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Your day compared to the Duggars, Bates and Josh


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Since the Duggars are no longer on the campaign trail I thought it would be interesting to compare our days with theirs.


So today I got up at 6am, feed the cat nursed my little girl. Got the kids off to school on the bus, got oil changed, went shopping, cleaned, started my blog on the next Duggar special, talked to hubby about the kids going to grandma so we could have some actual 'alone time'. We might go see the Lucky One in theaters.


Comapred to the Duggar, Bates and Josh I got a lot more done. Some was similar but I am sure that Michelle and Jim Bob 'thought about work and Josh might have dragged himself out of bed at 9:30 ;)

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Today I got up, chatted briefly with my boyfriend, and left for school. I'm studying sociology, so in the 3 classes I had today we discussed welfare reform, education, and ethics. I also lead an exam review for a couple of German classes, and stopped to chat with my guy friend, unsupervised. I did a lot more today than the Duggar and Bates girls would ever be allowed to do.


GOt the kids up & dressed at 6:30, ate breakfast as a family, dropped the kids off at school & went to mass. Worked until 1230.

Today I got up, chatted briefly with my boyfriend, and left for school. I'm studying sociology, so in the 3 classes I had today we discussed welfare reform, education, and ethics. I also lead an exam review for a couple of German classes, and stopped to chat with my guy friend, unsupervised. I did a lot more today than the Duggar and Bates girls would ever be allowed to do.

Sad but true, just saying boyfriend and school makes a huge diffence in your day compares to the girls


Sat on my ass minus doing some laundry and making frozen pizzas for supper.

If I can bath and manage to brush my teeth during a bad bout of mood swings, I'm set for the day lol!


I wrote something out but it didn't post...my day is more like Smuggar's. I don't usually where real clothing because I rarely leave the house. But I did use the word outside job so I am beating the Duggar girls. I am also doing the laundry and finishing up the dishes, so I guess I do slightly more than Smuggar. Kudos to everyone! I remember being so busy I had to have every day planned to the half hour.


Got up at 6.30, made coffee, got daughter's breakfast ready, wash up, put a load of laundry in. Got dressed, got daughter dressed, reminded teenage son that washing face involves actual soap and water, made more coffee, had my breakfast, took daughter to school, came home, did another load of laundry, made beds, set off to see neurologist in next city.

Saw neurologist, drove back to my town, went to market and bought fruit and veg for next week. Went to Cosco, which is in same city as neurologist (no I really didn't think that one through at all), bought meat to fill up freezer, drove home.

Did more laundry, sorted freezer out and split up the meat just bought, tidied up and vacuuming, made lunch, washed dishes, checked FJ, more laundry (it's changing beds day), had a lay down for an hour due to headache.

Got up, more laundry, fed cats (forgot this morning...ooops!), did a bit of knitting, went to collect daughter from school. Came home, supplied snack and drink. Mother arrived, made coffee, prepared evening meal, ate, did a bit of knitting, checked FJ while hubby and Master Sola did dishes, talked to mother.

Mother went home, went through homework with daughter, watched news.

Sent a few emails, did a bit of ironing, ran bath for daughter and put her in. Got her ready for bed.

Replied to this thread!

Until I read all that I didn't think I'd actually been that busy today!


Got up at 9:15, had breakfast, went to yoga, came home, finished my book, read a new book (neither of them Christian), came online, checked emails, did holiday planning, chatted with a uni friend, had tea.

Not that busy a day but I am sure infinitely more fun than a Duggar's.


Got woken at 6 by my husband getting up and our nephew who stayed the night shouting, properly got up at 8, ate some Cheerios, husband came home at 11, had some toasted sandwiches, showered, sorted out some laundry, got scared because of a thunderstorm, and now I'm sat with my laptop while we plan what to have for dinner :D all super exciting for a Friday!


