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Don'ts for wives


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The other day when I was at a thrift store (buy used and spend the difference on more stuff, right? That's what the Duggars say, isn't it??) I found a little book that's copyrighted 1913. (I think it's a reprint though.) That's the era the fundies love, right? Let me post a few excerpts that I think the fundies would probably ignore.

From the section titled personality

Don't interpret toolliterally the "obey" of the marriage service. Your husband has no right to control your individuality.

Women can be their own people? What is this madness?

Don't let your husband feel that you are a "dear little woman" but no good intellectually. If you find yourself getting stale, wake up your brain. Let their be nothing your husband can talk about that you will be unable to understand.

Gasp! Are they suggesting that women EDUCATE THEMSELVES!!! Well I'll be damned.

Don't profess to know nothing about politics. Any man who is worth his salt does care, and many men learn to dispise women as a whole because their eives take such an unintelligent attitude

Wait, so women should learn about politics? This coming from a book that was written before women could even vote???

Don't be talked down by your husband when you want to express your veiws on a subject. You have a right to be heard.

Don't consent to be treated like a child who cannot be expected to take on any responsibility. Insist on hearing bad news as well as good. You did not marry your husband to be wrapped in cotton wool and put away in a glass case, you married him to be the partner of his joys and sorrows.

From the section titled Children

Don't say your husband looks "silly" with a baby in his arms. Let his realise that the youngster is his and that there is nothing derogatory to his dignity in handling him

So raising kids isn't "wimmins work"??? Cool!

Once I finish reading through it I might post more quotes. Don't get me wrong, it certainly isn't a perfect book, there are just as many sexist quotes as good ones, but I thought it was interesting that the fundies would be out of place in their favorite time period.


Naughty, Sunnichick! You purposed to find those rebellious quotes! Now off to the Prayer closet with you! :teasing-whipblue:

No - wait! To the kitchen ... We need cake as an apology for your misbehavior. :occasion-cake:

Guest Anonymous

Well I'm pretty sure that fundies pick out certain phrases to basically prove anything they want to believe. I bet they could make Harry Potter proof that you should wait until marriage to kiss if they really wanted to. I don't know how but I bet they could!

Also please continue to post quotes from this book - it sounds great!


We sell the reprint of this book where I work! There is also one called 'Don'ts for Husbands' - I'll try and find some choice quotes at work tomorrow. A friend of mine recently got married and I bought the books for her and her new husband, in case they needed any tips! :lol:

Guest Anonymous
We sell the reprint of this book where I work! There is also one called 'Don'ts for Husbands' - I'll try and find some choice quotes at work tomorrow. A friend of mine recently got married and I bought the books for her and her new husband, in case they needed any tips! :lol:

That should be interesting! I wonder if Don't For Husbands will be the stereotypical what we expect from that time or not :think:

Naughty, Sunnichick! You purposed to find those rebellious quotes! Now off to the Prayer closet with you! :teasing-whipblue:

No - wait! To the kitchen ... We need cake as an apology for your misbehavior. :occasion-cake:

Will this one suffice?

http://writebooksright.files.wordpress. ... =300&h=300

Well I'm pretty sure that fundies pick out certain phrases to basically prove anything they want to believe. I bet they could make Harry Potter proof that you should wait until marriage to kiss if they really wanted to. I don't know how but I bet they could!

Also please continue to post quotes from this book - it sounds great!

Well, Ron and Lavender were dating and Ron turned into an ass, which proves that dating is bad and courtship is good. And Snape gave away his heart to Lilly, and she broke his heart by marrying James, which proves that you shouldn't give away your heart

(and why the hell did I just use HP to prove courtship!! I am on FJ waaay too much!!) *laughing so hard I'm crying*


Well, Ron and Lavender were dating and Ron turned into an ass, which proves that dating is bad and courtship is good. And Snape gave away his heart to Lilly, and she broke his heart by marrying James, which proves that you shouldn't give away your heart

(and why the hell did I just use HP to prove courtship!! I am on FJ waaay too much!!) *laughing so hard I'm crying*

Well actually, Ron turned into an ass and then started dating Lavender, so apparently in order to date you have to be an ass first.

Also, Cho gave away a huge chunk of her heart to Cedric, who got iced by Voldy, so of course her relationship with Harry was totally doomed. And because he was too busy macking Cho, he ignored God's chosen mate for him, Ginny. And then Ginny totally defrauded him some time later, but God sent in Ron to stop the affair.

Pansy defrauded Malfoy on the train in HBP, which of course doomed their relationship, and sticking Malfoy with a character nobody had ever heard of. That's why he's beginning to go bald in the epilogue. You give away pieces of your heart, God takes your hair. Bam, Biblical explanation for male-pattern baldness. Just ask Smuggar!


Quick lesson in real, as opposed to fundie revisionist, history:

In 1913, one of the big driving forces behind getting the vote for women was the Women's Christian Temperance Union. That's right - evangelical Christians were pushing for women's rights. Why? Because they believed that alcoholism was destroying families and society, and that women were more likely to oppose alcohol use. They thought it was more important for women to stand up to men and encourage sobriety than it was for women to meekly submit to husbands who were drinking.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woman%27s_ ... ance_Union

Guest Anonymous

I love the Harry Potter references theories!!! Except, don't fundies think Harry Potter is evil and blasphemous for some reason?

I love the Harry Potter references theories!!! Except, don't fundies think Harry Potter is evil and blasphemous for some reason?

They do. It's because JK Rowling intended for all of that to happen, AND for it to be OK in the end!!!

