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Baby hitting-- now with color coding!


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Because we all know that for fundies, "training"=hitting.


The Child Training Bible is a system of tabs for color coding your bible so that you can quickly locate passages pertinent to your children's sins while "correcting" them. Specifically color-coding your entire bible in anticipation of your child's shortcomings seems a little sick to me.

Oddly, "fear" is included among the list of sins. Whoever thought of fear being a sin??


Fear? fear of what? Being shy around strangers at church, and nervous in social settings? Being afraid of thunderstorms?

Shit, I was a well-behaved kid, but if I was raised by fundies they'd have beaten the shit out of me. There's one blogger (not this one) who claimed that ADHD was actually "character deficit disorder" and that Tourette Syndrome was also some sort of character flaw. I guess now the fundies get to beat the tar out of me with plumbing line for being afraid of thunderstorms.

Fucking assholes. Color-coding a Bible is just sick, too. But what do I know, right? I'm neither a Christian nor a parent. :puke-front:

Because we all know that for fundies, "training"=hitting.


The Child Training Bible is a system of tabs for color coding your bible so that you can quickly locate passages pertinent to your children's sins while "correcting" them. Specifically color-coding your entire bible in anticipation of your child's shortcomings seems a little sick to me.

Oddly, "fear" is included among the list of sins. Whoever thought of fear being a sin??

What ? Are the blood spatters now passe?


Um, aren't wives told in fundiedom to fear their husbands? And kids to fear their parents? And everyone to fear God?

Fear being a sin here makes me think of the YLCF thing with the young man and the lack of fear. Training children up to not have a healthy sense of self-preservation (which includes fear in appropriate situations) is training your children up to be taken advantage of, and that includes sexually. Just horrible.

I was watching Supernanny US this evening and it featured a family where one of the children was extremely scared of monsters in his room at night. Jo Frost's solution was based on comfort and the parents making sure the child felt secure with them and knowing that parents are there to protect their kids. I shudder to think what the fundie solution would have been.


Apparently, some of the choices weren't harsh enough for raisingolives:

We were a little disappointed in some of their Scripture choices for some of the issues. (i.e. For defiance the Child Training Bible has Phil. 2:8 “And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on cross.†but not 1 Sam. 15:23, Deut. 13:5 or any of the other passages that speak about the severity with which God views defiance or rebellion.)

At first I thought that was a heck of a racket - $9 for some Post-It flags and a pack of Sharpie highlighters? Then I clicked through to the website selling the Child Training Bible materials and learned that it's just a set of instructions and three charts printed on card stock. The lucky purchaser is expected to provide their own Post-It flags and highlighters!

I find the whole concept of the Child Training Bible pretty abhorrent, but then again I'm a Christian who doesn't spank my kid.

At first I thought that was a heck of a racket - $9 for some Post-It flags and a pack of Sharpie highlighters? Then I clicked through to the website selling the Child Training Bible materials and learned that it's just a set of instructions and three charts printed on card stock. The lucky purchaser is expected to provide their own Post-It flags and highlighters!

I find the whole concept of the Child Training Bible pretty abhorrent, but then again I'm a Christian who doesn't spank my kid.

Just shows you that fundies will pay for (possibly literal) shit if someone can slap a "Christian" label on it.


Just shows you that fundies will pay for (possibly literal) shit if someone can slap a "Christian" label on it.

I just thought up a grand money making scheme for freejinger... We could sell Christian Shit ! The shit that God favours.


Just shows you that fundies will pay for (possibly literal) shit if someone can slap a "Christian" label on it.

Im going to sell poop from Jesus' favorite pet dinosaur.

Think it will fly?

Edit: OMG this is my 666th post. Amazing.


These people are ging to hell. In a basket with bunnies and eggs.

Because we all know that for fundies, "training"=hitting.


The Child Training Bible is a system of tabs for color coding your bible so that you can quickly locate passages pertinent to your children's sins while "correcting" them. Specifically color-coding your entire bible in anticipation of your child's shortcomings seems a little sick to me.

Oddly, "fear" is included among the list of sins. Whoever thought of fear being a sin??

Fear is a sin, therefore making a bible where one outline what he fears will happen to his children is a sin? Seems like this bible coding system has a use long before your child is old enough to sin.

Because we all know that for fundies, "training"=hitting.


The Child Training Bible is a system of tabs for color coding your bible so that you can quickly locate passages pertinent to your children's sins while "correcting" them. Specifically color-coding your entire bible in anticipation of your child's shortcomings seems a little sick to me.

Oddly, "fear" is included among the list of sins. Whoever thought of fear being a sin??

Fear is a sin when it is inconvenient for the parents (being afraid that dinosaurs will come into your room while you sleep or that a car will crash into your house - both things that my 4 year old was recently afraid of), but not a sin when it works in the parents favor (behaving because you are afraid of getting hit or going to hell).....fundies aren't known for being logical!


, but not a sin when it works in the parents favor (behaving because you are afraid of getting hit or going to hell).....fundies aren't known for being logical!

They mistake that kind of fear for respect.


They mistake that kind of fear for respect.

So does my sister-in-law, but she is an athiest (goes to show that there are bad parents in any idiology). Anyway, that way of parenting doesn't create "good" kids, it creates kids who lie, manipulate, and hide stuff. But that's ok, because the only thing that matters is what it looks like from the outside! :(


I know this is slightly anecdotal, but I attended a Catholic University. The kids who went through child training had the strictest parents at home were often the ones who partied the hardest. Training does NOTHING except for train your child to act a certain way in the presence of the parents to avoid getting beaten.