I woke up at 3, when my husband got up (he had training in Chicago today and had to catch a 4 am train to get to his job by 5 to get some paper work done before showing up at training at 8). Went to the bathroom. Woke up again at 5, peed again. (YAY for fetus dancing on my bladder! )

Woke up FINALLY for the last time at 8 when my 2 year old son who had fallen asleep in bed with us and we were disinclined to move him last night pulled on my braid yelling "MAMA! MAAAAAAMAMAMMAMAMAMMAMAMAMA!!!!" and laughing hysterically. When I turned over he gave me a big kiss and says "Maaaamaa" and hugs me. (best alarm clock ever)

Cuddled with him in bed for about 1/2 hour as we normally do.- playing peek a boo, singing to him and tickling him. Got up, changed his diaper, slogged downstairs, let out the dogs, made him & I breakfast, made homemade yogurt out of some milk that was starting to not go bad but head that way. Started to try and pick up the living room, but every time i got anywhere, the kid followed behind me. Checked facebook/FJ intermittently like I always do. Hospital Midwife calls. I passed the Gestational Diabetes screening ! HOORAY. I then call Orkin and schedule someone to come out for the ants. (not the food kind the nasty creepy disgusting carpenter kind)

Cleaned up kitchen, then put together a loaf of challah. Threw some eggs in a pan w/ some veggies because I had the eggs out for the boy for lunch~ ended up being an omlette. he ate his lunch and while I was down switching loads, he fed the leftovers to the corgis. Husband calls telling me training ended early and he'll be home by 2 not 4. WHOO HOO! I then tried to get the kid down for a nap, no dice, so we sat on the couch watching Sesame Street instead. one! non napping toddler! AH AH AH!!!

Husband came home and he's currently bathing the boy while I surf the net and watch Intervention (i'll turn it off when the boy comes back down) . I'm going to take a shower as soon as they're done, and make dinner and we'll head out to Friday night services. :) Headship will drive so I can take a nap. <3

I have yet to make it out of PJ's but that's because my only 3 pairs of maternity pants were on the drying rack this morning and still quite damp when I checked last.


Today is just beginning for us (west coast). Got up at 730, changed sheets, took a shower. Kiddo got up at 9. Did some homeschool until noon. Had lunch, now headed to the ebil art museum. On the way home will be dropping off yard sale items at the location for tomorrow.

Later today will continue packing and sorting. Therapy at 7pm tonight.


Let's see. I got up at seven, woke the kids, fed them, made lunches, got the dressed, and drove them to school. Then I came home and tried to work around the house but this darn pneumonia crap got in the way so I laid down to rest. I ended up emailing my instructors and telling them I couldn't come to class because I was too sick (I had a quiz in one, fingers crossed she lets me take it) and then I napped until it was time to pick the kids up from school. I snacked them, helped my son pot a plant, got a load of laundry started, pulled chicken out to thaw for dinner, and now I'm back on the couch coughing and trying not to feel like shit.

Normally my day is MUCH more insane than that.

I will do some homework tonight though.


I didn't really do a damn thing today, except play Sims on Facebook and catch up on my TV shows. I also did laundry and cooked dinner. Considering this was my first real day off this month, I think that's alright.


Got up at 5:30 with DH and we went through our respective morning routines; kissed him goodbye and he left for work. Turned on the morning news while I cleaned up cat puke in the living room and put the dishes piled in the sink in the dishwasher. Toddled into my office (in sweatpants and a T-shirt, my everyday outfit ;-) ) after that and read email, had coffee, finished waking up. Started paid work, took a break to do some rebounding (LOVE that for exercise, makes me feel all giddy and high energy), eat and visit the bathroom about 10:00; back to paid work and just took a break now to check out FJ.


Today i spent all day on the PS3 - not the most exciting thing, but defo something un duggerish.


My day isn't even half over. So let's recap yesterday. The only thing that really changes is the kids' activities.

