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Is Your Girlfriend a Feminsit? Run Away!


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The latest from the mother of Conservapedia, Phyllis Schlafly. Feminists on here, be warned: you are essentially unlikable. :roll:



Schlafly talked to a group of Citadel students about the culture of conservatism and the history of the religious right. She told the all-male group that “feminist is a bad word and everything they stand for is bad.â€


And she warned them about having personal relationships with feminists. “Find out if your girlfriend is a feminist before you get too far into it,†she said. “Some of them are pretty. They don’t all look like Bella Abzug.â€


http://www.postandcourier.com/article/2 ... 564&slId=6


Why on earth was she invited to a public military school? And is she really the best representation we have of Conservative Intellectual Tradition in America?


Feminists want equality in relationships so they can't be as easily controlled. So obviously they make terrible girlfriends. :roll:


If you can't handle having a feminist for a girlfriend, she's better off without you.

Although, if it wasn't for feminism she wouldn't be out speaking to to that group now, would she? Is she really that stupid? (Yeah, that's a rhetorical question.)

“Feminists are having a hard time being elected because they essentially are unlikable,†she said


The very fact that women can run for office or vote is because of feminism. She wants to take advantage of the gifts of feminism while putting down feminists.



The very fact that women can run for office or vote is because of feminism. She wants to take advantage of the gifts of feminism while putting down feminists.

Women in general are having a hard time being elected. And shouldn't she be against women running at all?

“Feminists are having a hard time being elected because they essentially are unlikable,†she said

It's totally the fault of the feminists, nothing to do with the problems in society that feminists challenge. Does she ever listen to herself speak? :?


You know... I never really thought of myself as being a feminist before, but I guess I am. I'm all for equality of the sexes. And this woman is a nutjob.


My boyfriend loves the fact that I'm a feminist, and wouldn't have me any other way. :?


It's totally the fault of the feminists, nothing to do with the problems in society that feminists challenge. Does she ever listen to herself speak? :?

does she realize that feminist are human beings? O_o

“Some of them are pretty. They don’t all look like Bella Abzug.â€

That was just mean. And how many Citadel students are even going to know the name Bella Abzug?


I wonder what advice she would give me - my husband is a feminist.

I wonder what advice she would give me - my husband is a feminist.

Probably something along the lines of "Run for the hills! Obviously your husband is hiding homosexual tendencies. Why else would he feel that way!"

My boyfriend loves the fact that I'm a feminist, and wouldn't have me any other way. :?

My husband and I are both feminists, and neither of us would have it any other way. ;)


My boyfriend/partner-in-life is way more of a feminist than I am. He actually gets mad at me for not being enough of a feminist.


My husband and I are both feminists, and neither of us would have it any other way. ;)


Mr. Cordelia dated a woman once who wanted nothing more then whatever he wanted. She never had her own opinion. It got to the point that he told her all he wanted was HER opinion. She still would not voice her own wants. It drove him batty.

I have occasionally teased him about trying some of the more submissive ideas on here. He ends up with a look that is a cross between panicked, like I have 2 heads and that I am a smart ass. :mrgreen:


That was just mean. And how many Citadel students are even going to know the name Bella Abzug?

Yeah, this point came up in a great discussion we had the other day on DailyKos. Lots of Kossacks pointed out that Bella Abzug was not exactly a contemporary reference and one Kossack posted a link to a picture of Ms Abzug and her husband when they were young. Bella was very pretty!



The first link is the story of Bella's and Martin's rather unconventional romance where her feminist traits came into play and the second is a more general profile of this remarkable woman.


Most of the men i know prefer strong women and really want nothing to do with meek women. It is hard enough being a man or woman in today's times with one partner having to carry the entire load or not being able to. My husband loves that he has such a wife and we are trying our very best to raise our sons the same way inspite of our sons*.

* every now and again one will say something sexist like "that's women's work" and will get an earfull from mom, dad and the aunts. They learn very quickly that that line of thinking is a huge no-no in real life.

The latest from the mother of Conservapedia, Phyllis Schlafly. Feminists on here, be warned: you are essentially unlikable. :roll:

http://www.postandcourier.com/article/2 ... 564&slId=6

Why on earth was she invited to a public military school? And is she really the best representation we have of Conservative Intellectual Tradition in America?

I think it has less to do with it being a public military school and more to do with it being The Citadel, specifically. I had friends working both there and at VMI around the time the two schools went co-ed, and they used to swap stories. VMI had some hiccups(and one really bad incident about 10 years after going co-ed) but they had a head of school determined to make the transition work. Citadel had..um..a unique culture and what sounded like some very old school attitudes toward women. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that it's still the case.


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