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The Bontrager Family Singers/The Duggars


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I've seen this family's name connected with the Bates and Duggars so I looked them up. Not many surprises.


The youtube videos of the family singing are okay, nothing great. Their main strength is that they can actually play musical instruments.




I found this on their website.




number 3 and 4 under their list of ten church goals



)To teach every man how to delight in and meet the needs of his wife with the same kind of love that Christ gave to the Church when He sacrificed Himself for her. (Ephesians 5:25-29, 1 Peter 3:7)



4)To teach every wife how to love her husband and children, how to be discreet and chaste, how to manage her home, and how to adapt to her own husband so that the Christian faith cannot be spoken against by those who know her. (Titus 2:4-5, 1 Peter 3:1-6)


What do they mean by adapting to their husbands? That sounds like something the Pearls would write. How does the church teach someone to love their husband and children?


Here is number 8



8)To motivate women to a life of Godliness and faithfulness by providing meaningful ministries and financial assistance for them when they are older and have no husband or other relatives to help. (Timothy 5:3-16



There is no goal of providing food for the needy outside your own church.


From the same page, this is how to build godly generations. On the plus side, at least they include that the husband should be a servant leader but the wife is still suposed to be submissive. I'm confused how the woman is supposed to learn to make appeals to the husband so that he can grow in being noble. What does that even mean?




Success will be men who are servant leaders who love their wives as Christ loved the church. They will encourage and build up their wives and together they will bring up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Using Biblical wisdom, understanding, and knowledge, they will learn to be fathers and disciple makers as they engage with their children.



* Success will be wives who love and respect because they feel secure in Christ’s love and therefore know how to offer God’s love to their husbands; wives who know how to pursue appeals that will motivate their husbands to make wise decisions and succeed as noble men in Christ Jesus, being content and lifting up their own households with their lips and hands.



* * *Success will be children who obey their parents because they can hear God’s voice and willingly respond to God. They have a personal relationship with Christ and depend on His righteousness by faith. If parents reveal the image of God the Father accurately, revealing both His mercy and His truth, then children will search for their security from God in Christ Jesus and the home environment.


How do they decide when a child obeys his parents because he loves god instead of being terrifed of a beating?


I don't see the Duggars marrying any of the Bontragers. John David would hate performing and his family needs his sisters to care for the babies. Like the Duggars, The Bontrangers make money off their children so although they might bring someone into the singing group but I don't see them letting anyone leave.


Here is their store




edited. I changed the title of the thread because I discussed the Duggars also and I wanted to reflect the subject better

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Guess what I found under their links?

No Greater Joy

God has given Michael & Debi Pearl much wisdom on raising children to be strong in the Lord and mighty in Spirit! Our family loves the Pearls monthly magazine and many of their books/messages as well.

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I think Bontragers are better singers and musicians than the Duggars. At least the Bontragers don't try to show boat like Josh.

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