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A choice rant from Theonomy Mom's now private blog

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Leah McHenry Smith, aka Theonomy Mom, just does not grasp that there is only one proper position for women within the Dominionist movement: supine.

She recently made a post "The Church's Socialist Army Part 2", in which she rants about socialist pastors, even against some theonomic pastors, possibly her own pastor. Apparently, they all have it wrong and she is right. She doesn't grasp that that makes her a rebellious woman. I think she is a Jen Epstein in the making, complete with overtones of white supremacy. I'd feel sorry for her if she was capable of displaying an ounce of human feeling or empathy.

When I checked yesterday, that post had been removed. I just checked back and now the whole blog is completely private. Never fear, google's cache never forgets:

Things in the world are coming to a head. We all feel it. It’s like when Frodo leaves the Shire and sets out on his path and we all know it will be a long, treacherous journey. We see the Ring-wraiths tracking him down, making his mission next to impossible. It’s that intense feeling, when you’re sitting in the theater, bass pounding through your chest, feeling the weight of tens of thousands of Orcs marching towards battle. You know it’s coming to a head. It will get ugly.

I feel this every day as I wake up and go about my day. As I home school our four kids and attempt to prepare them for the world, I can’t help but feel anxious now and then. I read the news, or just browse Facebook, and I’m reminded of how dark the world has become. How am I supposed to go and fold the laundry now, having read about the impending doom? What can one stay-at-home-housewife do to stem the tide of a collapsing world? How can one family alter the course of a global conspiracy to take over the world? These are perhaps not the average thoughts of ordinary housewives, but I have them.

For example, this morning my husband and I had our morning coffee and visit before he left for work. We discussed the fact that many churches (including our own) allow and even endorse their own members being on welfare, or accepting government aid in various forms. This is outrageous! If the church won’t take care of its own members and instead, sends them out their door to the government, I am afraid for those pastors who will receive a kind of Judgement I wouldn’t wish on my enemy.

I’ve heard some wild reasoning before, but recently I’ve come across some bizarre and flawed thinking in church leaders which goes like this:

“Well, you see, we’re so heavily taxed that if I can use the system to get some of my money back, I have no problem with that.â€

So, accept government-stolen money because you’ve been robbed? Send your single mothers and widows to the government because you’re taxed too much?

“We are helping to bring the system down by using the system against itself.â€

So, because the government is already taking from you, so you might as well get what you can out of it? What kind of madness is this? Then someone tries to defend themselves by saying even my family uses government-backed currency and government programs (like BC medical). I have to explain that there is a difference between being BORN into slavery and selling yourself INTO slavery! We don’t have a choice on many of these matters. I didn’t choose where I was born or the system I was born into. Now that we recognize how evil it is, we are working to change it and raising our children to not become dependent on the government.

By the way pastors, you’re not “helping†to bring the system down, you’re contributing to the rise of communism. When the government realizes that everyone–even the Church–needs the handouts and aids, they will tax us even more to support the programs until everything becomes collective and centralized. Finally, you won’t even own your own property. It’s a cyclical system–HELLO!

Hey socialist pastors: I’m a stay-at-home mom who barely graduated high school and I can tell you why our taxes are so high and why you are dooming our culture:

Taxes are so high because moronic pastors tell their congregations it’s okay to accept government money, thus burdening the system even further.

Taxes are so high because even the Church uses the system when they don’t need it.

Taxes are so high because the Church has stopped taking care of its own and continues to send its own people to synagogues of Satan for aid!

Your sin is everyone else’s judgement. Thank you very much.

The Mormon’s wouldn’t dream of doing that to their own people! I heard once that a family left the Mormon church and converted to Evangelicalism. Years later the husband died, leaving the stay-at-home wife to raise several children on her own with a mortgage. Even though they had left the church years ago and left the Mormon faith, guess who showed up on her doorstep, willing to help? Their old Mormon elders. They had an offer she couldn’t refuse: If the woman was willing to come back to the Mormon church, they would buy her house out so she could live there indefinitely and not have to worry about her mortgage, they would send all of her kids to college and they would give her enough money to support her family. If I remember correctly, they gave her a job as well. Can you guess what she did? She went back to the Mormon church.

