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Lori Alexander gets even more stupid

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Because America is a socialist country ya know

http://lorialexander.blogspot.co.uk/201 ... -container

I don't think socialism means what she thinks it means. So much for 'Always Learning', this woman hasn't learned anything for years.


This again? People - so, so many people - have already schooled her on this idiocy.

She's always learning new ways to dodge the facts, however, and that's about it. She wouldn't know 'socialism' if it came up and bit her in the ass.


She complains about the US, but she continues to live her rich, priviledged life in San Diego, though. Why doesn't she move to a country where the poor are left to starve, and see how she likes it?


Every post of hers makes me want to headdesk.


A few juicy bits of cray-cray for people who don't want to wade through the block of poor grammar and lies that she calls blogging:

If there were truly people starving to death we would see it on television.

One leader in France wants to tax the wealthy 90% of their income.

^^This is not actually true and is addressed in the comments. Not that she has ever been discouraged by being caught lying blatantly.

When the Pilgrims first landed in America, they tried socialism but it didn't work.

And then the real fun in the comments:

The fact there is so much money for the less fortunate is a testimony to the care and concern Americans have for their fellow man. No, they won't "fall through the cracks" as the socialists claim. We've been taking care of them for decades, and yet many of them could be working.

Socialism and dictatorships are what cause places like Calcutta, as it does not tolerate free enterprise.

a large part of the “low food security†group are far from hungry. They simply had “some times of the year that they did not get all the food they would have wanted… three square meals.

If there is any hunger in America, it is through personal mismanagement of funds. A person always has enough for food, but may choose to spend it on reckless living, vice, drugs, or other things. Old people who don't eat often just don't want to.

Australia is one of the highest taxed nations in the world, yes we have a great health care system, but I can't help but think how much better off would the whole system be if we cut out the unemployment and single mother payments. maybe marriages would hold together better.

^^ I put this through Google translate Fundie-->English and the result was "Socialism is awesome when I get the benefits! But don't let the sluts have anything!"

The minimum wage is another extension of welfare, and has caused more harm than good.


As a libertarian, I am embarrassed by those who claim that America is anywhere close to socialism. Sure, there are a lot of things I don't like and hope will change, but we're nowhere near socialism at the moment.

Plus, I don't take seriously fundies when they complain about big government, as they're the ones who see no problem with big government when it enforces their religious fetishes and social mores.


Never fear, "Lady" Lydia Sherman explains it all:

If there is any hunger in America, it is through personal mismanagement of funds. A person always has enough for food, but may choose to spend it on reckless living, vice, drugs, or other things. Old people who don't eat often just don't want to. Kids who "go to bed hungry" often won't eat plain food. They expect fast food and packaged food and do not know how to eat an apple, a piece of cheese or a baked potato. They would rather have packaged pizza. There are vast stores of free food all over America, from the Gleaners and town food banks to churches. We also watch out for our neighbors needs. The idea that people are poor and starving in America is totally false. Most people who run out of food are just at the end of their paycheck and it is a matter of understanding how to live during the lean times and how to lay by in store for the hard times. Socialism won't solve it. Look for films on Stalin the Monster on you tube, where it shows how he planned to make people dependent on him so he could control them. Those who believe in socialism believe in a utopia that does not exist. We are to depend on the Lord for our daily bread, not on government.

I would have bolded the comments that really stuck out to me, but then the whole damn paragraph would have been bolded. Seriously, could this woman be any more far removed from reality? I don't know whether I want to slap her across the face or laugh in it (maybe both--Rupaul style).

All other industrialized nations do more to lift their children out of poverty than the United States, according to a recent survey by the Luxembourg Income Study.

Without government tax and transfers, for example, France and the US would both have 25% of their children in poverty. In France, government action has slashed that figure to 6.5%. In the US, government policy reduces the figure only marginally to 21.5%.

In 11 of the 18 countries surveyed, child poverty is at least halved by government welfare measures. Eight nations - Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland - have succeeded in keeping child poverty rates below 5%.

The survey of 18 industrialized nations draws the poverty line at 50% of each country's median income after taxes and welfare benefits have been taken into account. In-kind benefits such as subsidized health care or preschools are not included.

With more than one in five of its children below the line, the US easily heads the child poverty league. Only four other countries - Australia, Canada, Ireland, and Israel - have child poverty rates of more than 10%.

