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Duggars respond to Rick Santorum


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he was a man of character who would stand for what was right.

Are the Duggars capable of speaking well of someone without using the word character? It's almost like their thought process goes to a list of character traits...

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I've kind of lost the ability to say anything that sounds intelligent when referring to the Duggars..... They're just bad people. They are bad people down to the core of their beings. Their kids may be savable but I honestly don't know anymore..... We know Josh and Jill are lost causes, they've chugged the koolaid. How many more people are JimBob and Michelle going to destroy?

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I don't understand why conservative Christians are so anti universal healthcare. It would guarantee that everyone, rich and poor, would get a decent level of healthcare, and I thought they were supposed to care about the less wealthy.

They'll say that they oppose universal healthcare since it "stifles a free economy" and "hurts businesses" in the healthcare industry, when in reality it's an industry (scary word, like the food industry) where HMO's and corporations deny the insured to save money. Only the poor, old, and prisoners (those at Guantanamo Bay included) get the best care at little cost. Middle class folks are vulnerable for becoming bankrupt over medical bills and we're the only industrialized nation where this kind of crisis is permitted. Imagine instead of people going bankrupt over bills costing $100,000 that we can tax people evenly (the rich more so) so everyone gets the same coverage. But that sounds like something Christ would do and every other country on the planet has done, therefore Socialist and Ebil.

Michael Moore's "Sicko" is a good film that explores this along with Frontline's "Sick Across America" and "Sick Around the World".

A few of the solutions presented in all three are needed much sooner than later. I shudder to think of the consequences that lie down the road for the United States once Boomers (more of them) start to claim Medicare benefits by the millions each year on top of chronic diseases found in their children. If we think we're in trouble now, we're simply kidding ourselves.

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'Rick articulated Ronald Reagan’s core platform about how important it is to fight for...less government regulations in our lives...'

So he wants less government regulation but he would quite like government to legislate on banning abortion, thereby denying 50% of the population control over their own bodies. This whole 'speech' is a bunch of contradictions (not to mention exclamations).

When he says "us", he means men. Some of what Duggar and Frothy say is logical when you read it from that perspective. Most of it is still utter batshittery, though.

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