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Democrats' One Misson Is Aborting Children, Says MS Gov


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Days after he signed a law that would effectively shut down his state's only remaining abortion-performing clinic, Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant accused Democrats of having one mission in life: "to abort children."

"The hypocrisy of the left that now tried to kill this bill, that says that I should have never signed it, the true hypocrisy is that their one mission in life is to abort children, is to kill children in the womb," Bryant told conservative radio host Tony Perkins on Tuesday.

http://news.yahoo.com/mississippi-gov-s ... itics.html

I am so ashamed: I'm 34 years old and have never had an abortion! Here I am focusing on other goals, when I should be working toward fulfilling my one mission!

Seriously, though: this is the kind of thing only our craziest fundies would say out loud, or so I thought. Is this what the right wing actually thinks?


I was thinking of posting this but it was so lame it was hardly worth the effort.


I hated reading that article. Not all Democrats are pro-choice.

I hated reading that article. Not all Democrats are pro-choice.

Right, but even if they are, they're not solely fixated on abortion. (I would guess that many, if not most, pro-choice people rarely even think about abortion.)

I really wonder if these crazies believe what they're saying, or if they'll say anything at all to get votes/attention/create a boogeyman.


He obviously hasn't been reading his emails, the GOP is supposed to say the Democrats' number one goal it to get all Americans dependant on the government, duh.

I'm with darkplumaged, 36 and never had an abortion, I can't believe I've been doing it wrong!


Well, I wouldn't say that's my ONE mission. I'm also hell bent on destroying the family, and I need to do my laundry as well.


Democrats are pro-choice. Meaning they support women making their own choices about their own bodies. Sometimes, that means choosing to have a child. So, by definition, Democrats aren't all about abortion. Since a majority of women don't have abortions even if given the choice, I'm not sure how this idiot thinks Democrats are all about abortion. They aren't forcing people to get them.

I have had an abortion. It was a pregnancy that was never going to be viable and the abortion probably saved my life and definitely saved my fertility. My son wouldn't be here today if I hadn't had the choice of aborting my first pregnancy. I'm glad I had the choice to save my health. I'm an intelligent, college educated individual. I'm certainly capable of making my own choices without ridiculous politicians or religious nut cases shoving their fat noses in my business.


Wait, I thought our mission had to do with a gay agenda? Is someone not sending me all the memos?


WTH can't these politicians focus on real issues, like say the economy?


Or getting us out of the endless fucking wars we're currently fighting.


*sigh* Mississippi is almost always ranked last in the nation in education, health, quality of life, etc. With a governor like that it's no surprise that it's not getting any better for that state. There's got to be some smart, sensible people in that state - they need to rise up!

Wait, I thought our mission had to do with a gay agenda? Is someone not sending me all the memos?

I know! I need to file a complaint. I did not hear about the agenda to make everyone gay, and now I am finding out that I was totally unaware of the agenda to abort children. First, I would like to know how you abort a child, because I only know of abortion as it pertains to fetuses. Second, if we are promoting abortion, then we would have to give up most of the Democratic platforms like birth control and social services. So I definitely need to get my memos.

Also, I never received my rainbow toaster. :( You are dropping the ball, party leadership.


Democrats want to make abortion safe and rare. That is why they encourage sex education in schools that is heavy on teaching about birth control. It is also why they want to maintain and in some cases increase access to birth control.

This governor is also kidding himself and living in a fantasy land if he thinks he is going to stop abortion in his state. Women and girls will go out of the state or they will self abort.

WTH can't these politicians focus on real issues, like say the economy?

Yeah. You would think the governor of MS would be focusing on getting jobs or better jobs for the 20 percent of his state that is on food stamps. He could also focus on making MS schools, which are the worse in the nation, better. And both those problems are only going to get worse if you force more low income women into having kids when they are not financially ready.


The fundys are single issue voters...don't kill the babies. That's it. They'll swallow whole anything any GOP candidate says as long as somewhere in there he says that he doesn't want the babies to be killed.


Damn! They're onto you guys. Quick, get into the abortion bunker.


Yes, we liberal voting wimin are all about getting knocked up just to abort. It's a requirement ya know.

What a tool. Bet they have abstinence only education there. Idiots.


Somebody needs to ask the governor-



da ebil birth control leads to wimmens bein' sluts and skanks yanno...little hussies suddenly gain a sex drive and go all nuts over the menfolk. can't have the wimmenfolk thinkin' that sex is a good thing...they might forget their duties...

Somebody needs to ask the governor-


Isn't it obvious? All the Democrats secretly know that birth control IS abortion silly! So the more sex we can encourage, even when that sex involves birth control or EC, the more clumps of cells baybeez we get to kill... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


How else are we supposed to eat?

ETA: Blech, I thought too hard about it and I think I just grossed myself out.


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