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Be nice, "even if he doesn't deserve it"


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I suppose we can always count on Lori to fill us in: lorialexander.blogspot.com/2012/04/bitterness-defiles-many.html


Nice guilt women by bringing up their kids.


Being mad at your husband for cheating on you: ruins your children's lives

Being mad at your daughter for telling you your husband is cheating on you, calling her a liar, and allowing your husband to mistreat her for years: definitely not the cause of any problems your child has, see above.

ETA: Do I have the right person? I feel like I don't.

ETA2: I have the wrong person, I was thinking of Treasures from a Shoebox. But maybe I found a good example of that advice going horribly wrong?


This would be the same Lori that tells mother who can't breastfeed that they should BUY A GOAT to feed their babies - because it's not like unpasteurized milk has the potential to kill them, right?

I'd also introduce her to the former client of mine who decided to go off of chemo for her breast cancer and pursue alternative treatments, but I can't since she's dead. Yes, chemo is hellish, but it has a better chance of keeping you alive.

http://lorialexander.blogspot.ca/2012/0 ... aline.html

This would be the same Lori that tells mother who can't breastfeed that they should BUY A GOAT to feed their babies - because it's not like unpasteurized milk has the potential to kill them, right?

I'd also introduce her to the former client of mine who decided to go off of chemo for her breast cancer and pursue alternative treatments, but I can't since she's dead. Yes, chemo is hellish, but it has a better chance of keeping you alive.

http://lorialexander.blogspot.ca/2012/0 ... aline.html

I prefer to stay alkaline by hyperventilating over stupid people on the internet.


It's really a stretch to go from "defiles many" to "defile your children forever."


As for the OP post: conspicuously absent seems to be the idea that you can actually have a heart-to-heart chat with your husband about whatever is bothering you. No, better repress it until you can pretend that the feeling doesn't exist.


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