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Facebook Pro-Life Page


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I have an old high school classmate who belongs to this page, which I routinely monitor (I need a new hobby), that is RABIDLY pro-life. I tried commenting on it a while back, but I got booted because I was apparently a "troll" for asking them to cite reputable studies that say women who have abortions are 65% more likely to commit suicide or whatever. Just some of the stuff on this page is ASTOUNDING, and so hateful- women run it, and the sheer misogyny sometimes just makes my jaw drop, such as women calling women who have had abortions bitches and saying that they would smack them, want to kill them, etc. They also claim that a lot of hormonal bith control is unecessary and causes abortions quite frequently. Not to mention, most of the posters just can't articulate themselves intelligently; it's chock full of ad hominem attacks, emotional appeals, and horrific spelling and grammar, and the fact that 90% of their "reputable news sources" come from here: http://www.lifesitenews.com/, one of the most right-wing organizations I have seen on the web.

The thing that made me just lose it reading this page recently is that when an admin posted a question asking what the members would say to a woman who wanted an abortion because carrying a baby would kill her, and the baby wouldn't survive to term anyway, most member simply seemed to say "trust God, He'll heal you if you have a true mother's heart, besides mothers are called upon to sacrifice for their children as part of their very nature, and doctors are often wrong about these diagnoses" etc. etc. As a public health student who hopes to work specifically with women in reproductive health, these people genuinely scare me. Their views, if put into law, WILL cost women their lives and their health. I try to be respectful of all viewpoints, but this is just plain dangerous, and I know if women in my generation (I'm 22) don't fight for our rights now, they WILL be taken from us, and I could see friends die of abortions in the US once again. These people seem to think it's ok to sign massive swathes of women's lives away, in the name of "life." I can't even...

Read and snark away: https://www.facebook.com/LifeBeginsAtConception

Oh, and that high school classmate? She defriended me on facebook for supporting the abortion-murder industry. Good riddance?

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I think I'm stupid I don't understand what this woman wrote on the page.

"Maybe it's just me, but I find it ironic when Pro-Choicers complain about people not taking responsibility for their actions....I'm just sayin."

I don't get it????


WTF, every other post is "what is your fav position", "have you ever been in a threesome"...mixed in with the rabid unfeeling nature of the pro-life ideals!!



THAT is the most whack-a-doodle FP page I've ever looked at.


I would like to win a "fucked up" prize here, for following that facebook page and.... seeing a family member is a part of the group. :roll:

I would like to win a "fucked up" prize here, for following that facebook page and.... seeing a family member is a part of the group. :roll:

That's fucked up.


That's fucked up.

I second that emotion.


Did you all see the "this is my uterus" picture?

What's a "screnning"?

(could someone please post it, I'm having trouble)


Well now that the PP's facebook wall has gone private, this can be my new facebook crazy to read. This takes the cake:

rape is horrible situation but you shouldnt be able to kill your child because of this horrible crime committed. punish the guy that raped you not the baby. ♥ samantha

Rape is a choice. Rape is illegal, although it still happens, so should we legalize it and make "safe clinics" for it to be committed? Prochoice logic.

Well now that the PP's facebook wall has gone private, this can be my new facebook crazy to read. This takes the cake:

Rape is a choice? What?!

The number of babies conceived through rape isn't that high. Your body is too terrified and shocked to "function" properly. I heard this a few years ago, I need to find some statistics I guess.

...but if you happen to get pg from rape, you should be forced to keep it and support it yourself...

I don't think we should hunt them down to pay child support. Unless of course it was a case of an 18 yr old dating a 16 yr old girl--- he gets her pregnant and her parents get pissed and file charges bc he's 18. You and I BOTH know they knew what they were doing... if he's old enough to screw around, he's old enough to learn to be responsible and face the "consequences." Now if it's some stupid fool who jumped a girl, raped her, and she got pregnant... jail time would suffice.

Here's a challenge...

I will donate $100 to PP if any FJite can infiltrate this page and achieve the status of "fan of the week".


