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Most. Boring. TV. Show. EVARRR. Thx, EWTN!


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This morning on "Women of Grace" with Johnette Benkovic, she and two guests are discussing how to sort laundry. Johnette is wearing a giant set of fake pearls and a shiny red blouse, because you totally need the pearls to clutch while discussing how you must use hot water to get the bacteria out of your soiled undies.

Gahhh. The Protestant fundies we snark on need years of special training to learn how to do the headship's undies properly. I guess fundie Catholics are even more challenged--they need a TV show to help them with the laundry. Ladies, this is your career! Take careful notes! Next up: how to fold towels!!


Wait a minute, there's a religious show that teaches women how to clean their underwear...LOL! My mother taught me that as did her mother and so on. We didn't need a stinking (pun intended) tv show to tells us how to clean our underwear or clothes in general for that matter! That has got to be some of the dumbest stuff on tv...LOL!


I thought you were going to talk about Mother Angelica says the rosary or some show like that on EWTN, but I got to say that show sounds worse.


I just missed it. That might have been good for a laugh.


But doesn't Martha Stewart do stuff like that as well? I know I've watched a 5 minute segment on how to fold a fitted sheet, or how to properly organize your cleaning supplies and other mindless stuff that only Martha obsesses over.


Seriously?!? I've been doing laundry since I was 10 or so.....hell, I even cloth diapered my last kid! I've never had a problem with doing laundry and needing a TV show to tell me how!


I am Catholic and I have a very hard time watching EWTN- watch the kids programing- I wonder how Catholic kids are not weird.

Honestly they use the blessed Mother Mary as someone to look up to when writing the book on cleaning the house. Mary would have cleaned house like every woman in Biblical time. hmmm I don't know seems interesting and out of place even for a Catholic like me. But I am not fundie Catholic

I am Catholic and I have a very hard time watching EWTN- watch the kids programing- I wonder how Catholic kids are not weird.c

Yeah, I grew up watching Veggie Tales and The Donut Man on EWTN, and looking back at some of the episodes (Especially The Donut Man), I just think "WTF is this cheesy crap?"

Quote from the Donut Man:

"Life without Jesus is like a donut; there's a hole in the middle of your heart" Oy :doh:


I have to ask, who actually watches EWTN? Is it Catholic fundie women only? Do mainstream Catholics watch it?


When we had cable, I would watch Women of Grace for my own personal daily snark-fest. Just wait until they re-run the episode with the "occult researcher." Hi-freakin-larious!


Yeah, I grew up watching Veggie Tales and The Donut Man on EWTN, and looking back at some of the episodes (Especially The Donut Man), I just think "WTF is this cheesy crap?"

Quote from the Donut Man:

"Life without Jesus is like a donut; there's a hole in the middle of your heart" Oy :doh:

Insert commentary about the AWESOMENESS that is donuts here. /irony


Yeah, I grew up watching Veggie Tales and The Donut Man on EWTN, and looking back at some of the episodes (Especially The Donut Man), I just think "WTF is this cheesy crap?"

Quote from the Donut Man:

"Life without Jesus is like a donut; there's a hole in the middle of your heart" Oy :doh:

I'm ashamed to admit I had The Donut Man on cassette and VHS and knew all the songs...its all my mother's fault! However, she also didn't teach me how to do laundry, including underwear. I figured it out myself.

But doesn't Martha Stewart do stuff like that as well? I know I've watched a 5 minute segment on how to fold a fitted sheet, or how to properly organize your cleaning supplies and other mindless stuff that only Martha obsesses over.

Martha may have done 5 minutes on how to fold a fitted sheet, but she does not devote 30 minutes to it. Martha also admitted that she hates folding the damn things and just uses flat sheets on her bed.


Quote from the Donut Man:

"Life without Jesus is like a donut; there's a hole in the middle of your heart" Oy :doh:

So Jesus is a donut hole?


Hmm, I just did a little more research on Johnette's guest ladies who were so helpful in teaching me at long last how to fold a fitted sheet tidily. Mary Hunt is shilling for a company called "Home Advantage Plus" (google homeadvantageplus.com) and is President of Lexington College. She describes the college as "a faith-based college inspired by Jose-Maria Escriva." In other words, it's an Opus Dei institution. It's all-women. They are teaching women to be the perfect housekeepers so they can be useful to the cult. Home Advantage Plus is a program you can buy for any ladies you may have around the house, to help them see that their primary role should be perfect cleansing of your undies. It features "discussion groups" to help the ladies get the right understanding of housework.

Thanks, I'll stick with my cream-filled, sugar-frosted life without Jesus. I'll fill that hole in my heart with a little raspberry jam. ; )


I have been Catholic my whole life and didn't know that these type of shows existed. I have never known a fundy Catholic. Not even the families at my Catholic school were fundies when I was a kid. Just looking at the state of my house it is quite obvious that my mother didn't teach me to clean or do laundry. She helped me with homework and made sure that I got the best education she could afford. She never cared if my room was a mess as long as I came home with good grades. Then again, my mother only raised me to be independent and wanted to make sure that I could always take care of myself. Maybe it is because of where I am from but I have never known anyone who raised their daughters to only be housewives. The parents I knew only cared about educating their children regardless of their gender.

As to entertainment, my mother, an extremely devout Catholic, let me watch pretty much anything I wanted, especially the gory scary movies I loved. The only thing she would not let me see was Purple Rain because of the sex scene. Of course, that didn't keep her from going to see it without me and yes, I am still bitter about that. Who are all these Catholics that can only watch or do certain things because of the Church? I learn so much on Free Jinger.


First of all, folding fitted sheets is hard. My arms are not long enough or something. It took me years to master it and actually get the folded sheet the same size as the folded top sheet so they would stack nicely.

Second, a half hour on laundry? I knew these fundie bitches seemed kind of oblivious, but I did not realize they were that behind.

First of all, folding fitted sheets is hard. My arms are not long enough or something. It took me years to master it and actually get the folded sheet the same size as the folded top sheet so they would stack nicely.

I never did figure out how to get the fitted sheet to fold neatly. So I just stopped caring. :D As long as nothing falls down off the shelf, it's all good.


I'm terrible at folding sheets, so I just wad them up if I don't have anyone around to help me.


Yeah, I don't really see the need to fold sheets. I just roll it into a ball-ish type thing and stuff it in my closet. Who cares how neat it looks in there?

Guest Anonymous

I never did figure out how to get the fitted sheet to fold neatly. So I just stopped caring. :D As long as nothing falls down off the shelf, it's all good.

I learned how to fold fitted sheets from Free Jinger. True story. So never let the fundies get away with saying that we're not Titus 2ing all over this place. (Although I think it was SEK who linked me the video, and I think I'm older than her, but whatever! I learned something householdy from the pit of feminist vipers.)


I dont fold sheets. I ball them up until needed, shoved in the closet. When I need them I stick them in the dryer for 10 minutes and "wa la" no wrinkles!


Who notices wrinkles on fitted sheets anyway? I confess to enjoying some cleaning chores (everything but cleaning the bath and washing dishes) but for me ironing bedlinen is up there with ironing socks and underwear :)


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