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A Case Study of a Self-Hating Racist

super skeptic

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So, we've talked about Kidist Paulos Asrat (blog: cameraluc.blogspot.com) and her crazy, paranoid ramblings that lack an ounce of humanity or self-awareness. I'm just fascinated by this woman. I think it's the fact that unlike others who can separate themselves from the things they hate, this lady hates all the things she herself is: immigrants, black people, all minorities, and women. The cognitive dissonance is amazing.

Here are some quotes that made me laugh from one of her old posts:

"Sarah Palin was brilliant in her RNC speech. Amazing. Beat them all - Giuliani, Romney, Thompson, and those parade of women who also made their presentations. I bet she'll outshine McCain too." [...] "She really is too good to be true."] (Link: cameraluc.blogspot.com/2008/09/tabloid-fury.html)

I mean, really. I can think of a lot of words to describe Palin, but "brilliant" and "good" are not on the list.

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Oh for the love of! (Link: cameraluc.blogspot.com/2008/11/enter-man.html)

"The Man (or the white man), trying to keep this black family away from his neighborhood and community, was seen as a villain by the family (of course) and also by the audience.

His only crime was to say to the black family: "We are a community of like-minded people. I know you won't fit in. Please don't try."

That 1959 story is really the story of America. And he was right, after all. I don't think there are any genuinely integrated communities in the US. And this is because whites and blacks prefer to live apart from each other."

I wonder if she would take kindly to white Canadians kicking her out of their neighborhood or country because they know she won't fit in! It only makes sense! I bet she'd be raving mad.


Oh come on! (Link: cameraluc.blogspot.com/2009/01/oatmeal-and-winter.html) I'm pasty white and I don't like oatmeal OR shoveling snow. Does this mean I'm a traitor to my culture?

And it's so hilarious that she says "we" as if she weren't a minority and an immigrant.

(Answer: No. It just means I don't like oatmeal or shoveling.)

So, we've talked about Kidist Paulos Asrat (blog: cameraluc.blogspot.com) and her crazy, paranoid ramblings that lack an ounce of humanity or self-awareness. I'm just fascinated by this woman. I think it's the fact that unlike others who can separate themselves from the things they hate, this lady hates all the things she herself is: immigrants, black people, all minorities, and women. The cognitive dissonance is amazing.

Here are some quotes that made me laugh from one of her old posts:

"Sarah Palin was brilliant in her RNC speech. Amazing. Beat them all - Giuliani, Romney, Thompson, and those parade of women who also made their presentations. I bet she'll outshine McCain too." [...] "She really is too good to be true."] (Link: cameraluc.blogspot.com/2008/09/tabloid-fury.html)

I mean, really. I can think of a lot of words to describe Palin, but "brilliant" and "good" are not on the list.

I can't stand Palin. Actually, the thought of her nauseates me. But she does have a gift for being able to connect with a large crowd. I really do think her RNC speech was brilliant. Liberals (including me) all over the country were texting our friends and fellow campaigners, "Houston, we have a problem". Fortunately for the country, that is her only real gift, and her stunning lack of everything else played itself out in the days that followed and the problem we thought we had went away.


I can see how one can look at that as brilliant, as it brilliantly pandered to a lot of angry and racist people. Still, though, *the speech* might have been brilliant, but Palin is a dim bulb.

I can see how one can look at that as brilliant, as it brilliantly pandered to a lot of angry and racist people. Still, though, *the speech* might have been brilliant, but Palin is a dim bulb.

No argument here. :)


The "1959 story" she quoted burns me up. A brown-skinned AA friend of mine had, among his relatives, a family much lighter-skinned than his. When this light-skinned family moved into a posh community, they told my friend's family, "No, don't come out here and visit us--we'll drive out there and visit YOU." it wounded my friend and his family to the core.

Poor Kidist. She'll never learn how nice it can be to, figuratively, hold hands in a circle and sing Kum-Ba-Ya.

I wonder if she would take kindly to white Canadians kicking her out of their neighborhood or country because they know she won't fit in! It only makes sense! I bet she'd be raving mad.

From reading her blog, I suspect she would in fact be upset - she'd be upset that those white Canadians don't see that's she's not like those OTHER POC, she's really white inside, she identifies with the white Canadians, she's SPESHUL, and why can't they SEE that????

It's the usual "maybe if I hate on my own group, and make a big show of doing it, the group that hates my group but that I'm desperately wanting to join will let me in as a special exception" thing. I.e., "self-hating."

