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I know. Because wimmin don't deserve proper health!

Maul the Koala, you've been "persecuted" on the FB page by someone making fun of your spelling. ;-)

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There is a pic up saying that if you voted democrat then you are 55% percent to blame for abortions. I won't go into all that is wrong about that but do they really think that we republicans are %100 anti-choice? Because I have news for them, out of all my republican friends not a one of them is anti-choice and I would say 90% are pro-choice all the way. 100% of my friends voted pro-choice or so they said but why would they lie about something they feel so strongly about and that is choice for women?

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We're on their front page! Check ittttt!

"Persecuted by FreeJinger!"

Wait, what?

Omg we're famous!!

p.s. Hayleigh if you're reading this, FJ loves the free publicity. I will gladly donate to Planned Parenthood in your name! Thanks so much.

Hugs, kisses and rainbows,


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Maul the Koala, you've been "persecuted" on the FB page by someone making fun of your spelling. ;-)

Onoz! You got me! Oh oh oh. I'm crying in front of my computer. I'm so hurt! :violin:

Hey I'm trolling your page with multiple identities by the way. Figure out which ones I am and you get a 10 dollar donation to Planned Parenthood in your name! Bonus points if you ban someone that isn't me!

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Onoz! You got me! Oh oh oh. I'm crying in front of my computer. I'm so hurt! :violin:

Hey I'm trolling your page with multiple identities by the way. Figure out which ones I am and you get a 10 dollar donation to Planned Parenthood in your name! Bonus points if you ban someone that isn't me!

Ok, I went to the page several times but can't find the picture you're all talking about. Granted I get distracted by looking for the "porn" but don't see it either. Eh, I'm sticking to our pages as those people are whacked out loons that couldn't read their way out of a wet paper bag.

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I started reading back from the beginning and I'm liking these gems-

"It's one thing if a rape victim becomes pregnant, but there is also plan b. But if a girl becomes pregnant because she can not keep her legs closed and make smart choices, that's completely different. Ppl need to install better morals in their children instead of just not dealing with it."

"Did they show their innocent unborn children compassion? Just because they wanted to spread their legs and have a easy way out? Ooo and I'm pretty sure if god wanted babies to die he would take them hisself instead of giving a women a child then having her smack him in the face with an abortion."

"They should regret abortions! There is no need in them. They are ending the life of a child!! They should feel like crap they don't get the right to be called a mother."

'A fan wrote this on my Life Begins at Conception page so I had to share on here. ♥ it. I would like to ask pro-choice idiots a simple question: You consider a baby a "parasite" you say it can't survive without it's mother, if a mother leaves her child out on the sidewalk for a few days and it dies and it's 5 months old don't you consider that murder? A 5 month old child can't live without it's mother anymore than a child who isn't born yet. We are given the right to: "Life, Liberty,... and the Pursuit of Happiness", there is a reason Life is first it is our most precious right we have and a child's right to live is far more important than an adults right to mess around. I don't even want to hear the rape argument if a child is born as a result of rape then the rapist deserves life in prison and the mother should put the child up for adoption if she fells she can't care for it. Millions of couples can't have kids and they will love that child no matter what. ♥" samantha

Some of them are upset about santorum. Aww poor little gals!

Mmm...nothin' like the taste of slut-shaming. There's a lot of it on that page, even though they claim to support all women and mothers. Yeah, sure, whatever...

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Onoz! You got me! Oh oh oh. I'm crying in front of my computer. I'm so hurt! :violin:

Hey I'm trolling your page with multiple identities by the way. Figure out which ones I am and you get a 10 dollar donation to Planned Parenthood in your name! Bonus points if you ban someone that isn't me!


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Ok, I went to the page several times but can't find the picture you're all talking about. Granted I get distracted by looking for the "porn" but don't see it either. Eh, I'm sticking to our pages as those people are whacked out loons that couldn't read their way out of a wet paper bag.

http://www.facebook.com/LifeBeginsAtCon ... id=4806866

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I'm actually quite shocked they could link back to this page, but quite a generous shout out.


