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Keeping Vaginas out of Christian Bookstores

figuring it out

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I'm not surprised. Should be but I'm not. Why have women when you could have these sexless beings who aren't even persons enough to have genitals unless of course they are in the context of how they are used by men.

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My editor noted that it would be tough to get this particular reference to “vagina†through the Christian bookstore gatekeepers, so we took it out and replaced it with...sigh... “privates.†(I know, I know.)

What’s frustrating about all of this, of course, is that I can use the word “vagina†when the context involves rape, but I cannot use the word “vagina†when the context involves a certain degree of ownership and power over my own body. This speaks volumes about some of the underlying assumptions regarding men, women, sex, and power that are at work in this whole conversation...especially considering the fact that men have written humorous accounts using the words "penis" and "testicles" for the same market

Most people do not get offended by terms like vagina and vulva. It is far more troubling that she can use vagina in the context of rape but not when talking about her own body part.

The bookstore owners must believe that their customers are very childish.

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I am 28 years old, my mother was by NO means a fundy, and yet all growing up we used "weewee" and "penis". The boys could use their body part and it was totally fine, but my mother felt "vagina" sounded dirty. I was 16 years old at a doctor's appointment and had to say "My...private...parts" because I could not for the life of me remember the name.

My sister (24) and I told my mother we were teaching little sisters, and brothers, the proper names for their body parts. God gave them to us, vagina is not a crass term like "dick" or "pussy" - it's the name for a woman's genitalia.

But, I feel similarly about menstruation. You would not believe the number of guys in my life over the past 14 years I have been menstruating who told me they were offended by me mentioning my period. How many moms of friends would tell me to "be more discreet there are boys around." Well.... they will probably have a girlfriend or wife or sister or some woman in their life and they should know about periods. It's not a dirty topic - it's a natural biological thing like sneezing or breathing.

Rant over :)

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Don't know why, but this reminded me of when my sister was little. She decided that she didn't like the word vagina, and wanted to call it her gine-gine (pronounced like j-eye-n) because it sounded cuter. Granted, she was only 2 and half at the time...

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I have two sons in their late 20s and I am so surprised how much the periods of their SO's are such a non-issue to them. I never ever talked with them about MY periods. I didn't hide it; I just didn't talk about it. I did give them tampons to play with and showed them how to pop them out like a rocket when they were little.

Both of them have been known to go buy supplies for their GFs/wife without a blink. I think boys know more about that stuff now than they used to.

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Female sexuality scares them, but men's sexuality is normal, fine and healthy.

But yet it takes two to tango.

I'm going to stand in front of a mirror with the lights off and say vagina three times and see what happens....

Did it and nothing. Little disappointed. Its just a word with no dark powers.

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Maybe she could spell it "vajina" and then play with the letters. Javina could be the next Duggar!

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I've never understood the fear of the word vagina. It's no different than elbow, knee, ear, nose. It's the name for a part of the body. Calling it your peepee or your hoohoo or whatever juvenile names people come up for it doesn't negate the fact that you're talking about a VAGINA. Big flippin' deal. I've always taught my son the proper anatomical names for body parts.

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I remember in middle school health class, my teacher asked everyone to say the name of the male part of the body used to pee. Everyone had no problem saying penis out loud in class. When she asked students the name of the body part in which the man puts his penis during intercourse people were silent. She then made us all (one by one) shout "vagina" at the top of our lungs several times. (Gotta love progressive education...). Her point, however, came across loud and clear. Saying penis should be no different from saying vagina.

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