If you’re a Christian, are you embarrassed? I am. Can you imagine what would happen if the TRUE Church actually stepped up to the plate like the Mormons?

Furthermore, we aren’t doing anything to come up with an alternative system. We all know this economic and political system is about to collapse. It has already begun. But are we ready for what will happen after the fact?

The evil elitists have their plan: a global power-grab. That’s fine, they can plan whatever they want–it doesn’t mean it will work or that God will allow it. But what needs to happen is the Church needs to produce innovative, inventive plans and be ready with biblical solutions to this collapse.

How can we get a biblical currency into people’s hands quickly when our fiat currency finally poofs into the thin air from which it was created? People have talked about e-gold or a hard-backed currency that could be electronically transferred if need be. I’m sure there are pros and cons to this idea.

The bottom line is that someone, somewhere, needs to invent a biblical method of exchange and get it ready to implement for the day the crap hits the fan. In the meantime, barter and trade might be the only other option. But we need to come up with a way to survive and thrive.

Where are Church leaders right now? With their heads up their irrelevant, pietistic assets.

We have generations that need to go forward in history. This can’t happen if we are dependent on the system ourselves, even if it’s just to spite the system. Transformation of the system can’t happen if our children don’t understand biblical economics or politics or art or music. However, right now the pinnacle is in the corrupt system itself.

Let me be clear: it always comes down to a heart issue. The system is corrupt because the people are corrupt. There is no salvation in any system, not even a godly one. That is also why some so-called theonomic pastors are delusional in thinking they can enforce theonomy through top-down socialistic tactics. They prove this in their anti-family, collectivist approach to child-rearing when they claim, “it takes a church to raise a child.†The last time I heard that in church, I wanted to poke my own eyes out with a fork: I thought that would be less painful than hearing such blunt socialism from the pulpit.

Transformation of culture starts at the bottom: individuals and families and then churches. In some circles, us home schoolers are the ultimate bottom-feeders. I have a message for them:

Hey–socialist pastors–while you continue to contribute to communism, socialism and fascism, I will continue to home school my kids and give them a comprehensive biblical worldview, which will lead to the most innovative, productive people on this planet. It will lead to a new generation of young people who will come up with a plan to undo what you have done. It will lead to ingenious young leaders who actually take responsibility for themselves and help others to do the same. It will lead to your condemnation.

We have to spread the ideology of liberty, freedom and incremental victories. That is only the beginning to change. That is why I’m pro Ron Paul. He’s not perfect, but he’s a giant step towards victory, beginning with biblical economics. But in the meantime, our church leaders heap coals upon themselves, preaching from the Bible at the pulpit and supporting Satan’s economic system.

I pray these will be topics of average housewives in the near future. Instead of petty gossip, or fighting about cloth diapers versus disposable diapers, women will speak of how they can encourage their husbands in their callings, studies, and in the training of their children. With the help of God, we will change the world, despite the corrupt, socialist Church.

Here's the link to google cache, no telling how long it will work.

http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/s ... =firefox-a

This is a woman with some issues.

So, accept government-stolen money because you’ve been robbed? Send your single mothers and widows to the government because you’re taxed too much?

I hate this lie. I fucking hate it. The government isn't STEALING your money. Taxes are money paid for services rendered - and in the modern world they're spent far more wisely than they were in Biblical times, when Jesus told his followers to "render unto Caesar" (exact words!) just pay your darn taxes. (And that wasn't even their own government, it was the Roman government! But then,

What does our government ever do for us?)

I’ve heard some wild reasoning before

I'll bet she has - every time she opens her mouth.

This is a woman with some issues

FloraPoste, I commend you for your masterly use of understatement.


I am more disturbed by the fact that this woman is homeschooling her children. The grammer and punctuation problems in her blog really bothers me. I don't even understand half of what she wrote.

How do you move forward in history? An event has to occur before it becomes history. What is a heart issue or the True Church?