It's one response when faced with the situation of trying to join a club that won't have you as a member - if you get even slightly ahead, hate like mad on those coming up behind you to make a distinction, even if the bouncers at the door can't see it and don't even care to see it.


I love how she can post this drivel all day long, but doesn't dare allow comments on her blog. I don't think she could take the heat unlike zsu zsu as awful as she may be doesn't lock down her blog and lets comments through. I would love to ask her how she is so full of hate when she's a POC herself with a very foreign sounding name. It's like she thinks she's untouchable.


I live in a diverse apartment building, I had no idea so many non-white people did not want to be my neighbor. :roll:


I am living in South Florida. Just moved here from South Carolina. One of the wonderful things about living here is having neighbors of every possible hue and language. Yes. I MOVED HERE BECAUSE I PREFER LIVING IN a DIVERSE COMMUNITY.

And there you have it.

I am living in South Florida. Just moved here from South Carolina. One of the wonderful things about living here is having neighbors of every possible hue and language. Yes. I MOVED HERE BECAUSE I PREFER LIVING IN a DIVERSE COMMUNITY.

And there you have it.

Kidist knows that you agree with her really. She can tell.


Oh God, this one is so horrible I couldn't even laugh at her ridiculousness --> cameraluc.blogspot.com/2009/04/madonna-diptych.html

Look at how Kidist photoshopped the black baby out of the picture to make it look "better". Her improvement was just that. Taking the black baby out.



I have to learn to stay the hell away from that bitch's blog. Her hatred of damn near everyone and everything, and her judgmental, self-righteous attitude, fill me with rage. Time to go visit Cake Wrecks or Cute Overload to detox.


Heh, I totally understand, although I'm fascinated by her. I'm curious as to what dumb thought she's going to write about next.


:angry-steamingears: There, now that I have my feelings out about that...


Aw, now I want to create a before an after photo where I photoshop Kidist out of Canada for the good of the country.

Aw, now I want to create a before an after photo where I photoshop Kidist out of Canada for the good of the country.

Sorry... I blame Canada. ;)


Sorry... I blame Canada. ;)

"It's not a real country anyway." Blame South Park for that one! ;)


I read a few posts on her blog. Besides her racist post, one entry was on how she couldn't watch Jeopardy because a "homosexual" was on, said he was married and it ruined the show for her. Poor thing. The next post I read she gave unique views on a Valentino fashion show in Paris. The posing of female models standing with reclining male models is part of the master plan against the men. An "Eve" dress which had a snake on it provoked some hatred as well. She really can read all those hidden messages we average Christians would miss by our casual observation. Interesting. I need to keep reading so I can gain some of her spiritual insight. I didn't know how evil and disgusting every human being on earth but her is. I had no idea. :roll:

edit spelling


The Madonna photo just made me go :shock: It's one of those things that make you go "Really? In this century?!"

The Madonna photo just made me go :shock: It's one of those things that make you go "Really? In this century?!"

And the fact that she and that child are both African! She makes my blood boil. I have to stop looking at her blog, but it is so hard not to click on these links. She angers me as few people do. The fact that she is, as the OP stated, a self-hating racist is probably the reason she upsets me so much. The fact that she is an African immigrant, and then she goes on to besmirch other Africans and other immigrants makes me so furious. She wants so desperately to be white and it sickens me. She reminds me of people like my grandmother, who, although we are part Hawaiian, would insist that the class of Hawaiians we are descended from were from a different ethnic group than the other classes. She would say that her Hawaiian ancestors were Caucasian and Middle Eastern in origin, nevermind that I've seen photos of our pure Hawaiian ancestors, and they looked just like every other Hawaiian. You do find a lot of people like this in mixed-race communities, which is why there is so much internalized racism within a lot of these groups. I know that it should make me sad, and I should feel sorry for her, but she really hits a nerve.

And for what it's worth, I am part Asian and people generally see me as Asian or Eurasian, and I love oatmeal. My white, half-Aussie, half-French Canadian husband absolutely hates it. Go figure. And growing up in Hawaii, I met enough mainland born white people to know that lots of white people hate the winter too.


I never thought I'd see the day when Dave Chapelle's Black White Supremist character would be a real life person. :(


Warning: lots of use of the 'n word' amongst other things.


HAHAHAHA! That is perfection. That character is the perfect analogy to Kidist!


Looking at that picture (the one of her) I am surprised... she is actually beautiful. She is so unbelievably hateful I was expecting it to show through on the outside.


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