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Biblical Pornography


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If Lori hates pornography, why doesn't she also hate the Bible for including the Song of Songs? I tried leaving a comment, but it hasn't been approved. lorialexander.blogspot.com/2012/04/50-shades-of-evil.html


She wrote me an email. (I had posted my comment as "Tina"):

"Dear Tina ~

Song of Solomon is not pornographic. I am sorry but it can't even compare to this book.



Really? Because I'm pretty sure there were a number of passages in that part of Scripture that seemed to speak directly to me and the man I was dating at one point. I even lent him [link=http://www.amazon.com/The-Song-Songs-Library-Classics/dp/0812976207/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1335806062&sr=8-1]my copy[/link] of the book so he could see the passages that seemed to perfectly describe us and our relationship.

Maybe Lori thinks "pornographic" means "sexual stuff that I think is icky", not "sexual material, icky or not". Using such a definition, the Song of Songs is not pornographic to Lori...even though it says things like, "Let's arise early to the vineyards; we will see if the vine has budded and if the pomegranate has blossomed. There, I will give you my love." (7:13)


I think of Song of Solomon as erotica rathern than pornography.


I dunno, I think Ezekiel 23 is pretty wretched stuff...rape, genitals like donkeys and emissions like that of horses...and this is supposedly God speaking. Yuck.

I think of Song of Solomon as erotica rathern than pornography.

Sure, but I bet Lori wouldn't consider it erotica, either.

I dunno, I think Ezekiel 23 is pretty wretched stuff...rape, genitals like donkeys and emissions like that of horses...and this is supposedly God speaking. Yuck.

God IS a stud :dance:


Ezekiel 16:7

7 I made you grow like a plant of the field. You grew and developed and entered puberty. Your breasts had formed and your hair had grown, yet you were stark naked.

8 “‘Later I passed by, and when I looked at you and saw that you were old enough for love, I spread the corner of my garment over you and covered your naked body. I gave you my solemn oath and entered into a covenant with you, declares the Sovereign Lord, and you became mine.

That is god talking about Israel who he found as an abandoned newborn.

In Genesis, the widow Tamar decided to dress like a prostitute and seduce her FIL in order to get pregnant

Ezekiel 16:7

That is god talking about Israel who he found as an abandoned newborn.

In Genesis, the widow Tamar decided to dress like a prostitute and seduce her FIL in order to get pregnant

And who can forget that in the Biblical version of the story, Lot's daughters got him drunk and slept with him. So, fundies are OK with reading about incest and emissions of donkeys, but God forbid they hold hands! 0_o


You know, I've wondered - how do they rationalize that stuff? Especially with their kids? Do they just skip over the R-rated parts, or do they explain it away like the do with wine? :think:


None of the fundies that I know talk about it. I did mention all the killing in the OT to one of them to see if I could get some discussion, but she kind of went oh yeah and then changed the subject. The R rated got no response except her asking me about something completely non-religious.


What I'm wondering is, if some young fundie became obsessed and kept reading Song of Solomon every day over and over, would the parents be upset? It's the Bible, after all...

What I'm wondering is, if some young fundie became obsessed and kept reading Song of Solomon every day over and over, would the parents be upset? It's the Bible, after all...

:clap: :laughing-rolling:

What I'm wondering is, if some young fundie became obsessed and kept reading Song of Solomon every day over and over, would the parents be upset? It's the Bible, after all...

Jewish fundie girls read it in the hopes that they'll find a husband.

What I'm wondering is, if some young fundie became obsessed and kept reading Song of Solomon every day over and over, would the parents be upset? It's the Bible, after all...

Actually, I have heard people talk about how unmarried people shouldn't spend much time reading or studying SoS because it stirs up things they shouldn't be feeling yet.


And who can forget that in the Biblical version of the story, Lot's daughters got him drunk and slept with him. So, fundies are OK with reading about incest and emissions of donkeys, but God forbid they hold hands! 0_o

And he offered his two virginal daughters up be raped in the angels' place. I can't imagine what type of family dynamic they had.

I've often wondered why the angels didn't tell Lot's daughters," Hey, don't have sex with your dad. The world isn't going to end."

It might not be pornagraphic but how David won Saul's daughter is strange. The King offered the hand of his daughter in return for several enemy foreskins. Can you imagine David walking through the battle field, pulling up men's robes and wacking off the top of their penises?

IF the bible came with photos, it would have been censored.


Actually, I have heard people talk about how unmarried people shouldn't spend much time reading or studying SoS because it stirs up things they shouldn't be feeling yet.

Hmmm, iiiinteresting :think:


Warning: rant ahead, proceed with caution:

I call BULL...SHIT!!

How in the world could this blogger simply ramble on about some book she's never even read and won't read just because she has to follow philipians 4:8 (a verse taken completely out of context in all cases when used). How does she even know it's pornography if she hasn't read it? That's like my doing an entire semester's worth of homework without cracking open a textbook.

Her attitude seems completely condescending, irresponsible, and lazy. And yet she also uses the Bible of course as a prime reference to back her up, a book that throughly details rapes, child brides, murders, and genocide carried out in the name of god. I'm so sick and tired of hearing "seek the creator of sex" over and over. Is this woman expecting her readers to breed in a bundling bag?

Oh, and if you're wondering exactly what's penned in the book she recommends, here's a sample:

How to impress a woman: compliment her, cuddle her, kiss her, caress her, love her, stroke her, tease her, comfort her, protect her, hug her, hold her, spend money on her, dine her, buy things for her, listen to her, care for her, stand by her, go to the ends of the earth for her

How to impress a man: show up naked!

A la a stereotypical romcom.... Is it assumed that women are so stupid we can't get creative to impress our guy?

What do you guys think?


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