She is against the belief that it takes a church to raise a child but wants the church to help pay the bills for the child and their family? Wouldn't that be taking care of a child? Isn't that just another form of welfare? Wouldn't the money come from the tithe parishoners are giving to the church? That is just another form of the socialism she is railing against.

Based on Theonomy Mom's lack of analytical and reasoning skills, I understand why she barely graduated from high school.


So many things wrong with that it's hard to know where to start, but:

1. I don't think she is teaching her kids very good economics if she thinks her church can buy houses and put the kids through college for every needy member. Money for this comes from where? Church money is like strike fund money, there ain't a lot of it and you would have to be desperate to get even a tiny amount. Which leads on to #2!

2. But! This problem would be solved if she and her fellow Christians lived communally and shared all resources in common. That's biblical economics for ya! It's also communism. Which she doesn't seem keen on.

IOW, she's totally contradicting herself here. Not only is it extremely stupid to teach economics from a book written at a time where there was a slave economy and feudalism, much less capitalism, hadn't even come into being yet, it helps if you get THE ACTUAL TEACHINGS OF THE FUCKING BOOK RIGHT.


Her and her husband are quite the pair, aren't they? I see once they found out how easily tracked they were through the web they started making things a bit more private. Too late!

I much like the description for her book

http://www.americanvision.com/diapers-d ... the-world/

It's hard being a wife and mother. The constant barrage of feminist propaganda tells stay-at-home moms their lives are insignificant, and inner discontentment can spring up from the mundane frictions of daily routine. From many sources, Christian housewives are under attack every day. And for some of them, a bad day has become their whole lives.

Author Leah Smith was in that boat: plagued by shapeless anxieties and prod- ded by nameless longings. She was ready to give up on marriage, family... even life. And she didn't even know why. One night, she asked God to liberate her from her fears. Right then, she began a journey of freedom into the truth. Her life has never been the same.

Diapers, Dishes & Dominion is a product of that journey -- a summary record of the truths God can use to transform ordinary Christian housewives into His weapons of mass reconstruction. In simple and straightforward language, Leah exposes some of the most prevalent lies Satan uses to keep Christian women irrelevant in God's Kingdom, and she presents biblical truths these wives and mothers need to know in order to change the world -- one diaper at a time.

Every wife and mother who wants to make an impact needs to read Diapers, Dishes & Dominion.

Change one diaper, change the world! viking_smiley_81.gif


Okay, double post but this is from her husbands Facebook page


In an attempt to prove thier independence, the feminists who refuse to take the name of their husbands are still stuck with the indignity of the name of their fathers. - Douglas Wilson, paraphrased from the Desiring God Conference.

And two of the replies that followed

interesting way of looking at it. I always feel weird when I meet a hyphenated lady. What? Wasn't it an honor to take your husband's family name?

Also their sons are likely to be picked on, I remember one time a feminist was in my store decided to strike up that debate, I guess I rolled my nose or something when I wrote her name down.

"Well, what if your wife had wanted to keep her last name?"

"I would of found a different wife."

The look on her face when she realized I wasn't kidding was worth more then she'd of ever spent.

"I find that offensive"

"I can tell, I'm totally comfortable with it.

Charming. It's even funnier because the wife of the first guy is listed by Firstname Maidenname Marriedname on Facebook. :roll:

Her and her husband are quite the pair, aren't they? I see once they found out how easily tracked they were through the web they started making things a bit more private. Too late!

I much like the description for her book

http://www.americanvision.com/diapers-d ... the-world/

Change one diaper, change the world! viking_smiley_81.gif

I've changed the world 5 times today! :dance:


This is such a simple statement I'm about to make, but it has taken me months to find the right words because it's just so obvious I thought there must be more to it.

The Bible says the Church should help it's people. It's people are financially hurting, so it's other non-financially hurting people need to HELP.

Great. Fine. I have NO PROBLEM WITH THAT.

WHERE in the Bible does it say that precludes using governmental programs. OH WAIT. IT DOES NOT SAY THAT!

So lets say I have rent to pay, mouths to feed, gas and a car an insurance or bus fare to get to and from work, and lets say work pays me enough to cover 60% of that. Let's say the government is willing to cover 30% of that. I still need 10% to make ends meet. That is where the church steps in.