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I had no idea I was supposed to be seeing a baby. Whomever created the illusion intended for people's eyes to not be drawn to the 'baby' aspect.

And holy hell. How many pages do those women run? They have more Facebook pages than Donald Duck has nephews.

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I had no idea I was supposed to be seeing a baby. Whomever created the illusion intended for people's eyes to not be drawn to the 'baby' aspect.

And holy hell. How many pages do those women run? They have more Facebook pages than Donald Duck has nephews.

I was thinking the same thing.

Maybe I'll start a page... "save the unborn gay whales".

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I was thinking the same thing.

Maybe I'll start a page... "save the unborn gay whales".

Haha. Man. I can see why though. I think all of them have children under 1 and some are still living with their parents. Plus the vast majority are really young. It has to be isolating. Compound that with the 'validate my opinions!' (the same posts appear on each of their pages most of the time), it's understandable. But we aren't letting you off the hook for the 'rape is a choice!' remark.

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So. When a woman gets pregnant and has an abortion, she's just spreading her legs like a two-bit whore. But if she keeps it, she's this shining beacon of motherhood and grace. Do I have that right?

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Haha. Man. I can see why though. I think all of them have children under 1 and some are still living with their parents. Plus the vast majority are really young. It has to be isolating. Compound that with the 'validate my opinions!' (the same posts appear on each of their pages most of the time), it's understandable. But we aren't letting you off the hook for the 'rape is a choice!' remark.

I assumed they meant that rape is a choice for the rapist. Because in their narrow little minds, raping someone = having an abortion.

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So. When a woman gets pregnant and has an abortion, she's just spreading her legs like a two-bit whore. But if she keeps it, she's this shining beacon of motherhood and grace. Do I have that right?

Yes, but only if she is married/taken care of by family/kid's father. If not, she is only a shining beacon until she gives birth. Then she is a sponge on the system

Also, only a beacon if she is christian. Everyone else is a dirty slut.

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Just to clear this up. Planned Parenthood's 40 days of prayer is NOT a good thing. I have seem some posts suggesting that it is. It does NOT matter if they are praying for abortion or praying for women who are getting abortions. This is MOCKING the 40 days for life and it is MOCKING God. This is totally disgusting. Do you guys REALLY think Planned Parenthood is praying for these women??? Yea I bet. Praying they will abort in the 3rd trimester so they can profit more. Do NOT be fooled by Planned Parenthood. I would hate to be these people on judgement day. ~Anthony

TT is an admin on this page now??? (Okay, it's not him, but good gravy, how many dickhead Anthonys can be out there????)

And a sweet response:

Cheryl Lyn Warner Like I said before, these "churches" that are praying with them, are obviously praying to a false God. (aka: the devil) Or, its just the fact that its california and they are all high... Not meaning to offend anyone from there, my best friend is and I've been there.

Is "I have a friend from California" like "I have a black friend, so I can't be racist!"?

Why can I not stop reading this page? The stoopid hurts, but the crap that they come up with is also insanely, ridiculously funny.

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Haha. Man. I can see why though. I think all of them have children under 1 and some are still living with their parents. Plus the vast majority are really young. It has to be isolating. Compound that with the 'validate my opinions!' (the same posts appear on each of their pages most of the time), it's understandable. But we aren't letting you off the hook for the 'rape is a choice!' remark.

Now you're making me feel bad for them... Maybe this is also why they place so much emphasis on being a mother and how much they love it and how it makes their lives a million times better? I mean, I see so much "mommie's r awesum" crap on that page; I thought it was just because to them, woman=walking baby carrier, but they're also trying to validate their life choices.

Being filled with so much bitterness and doubt must be miserable, and since they're isolated, all they do is dwell on it.

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TT is an admin on this page now??? (Okay, it's not him, but good gravy, how many dickhead Anthonys can be out there????)

And a sweet response:

Is "I have a friend from California" like "I have a black friend, so I can't be racist!"?

Why can I not stop reading this page? The stoopid hurts, but the crap that they come up with is also insanely, ridiculously funny.

Its like watching a train wreck in slow motion. With muppets involved ~running and bumping into each other.