Got up at 6:30. Let the dogs out. Got the kids up. Helped the 6 yo get dressed. Made breakfast, made lunch, sent them off to school. (They walk.) Made coffee. Got ready for work. Fed the kids. Left for work. Worked from 8:20-5:20. Picked up kids from after-school care. Got them pre-karate snacks. Got them changed into their gees. Left for karate with them and the neighbor girl at 6:20. Karate ran late (because it always does). Got home around 7:45. Sent neighbor girl back to her house. Let the dogs out again. Fed the kids. Cuddled for a bit on the couch. Got them in the showers. (They smelled. ;)) Unloaded and reloaded dish washer. Cleaned up after dinner mess. Got the kids into bed. Realized around 9pm I never ate myself. Made popcorn. At some point Mr. Duck came home. I waved him to the direction of dinner leftovers. He knows how to use a microwave. ;) Took the recycling out to the curb. We talked and, I'm not proud of this, I fell asleep at some point while he was talking to me. Got up at midnight because Daughter had a nightmare. I got up at 6:30 this morning for another Ground Hog Day. The only thing that changes today is we have softball instead of karate. And I need to wash uniforms. And I'm going to suggest take-out for dinner. And there will be consumption of vodka at some point.

Thank heaven they have to do their homework at after-school. I really don't know how we'd cram all this stuff in if they didn't.


Got up at 6:30am, showered and got half way dressed. Made breakfast and packed my lunch while the toast was toasting. Checked work email and watched the news while eating breakfast, made mental note of the fires to put out first thing in the office. Finished dressing, packed bag for work, and realized I had 3 minutes to spare before leaving so I checked on my vegetable garden. Left for work at 7:40am, walked 1/4 mile to the bus stop, spent the bus ride looking at recipes on my phone and making a grocery list. Got of the bus and walked 1/4 mile to my office. Worked all day (get to leave in 30 minutes!). Took a 10 minute lunch break. Found out the president will be speaking on campus next week, told my boss I'm taking the day off if I can get tickets. After work, I will reverse the bus route home to get my car so I can go pick up a t-shirt and race bib for the 4-mile race I'm running tomorrow, get passport photos made for a renewal application, and swing by the grocery store. Then it's back home to work on the training modules for volunteer work, and finish up the final exam for the class I'm taking this semester. Sometimes I think I'm the Duggar's worst nightmare - an independent, educated woman who lives alone in a wonderfully (terribly) liberal town all by myself.


So, I am sick(possibly with bronchitis). Got up at 11 am. Skipped my 8 am due to illness(walking 3 hours outside in 40 degree weather is not healthy for me). I checked my email. Watched Glee. I went for lunch with a friend at the cafeteria. Finished a few job applications. Now I have therapy at 3:30. I think I still probably have done more then Josh.


Up at 6, woke the kids up, disagreed with the 16 year old wearing his "I love Hooters" shirt, refused to let the 10 year olds wear their swim trunks, ran out of time for breakfast, took the 3 monkeys to school.

Came home, put out more resumes, got called back to the elementary school because both of them have lice. AWESOME.

Spent more money than I had ever dreamed at CVS to do the boys hair (both have loooong hair) 4 hours of combing, complaining, trying to wipe a dead bug on each other, combing, combing.

Had bugboy#1 take the trash out, #2 take the puppy for a walk, did dishes, started more laundry, demanded to know who in the world thought it was a bright idea to put orange juice in their room, on their bunk bed. NotMe did it. That damn NotMe kid needs to move out.

While I was still loudly commenting on NotMe's behavior, boy#1 came back in to tell me that the puppy got off the leash. Also, they need their trunks now because the puppy is running all over the beach. Whatev, those two were driving me insane. Or I huffed too much Rid.

Bus arrived with 16 r old boy, who does not have lice. How this is possible when the three share double bunkbeds, I'll never know. After giving him a big enough snack that it should count as dinner, he too has run off to the beach.