Nowhere in the Bible does it say any and all help I receive must come from the Church. Actually, all it says is that the Church must help. This is about GIVING, not receiving!


I hate this lie. I fucking hate it. The government isn't STEALING your money. Taxes are money paid for services rendered - and in the modern world they're spent far more wisely than they were in Biblical times, when Jesus told his followers to "render unto Caesar" (exact words!) just pay your darn taxes. (And that wasn't even their own government, it was the Roman government! But then,

What does our government ever do for us?)


Random, but related, story: On Valentine's Day, I got into an argument with a UPS man over taxes. No, I am not kidding. I went in to drop off a package at a UPS store, he was ranting and raving about taxes and how they pay for NOTHING, how no one likes them, how they're just giving money to "welfare queens", yaddayaddayadda, and, oddly enough, how Jersey's roads are horrible. I tried to be nice about it and say that, as a socialist, I think taxes are superb, and that I'm happy to pay them in order to have access to the services they provide, but he kept going on and on about the damned roads and women having "hundreds" (WTF??????) of babies that they can't afford. So I finally looked him in the eye and said, "Well, I'd rather pay taxes to use these crappy roads than insert a quarter at every stop light whenever I need to drive my car." :dance:


Did you all notice that (according to the book blurb), she's a resident of Canada? Lives in southern British Columbia, even?

Hey socialist pastors: I’m a stay-at-home mom who barely graduated high school and I can tell you why our taxes are so high and why you are dooming our culture:

Taxes are so high because moronic pastors tell their congregations it’s okay to accept government money, thus burdening the system even further.

Taxes are so high because even the Church uses the system when they don’t need it.

Taxes are so high because the Church has stopped taking care of its own and continues to send its own people to synagogues of Satan for aid!

Your sin is everyone else’s judgement. Thank you very much.

:shock: :? :shock:

Hey–socialist pastors–while you continue to contribute to communism, socialism and fascism, I will continue to home school my kids and give them a comprehensive biblical worldview, which will lead to the most innovative, productive people on this planet. It will lead to a new generation of young people who will come up with a plan to undo what you have done. It will lead to ingenious young leaders who actually take responsibility for themselves and help others to do the same. It will lead to your condemnation.

We have to spread the ideology of liberty, freedom and incremental victories. That is only the beginning to change. That is why I’m pro Ron Paul. He’s not perfect, but he’s a giant step towards victory, beginning with biblical economics. But in the meantime, our church leaders heap coals upon themselves, preaching from the Bible at the pulpit and supporting Satan’s economic system

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I really don't understand how these people can be so anti-socialiasm, so anti-government, but they expect the church to step in and give money to everyone who needs it. We've tried that, and it doesn't work. What happens if several members of her church need some extra money at the same time, and the church doesn't have the resources? Maybe the "socialist pastors" start asking for extra donations from the congregation. Does TM hand over her money happily, or does she start looking for excuses to judge the people who are asking for help instead of helping them? I think I can guess the answer to that.


I was surprised that Leah went private. Last year she seemed to be begging for attention, but had only a handful of followers. Then I checked out her blogs and realized her book is now for sale. She had to shut down the blogs because the content's the same. Why buy the book when you can get the judgemental hate for free?

Did you all notice that (according to the book blurb), she's a resident of Canada? Lives in southern British Columbia, even?

Ahh, but she longs to move to the southern US and take up with her Dominionist brethren. Really she's just bitter about being stuck in a tiny house with multiple small children in an area with high cost of living. Leah, don't have anymore kids. (She had a post comparing housing prices in Atlanta - luxury homes probably in foreclosure - to her neighborhood.)

Okay, double post but this is from her husbands Facebook page


And two of the replies that followed

Charming. It's even funnier because the wife of the first guy is listed by Firstname Maidenname Marriedname on Facebook. :roll:

Actually, I know of people who do that on facebook, even if they didn't keep their maiden name in real life, because it helps people to find them on facebook who might not know their married name.