Have these people seriously never even heard of a "Time out" ? like, all I have to say to my tantruming toddler is "honey you need a time out" and he runs to the stairs, sits on the bottom one and wimpers for a few minutes and "reboots". Its like I guess code between us for "you need a break sweetie to calm down" and just SITTING there makes him realize that he's gotta calm down. Time out ends when he runs to me, buries his face in my stomach and gives me a hug. Once he's old enough to say it, we'll say "ok say "sorry to the dog for pulling his ears" " sort of thing... but I seriously see no reason to HIT A CHILD for normal behavior. (ok i don't see why anyone would hit a child period aside from being just fekking evil, its completely pointless and does not accomplish ANYTHING aside from destroying trust, but you guys all know what I mean)

I am so glad that my son who is extremely stubborn but one of the most amazing kids I know and my niece who has issues are OURS and not theirs - we don't know if she's aspie or ADHD or something but she's definitely not neurotypical and her behavior could be and would be mistaken by fundies as something to basically "beat out of a child"


Fucking assholes. Color-coding a Bible is just sick, too. But what do I know, right? I'm neither a Christian nor a parent. :puke-front:

Well I'm a Christian (at least I consider Catholics Christian), and a parent, and a grandparent. This is SICK, SICK, SICK.

Little kids don't sin. Even the Catholic church recognizes that, which is why 7 or 8 is considered the age when they can understand what sin is.


From that website: We love the concept of taking our children directly to the Bible when we have need to correct and discipline them.

Wait, what? I'm sorry, but don't these people want their kids to read their Bibles for the joy of it? You know, to read the dramatic stories and pray the psalms, to memorise verses, to learn God's Word and treasure it in their hearts? What child would want to do that when their parents are constantly using THEIR Bible to chastise them? :shock:

These people. I just... I can't even... :angry-cussingwhite:

Well I'm a Christian (at least I consider Catholics Christian), and a parent, and a grandparent. This is SICK, SICK, SICK.

Little kids don't sin. Even the Catholic church recognizes that, which is why 7 or 8 is considered the age when they can understand what sin is.

Yes. Catholics are Christians. Nothing irritates me more, in the ongoing (what is it, about 500 years now?) Catholic/Protestant debate, than someone insinuating that I'm not a Christian because I'm Catholic. :angry-banghead:

*edited because I'm still trying to get the hang of the quote system here*

Color-coding a Bible is just sick, too.

I have colored tabs for different kinds of verses. Mine are for kindness and charity and all that homosocialist shit, though, so I'm hell-bound anyway.

I learned about this "Child Training Bible" a couple of weeks ago and was simply blown away by the fact none of the tabs -- with the possible exception of the 'Gospel' tab -- focused on the development of positive character traits or dealt with happy subject matter (such as forgiveness and mercy).

But what amuses me most -- and yes, dark amusement is a good description of how I feel concerning the matter -- is that this woman is charging $10 for the color chart. I built mine through reading and by using a topical Bible and a concordance. Where's this entrepreneurial, DIY spirit I keep hearing about from people such as Kelly Crawford, that parents would rather buy a disproportionately negative color-coding system instead of making one for themselves?


I have colored tabs for different kinds of verses. Mine are for kindness and charity and all that homosocialist shit, though, so I'm hell-bound anyway.

I learned about this "Child Training Bible" a couple of weeks ago and was simply blown away by the fact none of the tabs -- with the possible exception of the 'Gospel' tab -- focused on the development of positive character traits or dealt with happy subject matter (such as forgiveness and mercy).

But what amuses me most -- and yes, dark amusement is a good description of how I feel concerning the matter -- is that this woman is charging $10 for the color chart. I built mine through reading and by using a topical Bible and a concordance. Where's this entrepreneurial, DIY spirit I keep hearing about from people such as Kelly Crawford, that parents would rather buy a disproportionately negative color-coding system instead of making one for themselves?

Yeah, I know a lot of ministers/Bible study leaders who have coloured tabs for different verses, and lots of people I know use highlighter pens in their Bibles - just not to mark verses to use as justification for hitting their kids :shock:

Also, stealing 'homosocialist' for myself :lol:

Have these people seriously never even heard of a "Time out" ?

God comands us to beat our kids! Time outs are unBiblical!! Don'tcha know?

From that website: We love the concept of taking our children directly to the Bible when we have need to correct and discipline them.

Wait, what? I'm sorry, but don't these people want their kids to read their Bibles for the joy of it? You know, to read the dramatic stories and pray the psalms, to memorise verses, to learn God's Word and treasure it in their hearts? What child would want to do that when their parents are constantly using THEIR Bible to chastise them? :shock:

In Voddie's disgusting sermon on disicipling children, he says you have to show the child in the Bible where it says that the child is a horrid sinner, where the parents are to 'train' the kid' and then where it says to 'spank' them them proceed to beat the everlovinghell out of them. Otherwise, you explain to the kid, the parents are sinners!

Wait, what? I'm sorry, but don't these people want their kids to read their Bibles for the joy of it? You know, to read the dramatic stories and pray the psalms, to memorise verses, to learn God's Word and treasure it in their hearts? What child would want to do that when their parents are constantly using THEIR Bible to chastise them? :shock:

They'd never acknowledge it, but that feeds into their whole system, too. If they can make the children hate the idea of reading the Bible (I know a lot of people who were this way because they had to copy scripture as punishment or recite passages and punished if they messed up or couldn't do it), then they most likely won't read or study the Bible on their own and find out their parents and preacher may be wrong and are twisting scripture to suit their own purposes.


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