A few years old but still relevant. She doesn't know what she is talking about.

ETA Stalin was NOT a socialist. He was a Communist. (JFC please explain further?)

Never fear, "Lady" Lydia Sherman explains it all:

I would have bolded the comments that really stuck out to me, but then the whole damn paragraph would have been bolded. Seriously, could this woman be any more far removed from reality? I don't know whether I want to slap her across the face or laugh in it (maybe both--Rupaul style).

Like everything else that comes out of Lydia's mouth, her comments there are sorely in need of citation. (Goodness knows, she has been dead wrong before - often. I'm sure most of you remember this. Who knew tea could rot the brain like that?)


I would like to meet her, just to dare her to stand in front of a food bank and tell the clients they really aren't hungry. Maybe she could even talk to the employees of said food bank to learn where all the "free food" comes from.

As for praying to the Lord for her daily bread, if her house burns down who's going to give her money for a hotel, the Red Cross or her church? Where would she go to get used clothes and furniture for her new place, Goodwill or her church?


"When the Pilgrims first landed in America, they tried socialism but it didn't work."

Something tells me this is in the Duggar's World (By Which They Mean America) History homeschool curriculum.

"We are to depend on the Lord for our daily bread."

Wait, what? So He's got the baked potatoes and food banks she was talking about? If it's "daily bread" you'd think He'd throw down some more of that manna. I'm partial to crumpets but I'll try manna if it's on The House.

When the Pilgrims first landed in America, they tried socialism but it didn't work.

I don't remember THAT in my history books, but if so - what of it? When the Hutterites first came to America they tried socialism and it worked so well they're still doing it!


What happens when we read this post together with her posts on birth control/sterilization?

Let's see:

Deciding not to have more children because you are worried about your ability to support them is selfish and wrong. Don't worry - G-d will magically provide!

If, however, you discover once you have those kids that G-d hasn't magically provided and you are forced to seek help, the government should provide you with any assistance and the churches should be sure to say "those who don't work, don't eat".

Also - women working outside the home for a paycheck is a bad idea, even if they are doing it because they want to make sure that they can always pay the bills. If their husbands don't make enough or lose their jobs or abandon them, again, it's fine to say "those who don't work, don't eat".

Does she not see a contradiction here?


Well this got me to de-lurk.

I think its sort of established that Lori has no interest in facts but seriously... is it that hard to do a little research rather than perhaps pull a name out of the hat cause it sounds 'pretty/exotic/turned up on a list of a state run by a communist government for decades'.

Socialism and dictatorships are what cause places like Calcutta, as it does not tolerate free enterprise.

A basic Wikipedia glance is enough to tell me what is there-

Kolkata is home to many industrial units operated by large public- and private-sector corporations; major sectors include steel, heavy engineering, mining, minerals, cement, pharmaceuticals, food processing, agriculture, electronics, textiles, and jute. ITC Limited, Coal India Limited, and Britannia Industries rank among the companies headquartered in the city. Kolkata hosts the headquarters of three major public-sector banks: Allahabad Bank, UCO Bank, and the United Bank of India. Adoption of the "Look East" policy by the Indian government; opening of Sikkim's Nathu La mountain pass, which is located on the border between India and China, to bi-directional international trade; and the interest shown by South-East Asian countries in expanding into Indian markets are factors that could benefit KolkataKolkata is home to many industrial units operated by large public- and private-sector corporations; major sectors include steel, heavy engineering, mining, minerals, cement, pharmaceuticals, food processing, agriculture, electronics, textiles, and jute. ITC Limited, Coal India Limited, and Britannia Industries rank among the companies headquartered in the city. Kolkata hosts the headquarters of three major public-sector banks: Allahabad Bank, UCO Bank, and the United Bank of India. Adoption of the "Look East" policy by the Indian government; opening of Sikkim's Nathu La mountain pass, which is located on the border between India and China, to bi-directional international trade; and the interest shown by South-East Asian countries in expanding into Indian markets are factors that could benefit Kolkata

And I'm not saying the city doesn't have problems, I'm saying historically there is a reason why they have these problems, with no quick fix. Just like there are no quick fixes in the US either.I wish fundies would at least pretend to do research.. but I suppose I'll have a bacon tree first. :D


The misogyny, entitlement, and racism in that post and in the comments makes me physically ill.


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