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Now you're making me feel bad for them... Maybe this is also why they place so much emphasis on being a mother and how much they love it and how it makes their lives a million times better? I mean, I see so much "mommie's r awesum" crap on that page; I thought it was just because to them, woman=walking baby carrier, but they're also trying to validate their life choices.

Being filled with so much bitterness and doubt must be miserable, and since they're isolated, all they do is dwell on it.

My sympathy only goes so far though. It's much like the "Saving Your First Kiss For Marriage" Facebook page. I can sympathize that the 20 year old woman who created the page is stuck in a restricted lifestyle and has doubts. I cannot sympathize with her smugness and constant need to be validated for her supposed choice.

I have zero sympathy for the fact these people can't see past their own nose and realize that the world is shades of grey and not black and white. I also have zero sympathy for those who claim to be pro-life but say things such as "Women who have an abortion should die!" "They should burn in hell!". As I've said multiple times on this board, I thought Jesus preached kindness, forgiveness and understanding but I guess I was thinking of someone else.

Oh and another thing I have zero sympathy for? The use of Nazi in any term other than to refer to Neo-Nazis or the Nazi Party in Germany. Next time you think of using the word Nazi, watch these films


Edit: And my sympathy goes even less far when they start reporting pages for their 'content'. Really? :roll:

https://www.facebook.com/pages/I-Hate-K ... 1640969531

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TT is an admin on this page now??? (Okay, it's not him, but good gravy, how many dickhead Anthonys can be out there????)

Where do they get the jacked-up idea that PP is some kind of hugely profitable enterprise? If they were, why are they always running fundraisers? Why did people have such a strong reaction to SGK pulling their funding? The stupid, it burns :doh: They would have an especially hard time making money from third-trimester abortions, since there are only a few hundred performed in the entire country each year and they're illegal in most states.

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I have an old high school classmate who belongs to this page, which I routinely monitor (I need a new hobby), that is RABIDLY pro-life. I tried commenting on it a while back, but I got booted because I was apparently a "troll" for asking them to cite reputable studies that say women who have abortions are 65% more likely to commit suicide or whatever. Just some of the stuff on this page is ASTOUNDING, and so hateful- women run it, and the sheer misogyny sometimes just makes my jaw drop, such as women calling women who have had abortions bitches and saying that they would smack them, want to kill them, etc. They also claim that a lot of hormonal bith control is unecessary and causes abortions quite frequently. Not to mention, most of the posters just can't articulate themselves intelligently; it's chock full of ad hominem attacks, emotional appeals, and horrific spelling and grammar, and the fact that 90% of their "reputable news sources" come from here: http://www.lifesitenews.com/, one of the most right-wing organizations I have seen on the web.

The thing that made me just lose it reading this page recently is that when an admin posted a question asking what the members would say to a woman who wanted an abortion because carrying a baby would kill her, and the baby wouldn't survive to term anyway, most member simply seemed to say "trust God, He'll heal you if you have a true mother's heart, besides mothers are called upon to sacrifice for their children as part of their very nature, and doctors are often wrong about these diagnoses" etc. etc. As a public health student who hopes to work specifically with women in reproductive health, these people genuinely scare me. Their views, if put into law, WILL cost women their lives and their health. I try to be respectful of all viewpoints, but this is just plain dangerous, and I know if women in my generation (I'm 22) don't fight for our rights now, they WILL be taken from us, and I could see friends die of abortions in the US once again. These people seem to think it's ok to sign massive swathes of women's lives away, in the name of "life." I can't even...

Read and snark away: https://www.facebook.com/LifeBeginsAtConception

Oh, and that high school classmate? She defriended me on facebook for supporting the abortion-murder industry. Good riddance?

Ehhh, I find their whole Pro-life, yay-guns stance to be....let's just say I don't get it. I know there are various views on gun control, etc, but 1) I just don't get what the whole "guns and patriotism" has to do with life beginning at conception or why it belongs on the page and 2) most rabidly pro-gun people are pretty pro-war, death penalty, etc. Siiigh. I shouldn't be so surprised by this, but it just irks me..American fundie logic ftw :P

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