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Could someone please tweet this to Josh?

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Sorry, I meant the one in Sola's tweet. I get an error message when I click on it. 'Snipped URL Gone'

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Sorry, I meant the one in Sola's tweet. I get an error message when I click on it. 'Snipped URL Gone'

It's OK for some reason twitter said it contained spam. I redid it again snipping it with Tinyurl and this time it went through.

@joshduggar Hey Smuggar, the writing is on the wall http://tinyurl.com/bp4bl4e

I'm amazed he hasn't blocked me yet. I sent this yesterday;

@joshduggar Yep, everyone could fit into Jacksonville, as long as they don't want to eat, drink or lay down to sleep. #moron
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Yes, I noticed that too. Thought if I fixed the link it might work.

Guess you are banned too, Visionoyahweh ;) ?

Thanks, Sola! I did see your tweet yesterday :clap:

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I think Smugs has stopped banning people because he thinks that reading his tweets will "change people's hearts" or whatever the bullshit line is. Too bad that all of the stuff people are tweeting TO him is anti-Smuggar/Frothy. He probably keeps it up thinking that any Frothy/Duggar fans will "understand" his "purse-e-cution!!!!!!11111"

He was around 4000 followers last week when he was pruning people who posted negative stuff; now he's over 5k.

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I clicked the tinyurl link while on twitter, and it didn't work. Houston, we have a problem.

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Edited: my post from last night is still standing and Sola got the post above through to the buttnugget.

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