I forgot to take anything out for dinner. I'm seriously considering telling the boys that NotMe is making dinner. 8-)


Well I was up at 7, made breakfast, started laundry. Ate breakfast, fed kids, , cleaned up breakfast and started school with kids. Found out my dad was coming tonight instead of tomorrow so I washed sheets, cleaned bathrooms, mopped kitchen finished school,, made a pineapple-upside down cake, folded laundry, vacuumed, made kids clean their rooms, ate cake, watched Supernatural re-run and now I think I will make some coffee! I still need to dust, mop bathrooms, and finish laundry. And kids will need dinner, showers and stories before bed.

Wow, I did more than I thought!


Got up around 6:30am this morning, after a crazy night. I covered a poetry slam last night featuring very talented highschoolers. Once I got home, I got my notes together and wrote a bit of my article and didn't get to bed until around 11:30pm.

After I got up this morning, I made a quick breakfast and spent some time watching the news. Then I worked on my article for a while, expanding on my notes and rough draft. I did some final edits and proofreading before e-mailing the copy to my editor.

I got in contact with the organizers of the poetry slam regarding the slam and other media issues. I also contacted a local business developer regarding another article.

I had lunch, and now I'm kind of chilling on FJ. Tonight I'm going to do some cleaning because I'm gearing up for a busy Saturday.

And next week is going to be a trip to Crazy Town. I got another short term gig. The job involves weird hours, bad pay and a commute from hell, but hey, I'm going to get paid. In this bad economy I'm going to take anything I can get.


My hubby was shocked no one mentioned they masturbated- guess we know where his mind is lol


Got up at 6 ish, checked new hamster, fed stray cat, own cat, indoor guinea pig, outdoor guinea pigs, sorted clothes out, finished researching ME for this morning's meeting, printed out info, swore at printer when husband told me ink had run out, got breakfast for self, got daughter up, packed necessary info, drove with husband and daughter through horrible road for an hour, got lost in Bath, found hospital, had meeting with paediatrician, had coffee at Pret a Manger, drove horrible road home again, concentrated on not throwing up, saw husband off to work, got lunch for daughter, did housework, packed up Deosect, syringes, hot water etc, went down to horses, removed reluctant old pony from other two, spent an hour and a half stripping her winter coat, then sponged her all over with Deosect for lice, aloe gelled her insect bites (she has a really sensitive skin and is old, and not very well, poor little thing), fed all three horses, reproved young mare for biting me on shoulder because she wasn't getting the same amount of attention as old pony, packed up, went home and had bath to remove hair from self, threw clothes in washer, prepared work for tomorrow while checking FJ, put beans on for soup, welcomed husband home, went shopping with him via coffee, got home, unpacked shopping, rescued burned beans and made more soup, poured glass of wine and am now sitting with family watching Voyager with soup.

Will shortly go to bed . . .


Got up. Dragged my butt to the gym where I did all kinds of defrauding moves in front of men and other women.

Went home. Cooked breakfast. Assembled my homemade lunch. Took a shower.

Finished grooming myself. Went to work.

Spent my lunch hour shoe shopping.

Came back and did more work.

Tonight I will go home and have a quick dinner. Then I'm headed to the home of a friend from my theather group as we're going to watch the movie "Plaza Suite" to evaluate it as a possible play for our next production.

Yep. I'd say my day was much more productive.


Got up at 6:30ish, checked my email, ate breakfast, and headed to school (with a stop at Starbucks for a very large coffee along the way). Once at school, I had a meeting with group 2 (I have 3 total this semester) about our final presentation next week. I created a couple graphics for the PowerPoint, worked on my presentation notes, and laughed my butt off when they started debating over what to wear for the presentation. (I'm the only girl in the group, so it was extra funny to watch a bunch of guys go back and forth with each other about wardrobe choices!) Went home, ate lunch, checked news updates, and now I'm procrastinating on more homework. Will probably do a mini-workout after dinner.

So yeah, I'd say my day was more productive...


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