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JimBob Responds to Overpopulation Video


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By continuing to ignore the fact that overpopulation is about resources, not space.



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Movers can put the furnishings of several three bedroom homes in one truck, but you cannot live there.

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I think he's being deliberately dense about this shit. He mentioned on the show how much 'open space' there is in their state.

He knows that the farmland is utilized by farmers and ranchers who raise crops and cattle which we eat.

There's a thread elsewhere about what bugs us about the Duggars.

Well, the deliberate head in the sand bugs me.

The hypocrisy bugs me.

The 'all girls like flowers' cramming of square pegs into round holes cause that's what is 'supposed to be' bugs the everloving shit out of me.

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There's so much empty space between Jim Bob's ears.

and yet no one can live there. unless they found a shrinking ray. hey maybe thats what jb can do to keep his kids in line... shrink them and toss them inside his head!

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In the, what, minute, he was on screen he said "uh" six times that I counted and he spoke like a jack rabbit on speed. I think he needs a coach if he's gong to be doing any public speaking for good ole frothy that's going to make an impact.

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Understanding overpopulation requires more thought than just memorizing a bunch of facts and being able to spew them out on demand. Since that seems to be the extent of the Duggar's approach toward education it's not surprising that he can't comprehend overpopulation. This would require knowledge of the hydrologic cycle and weather patterns. It would also require knowledge of agriculture and availability of arable land not to mention the fact that a lot of land on Earth isn't fit for human habitation.

Explaining overpopulation takes a lot more than an "I tell you wut" sentence so naturally Jim Boob and the rest would be incapable of understanding.

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There's so much empty space between Jim Bob's ears.

you are wrong it is so full of shit there i no room for real idea's.

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you are wrong it is so full of shit there i no room for real idea's.

Sounds like a good place for a worm farm.

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they would die from all the foul idea's floating around in there.

Worms like nasty foul stuff. They convert it into great compost for the garden. I have a worm garden and they tend to go for the rotten foul stuff over the fresh stuff.

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Worms like nasty foul stuff. They convert it into great compost for the garden. I have a worm garden and they tend to go for the rotten foul stuff over the fresh stuff.

they like organic stuff not toxic fundie sludge. that stuff could kill a horse.

Why would you want to abuse a worm like that? don't be hating on worms.

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Guest Anonymous

you are wrong it is so full of shit there i no room for real idea's.

If an intelligent thought ever slithered into his or Michelle's brainpans, it would die from loneliness.

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If an intelligent thought ever slithered into his or Michelle's brainpans, it would die from loneliness.

good ideas are the only things they can't reproduce.

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they like organic stuff not toxic fundie sludge. that stuff could kill a horse.

Why would you want to abuse a worm like that? don't be hating on worms.

I forgot that fundie sludge contains no carbon. It contains nothing but tainted farts. I dont hate worms. They are helping to rehabilitate the soil at my dads place. He could not get anything to grow last year but things are starting to sprout up already thanks to the lovely worms.

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'There are none so blind as those who will not see' describes Jim Bob to a 'T.'

Imagine if every couple in America was working on having their 20 th child and they were all being homeschooled by Michelle clones? Our children would all end up selling used cars to each other. The Duggars are just full of stupid.

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and yet no one can live there.

Hahahaha! I snorted while reading that last night and got a really strange look from my daughter. I only have 5 min to lurk on FJ, but his response was so fucking asinine that I had to snark on it.

I am with donks, he is being deliberately obtuse at this point. Not only is he ignoring the fact that it is not just about people having a place to sit, his family is NOT encouraging people to have "1 extra" child. They are suggesting that people have "as many as god sees fit to give them." Considering that he is quite good with money and how investing/compound interest rates work, I'm fairly certain he understands how exponential growth works as well.

I often joke out this when my fathers side of the family gets together. Both of my paternal grandparents are still alive, now in their 90's. They had 6 children, who each in turn had 2-4 children, most of us have now had 1-3 children, and a few of our children are now having children. It is crazy! Of course those gatherings include spouses, but that is a huge family. Fortunately there is a clear trend in a decrease of the number of children each generation is producing, but I doubt it will drop much lower than 1-2.

I still say this BS about "training their children up" to be productive, or however they was to phrase it that day are just code words for "our children are better than yours, so there should be more of them". Assholes.

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