Except for Snape and Malfoy, but that's because they're Slytherins.

And there's some shit about the witchcraft too, you'd think they'd be able to tell the difference between fiction and reality...

Naughty, Sunnichick! You purposed to find those rebellious quotes! Now off to the Prayer closet with you! :teasing-whipblue:

No - wait! To the kitchen ... We need cake as an apology for your misbehavior. :occasion-cake:

Ya know, the prayer closet might be pretty fun, if you can take a friend.


Ya know, the prayer closet might be pretty fun, if you can take a friend.

That's why they call it Seven Minutes in Heaven, isn't it? Because you're... praying so much.

Guest Anonymous

They do. It's because JK Rowling intended for all of that to happen, AND for it to be OK in the end!!!

Except for Snape and Malfoy, but that's because they're Slytherins.

And there's some shit about the witchcraft too, you'd think they'd be able to tell the difference between fiction and reality...

Well if they think the world was built in a week, and Noah had an ark with two of every animal, then I'm sure Harry Potter isn't too difficult for them to believe!


1913? That is epically feminist for something that was (probably) mainstream in 1913.

Also, Cho gave away a huge chunk of her heart to Cedric, who got iced by Voldy, so of course her relationship with Harry was totally doomed. And because he was too busy macking Cho, he ignored God's chosen mate for him, Ginny. And then Ginny totally defrauded him some time later, but God sent in Ron to stop the affair.

The Cho-Cedric relationship is obviously RowlingGod's way of warning us against premarital whatever they got up to in the prefect's bathroom. If you date, VoldemortSatan will summon you to an abandoned graveyard and Avada Kedavra your ass. The graveyard was Rowling's analogy for Hell. Trust me.

Well if they think the world was built in a week, and Noah had an ark with two of every animal, then I'm sure Harry Potter isn't too difficult for them to believe!

That's what they're afraid of.

Naughty, Sunnichick! You purposed to find those rebellious quotes! Now off to the Prayer closet with you! :teasing-whipblue:

No - wait! To the kitchen ... We need cake as an apology for your misbehavior. :occasion-cake:

I freaked out when I realized that cake was blinking at me.

Naughty, Sunnichick! You purposed to find those rebellious quotes! Now off to the Prayer closet with you! :teasing-whipblue:

No - wait! To the kitchen ... We need cake as an apology for your misbehavior. :occasion-cake:

Wait, the prayer closet comes with whippings now? Where do I sign up?


Who's the author? *wants to read*

Guest Anonymous
Who's the author? *wants to read*

If it's that old, it might even be available on Gutenberg.Org.


OK, a very quiet day at work yesterday gave me time to copy some of the 'Don'ts for Husbands':

Don't try to control your wife's church-going or non-church-going tendencies. This question is for her alone to decide, and you should leave her entirely free, whatever your own views may be.

Don't argue that no wife need be dull at home because there's always plenty to do. Of course there is; it is just the deadly monotony of it that some natures can't stand.

Don't let your children fear you. Love, not fear, is the key to their characters.

Don't try to dress your wife in the fashions of ten years ago... a woman does not want to look as if she came out of the ark.

Don't stick too closely to the old adage that children should be seen and not heard...you don't want to stifle self-expression. Encourage them to speak freely of their ideas.

Don't put your foot down if your wife wants to join some society of which you don't approve ... she really has as much right to her own opinions as you have, and there is no cause for quarrel.

I could have gone on...but I had to keep sneaking off to the photocopier!

You can buy them on Amazon: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Donts-Wives-Bla ... 0713687908

I am a bit of a sucker for old household manuals and I have a whole set of original 1930's guides to 'managing one's life'. They are a lot more enlightened than you might expect for the time.

OK, a very quiet day at work yesterday gave me time to copy some of the 'Don'ts for Husbands':

Don't try to control your wife's church-going or non-church-going tendencies. This question is for her alone to decide, and you should leave her entirely free, whatever your own views may be.

Don't argue that no wife need be dull at home because there's always plenty to do. Of course there is; it is just the deadly monotony of it that some natures can't stand.

Don't let your children fear you. Love, not fear, is the key to their characters.

Don't try to dress your wife in the fashions of ten years ago... a woman does not want to look as if she came out of the ark.

Don't stick too closely to the old adage that children should be seen and not heard...you don't want to stifle self-expression. Encourage them to speak freely of their ideas.

Don't put your foot down if your wife wants to join some society of which you don't approve ... she really has as much right to her own opinions as you have, and there is no cause for quarrel.

I could have gone on...but I had to keep sneaking off to the photocopier!

You can buy them on Amazon: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Donts-Wives-Bla ... 0713687908

I am a bit of a sucker for old household manuals and I have a whole set of original 1930's guides to 'managing one's life'. They are a lot more enlightened than you might expect for the time.

These are great! I wonder what would happen if some of these quotes ended up on a fundie-menz encouragement website. Hey - it's right from the exact time period that they want to take us back to; how could they argue with it?

Guest Anonymous

The Duggar's need to read this! Also was Don'ts for husbands written by a woman or a man, and the same for don'ts for wives?


From don't for wives:

"Don't let your husband wear a violet tie with grass-green socks. If he is

unhappily devoid of the colour sense, he must be forcibly restrained"

100 years later, still true. :D


Can someone send Lady Lydia copies of these books? A blog post by her on these would be absolutely priceless.


That sounds awesome! :) (And who would say a man with a baby in his arms looks silly? It made my heart skip a beat when I would see my hubby cuddling with our daughter. Just made me melt.)


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