More on topic, I find that extremely offensive. The guy who said he'd find another wife, I mean. Seriously, where in the bible does it say you must take your husband's last name? Not that I've read the thing cover to cover, but from what I have read, which is quite a it, it doesn't. If I ever get married, I personally will keep my last name. It has culture, it has history, it came from the first ancestor to come to America. I don't see a need to throw it out once I marry.

I sat in on a conversation once where a bunch of my christian (girl) friends were complaining about hyphenated last names, mostly because they didn't know what to call them. That was the only semi valid criticism they had. Otherwise they were just strongly against it, and saying it was over the top feminist. I had to bite my tongue through most of that conversation...

I sat in on a conversation once where a bunch of my christian (girl) friends were complaining about hyphenated last names, mostly because they didn't know what to call them. That was the only semi valid criticism they had.
Really, Mrs. Jones-Smith or whathaveyou isn't that difficult. The people insisting that it is tricky are being disingenuous.
Otherwise they were just strongly against it, and saying it was over the top feminist. I had to bite my tongue through most of that conversation...
I wouldn't call my mom over-the-top feminist. ;) Honestly, in some cultures, though not this one, hyphenated names or kids getting their mothers' names is standard. Some of these cultures are historically Christian.
I wouldn't call my mom over-the-top feminist. ;) Honestly, in some cultures, though not this one, hyphenated names or kids getting their mothers' names is standard. Some of these cultures are historically Christian.

And sometimes it just makes more sense. I kept my name when I got married because of work. At the time, I had been in real estate for about a year and my name was my brand there, plus I worked at a prison and would have had to fill out a ton of paperwork to change it. It was also a safety thing there - nothing is listed in my maiden name, but our address in in the phone book under my husband's name, so changing it would have made it easier to find me if I ever did piss of an inmate. I also happen to like my name and identify with it more than my husband's name, mainly because his family's a bunch of assholes.

He offered taking my name when we got married, which I did think was a bit over-the-top only because we'd catch a bunch of shit from people and I knew I'd get blamed for being some sort of militant feminist and forcing him to change it if he did. He ended up not doing it because his dad said he's disinherit it and leave their family home to one of his girlfriend's if he did. Our son has his last name but it's not been a problem at all - I guess it's pretty common anyway because of divorces and remarriages.


I used a hyphenated name for most of my single life. It was not an issue. It can be an issue when addressing couples--my mom is legally herlastname-hislastname, so is it Mr. and Mrs. hislastname or what? My stepfather has started using the same hyphenated form, which makes it easy.

One confusing thing that comes up a lot in my family is the instance in which the female is a doctor and the male is not. Mr. and Dr. lastname does not sound right, but I don't know how else to address the envelopes!


And sometimes it just makes more sense. I kept my name when I got married because of work. At the time, I had been in real estate for about a year and my name was my brand there, plus I worked at a prison and would have had to fill out a ton of paperwork to change it. It was also a safety thing there - nothing is listed in my maiden name, but our address in in the phone book under my husband's name, so changing it would have made it easier to find me if I ever did piss of an inmate. I also happen to like my name and identify with it more than my husband's name, mainly because his family's a bunch of assholes.

He offered taking my name when we got married, which I did think was a bit over-the-top only because we'd catch a bunch of shit from people and I knew I'd get blamed for being some sort of militant feminist and forcing him to change it if he did. He ended up not doing it because his dad said he's disinherit it and leave their family home to one of his girlfriend's if he did. Our son has his last name but it's not been a problem at all - I guess it's pretty common anyway because of divorces and remarriages.

Raine, don't you come from a fairly conservative Christian background? How do the people you know react to this? Do they make a stink about it?

I used a hyphenated name for most of my single life. It was not an issue. It can be an issue when addressing couples--my mom is legally herlastname-hislastname, so is it Mr. and Mrs. hislastname or what? My stepfather has started using the same hyphenated form, which makes it easy.

One confusing thing that comes up a lot in my family is the instance in which the female is a doctor and the male is not. Mr. and Dr. lastname does not sound right, but I don't know how else to address the envelopes!

I just had that problem when addressing invitations for my wedding! So many members of my fiance's family have hyphenated last names, different last names from their spouses or have the "Mr. and Dr." thing going on! I went for writing both full names (Mr. John Smith and Dr. Jane Doe-Smith) and called it a day.