I should probably stick to reading some threads at work, where FB is blocked. Then I won't be tempted to go to to pages like this one :shock:

The very first thing I saw on the page was: "If your interested in being an admin"...followed by the profile of the person who is apparently the only one interested:

My name is Samantha. You can call me Sam or samantha either or. i am 19 years old. I have always been pro-life but havent really been involved in the movement and education on abortion until recently. i welcomed my son Preston Lamont Privett 12-3-11 via csection and he is the best thing to ever happen to me. I miscarried at 10 weeks May 2010. I married my husband Matthew Lamont Privett 6-13-10. I am currently a stay at home mom and we do live with my parents right now. I am currently on an antidepressant for PPD. i am a christian, but I have questioned some of the things I went through. I was adopted by my grandparents and they are the best. Glad my mother gave me life though! I love animals, I respect all life. I am pro-death penalty though only in extreme situations. I believe if you kill someone why should you live. I respect all parental decisions as long as your child is happy and healthy and not abused i dont care. I try to stay out of drama but I will fight for what I believe in and I will always fight for the rights of unborn children. I do not like our current president and since now im old enough to vote i will hopefully help our nation vote him out of office. I am mostly conservative on most issues. I try to get along with everyone and i try to be nice. I think we can get along great as long as there is no drama. name calling or bashing. anything else you wanna know about me just ask

She's like a pro-life caricature. She hits all the bullet points. I don't even... :roll: :roll: :roll:

I should probably stick to reading some threads at work, where FB is blocked. Then I won't be tempted to go to to pages like this one :shock:

The very first thing I saw on the page was: "If your interested in being an admin"...followed by the profile of the person who is apparently the only one interested:

She's like a pro-life caricature. She hits all the bullet points. I don't even... :roll: :roll: :roll:

How can you be sooooo very prop life and pro death penalty at the same time?

How can you be sooooo very prop life and pro death penalty at the same time?

Eh, who freaking knows...probably the same way you can be a stay at home mom while living with your parents :lol:


Eh, who freaking knows...probably the same way you can be a stay at home mom while living with your parents :lol:

Good point. I wonder if either she or her husband have a job :)


Good point. I wonder if either she or her husband have a job :)

I bet she also eats meat.

Guest Anonymous

Oh, and the idiots have resurrected the GIRL SCOUTS ARE BAD BECAUSE THEY ARE PARTNERED WITH PLANNED PARENTHOOD routine. I posted the following on the page:

"Hate to burst a perfectly good conspiracy theory, but Girl Scouts Of America is NOT partnered with Planned Parenthood. This is just a witch hunt targeting the Girl Scouts for accepting transgendered applicants. Not to mention telling girls they can be strong"

Wonder how long it will survive.


OMFG this page makes my head explode x1000.

Rape is a CHOICE?! Did I motherfucking read that correctly?

:obscene-birdiered::obscene-birdiered: :angry-jumpinganger: :angry-cussingblack: :angry-cussingblack: :angry-cussing: :angry-screaming: :angry-devil:

Trying REALLY REALLY HARD not to post on that FB page.


Couldn't resist:

Proof that women are nothing more than walking, talking incubators to you all. Who cares if a woman gets cervical cancer or needs a pap smear? All that matters to you is that she gets pregnant & keeps it.Proof that none of you are truly "pro life". If you were pro-life you would also care about the life of the woman who is carrying the child. Btw, I pay for my own medical care through my health insurance. The cost for "upkeep" is mine. So FU all.
Here's a challenge...

I will donate $100 to PP if any FJite can infiltrate this page and achieve the status of "fan of the week".

You're on!

I'm trying to decide how to proceed with this. It looks like the 'Fan of the Week' is achieved randomly, the more you post... the more chances you have at being fan of the week.


I bet she also eats meat.

Yep. Not to knock meat-eaters, but I always get a kick out of the vocal 'pro-life' people because most of the time, as has been pointed out already, it couldn't be farther from the truth. As a largely vegan, environmentally conscious, universal healthcare supporter - who even goes so far as to place spiders back outside - I feel pretty confident in saying that I'm far more pro-life than a lot of these folks.


So 'stephanie' is from FJ, right?


Yep. Not to knock meat-eaters, but I always get a kick out of the vocal 'pro-life' people because most of the time, as has been pointed out already, it couldn't be farther from the truth. As a largely vegan, environmentally conscious, universal healthcare supporter - who even goes so far as to place spiders back outside - I feel pretty confident in saying that I'm far more pro-life than a lot of these folks.

Thats why I call it pro-fetal-life since they only care about the human fetuses but once the kid is born? They say FU kid and don't offer support for the parents.

So 'stephanie' is from FJ, right?



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