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Catholic Priest goes off the rails at high school


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This Catholic priest went completely off the rails while talking to a group of high school seniors at a Catholic high school in Minneapolis. He said single parents and adopted kids are not normal. He also said gay marriage is like bestiality. Students were upset and quickly figured out why only seniors were invited. It is because they all will be able to vote in the fall and the school wants them to vote against legalizing gay marriage in MN.

http://thenewcivilrightsmovement.com/ca ... 4/04/37528

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If the story is accurate, it sounds like a good number of the students didn't buy it. I have a lot of confidence in the younger generation to turn the tide of hate in this country.

Seriously not understanding the anti adoption bit...Catholic Charities is massively into the adoption industry (aka Catholic Scarities).

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Seems to me if you're trying to rally people to your cause, telling a good chunk of them that their families are unnatural is not the way to go. I've got adopted friends and friends with single mothers, and even an earlier apolitical version of myself would have disregarded everything he had to say after he told me those friends were not normal.

I also don't get how a conservative Catholic can have anything bad to say about adoption. It constitutes half the words that come out of their mouths as soon as the topic of reproductive freedom comes up.

Edited because I hit submit too soon.

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This is a local story. Actually, I don't believe the priest was the one who made the adoption comment, it was either the husband or wife of the couple that appeared with the priest. Adoptees were referred to as "sociologically unstable." It was also the married couple who said sex between two men was bestiality. It was at DeLaSalle High School in Minneapolis.

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This is a local story. Actually, I don't believe the priest was the one who made the adoption comment, it was either the husband or wife of the couple that appeared with the priest. Adoptees were referred to as "sociologically unstable." It was also the married couple who said sex between two men was bestiality. It was at DeLaSalle High School in Minneapolis.

The adoption comment is still perplexing. Sheesh, I must be a nutcase since I am the product of both single parenthood and adoption.

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The adoption comment is still perplexing. Sheesh, I must be a nutcase since I am the product of both single parenthood and adoption.

The archdiocese is hearing from lots of us adoptive parents, and I'm guessing adoptees too. I sent my nastygram yesterday. It will probably be next week before I hear back.

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Adoptees were referred to as "sociologically unstable."

I'll have to be sure to tell that to my occupational therapist. She was adopted. Adoption didn't mess her up.

Whoever said that about adoption was a real idiot.

Good for you. Nurse Nell, letting the diocese know that what was said was beyond the pale.

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The archdiocese is hearing from lots of us adoptive parents, and I'm guessing adoptees too. I sent my nastygram yesterday. It will probably be next week before I hear back.


The comments on gays are nauseating as wel, but not exactly surprising.

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Most of the kids I know who were adopted are super well adjusted. I think some of the nature vs nurture comes into play for predisposition for things like mental illness and other things from people I have seen, but that can happen in any family. I have severe depression, cripplingly severe, and will probably be blind by my 50's if i don't get lasic. However, that didn't stop my parents from having three kids.

I think people against adoption fail to recognize that kids who were adopted were chosen because the parents really, really, really wanted a baby. although the circumstances of the actual conception may have been accidental, where the baby ends up is in no way an accident. there are tons of background checks for adoptions, and most only go through if the couple is stable mentally and financially. hell, even my youngest brother was a "surprise," and my parents have been married for 35 years. most pregnancies are not planned.

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The comments on gay marriage don't particularly shock me, given that we're talking about a Catholic priest giving a presentation at a Catholic school, but I'm completely flummoxed by the adoption bashing. Just from a PR standpoint, surely they could have assumed that at least some of the kids in that room would be adoptees or have friends/family members who are and were likely to be upset. Aside from that, since when is the Catholic church against adoption? That's their big solution for unplanned pregnancies, isn't it? As opposed to abortion? And historically, hasn't the church run various kinds of orphanages and the like? Trying to combine a, "Vote against gay marriage!" thing with anti adoption talk seems completely bizarre to me.

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