ETA a few times to add details & to correct grammar/spelling

Hear, hear! I wish more poeple understood that! It's easier to blame us for our weight problems than accept that their thinness has less to do with their self-control (which we should be so admirable of) and more to do with being blessed with a good to normal metabolism.


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