Anyone else notice that she thinks socialism will lead to both communism AND fascism? Aren't they on opposite sides of the political spectrum? How the hell would a left leaning concept like socialism produce a government that is both communist and fascist at the same time? The logicfail, it hurts.

And I am LOLing at the "look even the godless Mormons take care of their own!" It's because preparedness/sharing are so deeply embedded in the LDS Church that this happens, not because any one church/faith/religion is any more "true" than another.

Anyone else notice that she thinks socialism will lead to both communism AND fascism? Aren't they on opposite sides of the political spectrum? How the hell would a left leaning concept like socialism produce a government that is both communist and fascist at the same time? The logicfail, it hurts.

The ignorance hurts. As does the bleak, fear-crazed, angry worldview that she's raising her kids to blindly follow. That woman's a mess; the inside of her head is a snakepit. So I don't expect logic.

And I am LOLing at the "look even the godless Mormons take care of their own!" It's because preparedness/sharing are so deeply embedded in the LDS Church that this happens, not because any one church/faith/religion is any more "true" than another.

Correct me on any of this if I'm wrong: IIRC, while the LDS church encourages people to have lots of kids, they don't encourage having more kids than you can reasonably afford. I also don't see any demands that wives and mothers must always stay home, leaving the burden of breadwinning solely to their husband. The LDS church takes care of its own, but they also encourage their own to take care of themselves. I've yet to encounter Mormons who trumpeted the "poor but righteous" stuff Leah (and many other overbreeding fundies we've seen here) does.

Correct me on any of this if I'm wrong: IIRC, while the LDS church encourages people to have lots of kids, they don't encourage having more kids than you can reasonably afford. I also don't see any demands that wives and mothers must always stay home, leaving the burden of breadwinning solely to their husband. The LDS church takes care of its own, but they also encourage their own to take care of themselves. I've yet to encounter Mormons who trumpeted the "poor but righteous" stuff Leah (and many other overbreeding fundies we've seen here) does.

This is all correct as far as I, a random Mormon, know. The whole point of life for Mormons is learning and enlightenment, so while the church encourages both men and women to support their families equally, they also put a strong emphasis on education for both sexes and don't discourage women from working outside the home. You are correct that the church preaches having as many children as you can comfortably afford versus reproduction of children past your means. I will never understand the "poor but righteous" attitude, as I think it's a detriment to the families (and especially the children) to bring more children into the world than they can financially and emotionally support. Mormon fundies definitely have the righteous poor outlook though, having as many children as possible on little means makes them more "worthy" to God or something like that.

I read the news, or just browse Facebook, and I’m reminded of how dark the world has become. How am I supposed to go and fold the laundry now, having read about the impending doom? What can one stay-at-home-housewife do to stem the tide of a collapsing world? How can one family alter the course of a global conspiracy to take over the world? These are perhaps not the average thoughts of ordinary housewives, but I have them.

Uh, paranoid much? Anxiety is one thing, but this totally steps into paranoia. Yikes.

Your sin is everyone else’s judgement. Thank you very much.

What does that even mean?

Hey–socialist pastors–while you continue to contribute to communism, socialism and fascism, I will continue to home school my kids and give them a comprehensive biblical worldview, which will lead to the most innovative, productive people on this planet. It will lead to a new generation of young people who will come up with a plan to undo what you have done. It will lead to ingenious young leaders who actually take responsibility for themselves and help others to do the same. It will lead to your condemnation.

Only in your dreams sweetheart. Your views of the Bible are far different than mine, even though I do not follow the Bible. Quite sure Jesus says the opposite. What was it again, suffer the little children to come unto me and hinder them not?

That is why I’m pro Ron Paul. He’s not perfect, but he’s a giant step towards victory, beginning with biblical economics. But in the meantime, our church leaders heap coals upon themselves, preaching from the Bible at the pulpit and supporting Satan’s economic system.

Too bad Ron Paul does not stand a chance to win and ought to just drop from the race. Looks to be Romney vs. Obama in the fall at this point. Satan's economics? What? Taking care of others? Yes, so evil our government is to help others who need it. Totally demonic.

With the help of God, we will change the world, despite the corrupt, socialist Church.

Keep thinking what you want, dear.

As my great-grandmother would say "She ain't quite right in her little mind."

And the last name thing shows her husband is either stupid or deliberately ignorant or both. Many cultures have women keep their maiden name. My Mexican/Latino/South American, etc. Spanish professors all had double last names. When they have a child, the child is named using both names. Mom: Maria Lopez. Dad: George Garcia. Child: Isabel Lupe Lopez Garcia. Varying by culture, but mom would be something like Maria Louisa Navarro Lopez Garcia or just Maria Louisa Lopez Garcia. So her husband needs to go educate himself before spouting off his ridiculous ideas that don't apply to everyone or every culture.

Did you all notice that (according to the book blurb), she's a resident of Canada? Lives in southern British Columbia, even?

They're in Abbotsford, BC. There are so many of their ilk around there. Clearly they aren't partaking in the provincial past-time. I think they should. Life would be so much nicer for them.

I just found the last name comment ironic. I think the wife of "be honoured to take the man's last name" probably told him to stuff it. He sounds like the type that would be "WTF, you using your maiden name on Facebook? You don't honour me properly woman!"


Uh, paranoid much? Anxiety is one thing, but this totally steps into paranoia. Yikes.

Not to mention grandiosity! Her paranoid fantasies are so far above the "average thoughts of ordinary housewives!"

It's always interesting to me to see this kind of arrogance and grandiosity (such as the posts about how the church and its pastors are Doing It All Wrong) in the same women fundies who also pride themselves on being submissive wives, obeying their husbands and leaving their babymaking up to God. That level of cognitive dissonance is astounding.

Only in your dreams sweetheart. Your views of the Bible are far different than mine, even though I do not follow the Bible. Quite sure Jesus says the opposite. What was it again, suffer the little children to come unto me and hinder them not?

Not only that, but raising kids who have been beaten into submission early, then trained to parrot Mommy's views on theonomy from their car seats as part of the "comprehensive Biblical worldview" she's teaching them are not going to grow up to be "the most innovative, productive people on the planet." All the independent thought and imagination that lead to innovation will have been crushed out of them early. That's because Leah doesn't want independent thinkers; she wants soldiers for God (or at least Mommy's bleak and vengeful version of God), and soldiers? They take orders. Any kid of hers who still had it in them to be truly innovative would leave her the second they turned 18 and never look back.

And as for "productive"? Without a decent education--something Leah is dismally ill-equipped to give them--well, cutting lawns for cash (a la Lawson Bates) or being night janitor at Wal-Mart (a la Dan) counts as productive.


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    • Bluebirdbluebell


      The world doesn't need more people. If people want to have children, that's fine, but there is no reason we have to keep having more people. 
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    • yeahthatsme74


      Norovirus sucks, and it's beyond comprehension that donald fucking trump will be president again in less than two weeks. I can't see a light at the end of either tunnel. 😭🤬🤮
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    • Kiki03910


      Red pea and corn salad.
      sea island red peas
      olive oil
      lemon juice
      salt and pepper
      red onion

      · 3 replies
    • Bluebirdbluebell


      The most annoying fundies for me are the people I know personally. 
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    • Kiki03910


      Winter snack: crispy chickpeas
      Preheat oven to 400 F. Drain and rinse a can of chickpeas, then toss in olive oil and whatever spices you like. I use fried chili crisp. Cook for 15 minutes, stir, another 15 minutes, stir, repeat until they're crispy and delicious. Good as a snack, on salads, etc.
      I am sharing my super secret chili crisp source just because I love you guys:
      · 3 replies
    • Kiki03910


      Serious question: is there anything men hate more than a woman's strongly held opinion?
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    • Kiki03910


      Happy New Year!
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    • Kiki03910


      Happy New Year, all you amazing people! I just saw a (possibly joking) tradition online called Yule Boasting.

      My quick text version:
      i will begin 2025 by distilling a barrel full of tequila from the agave plants in my yard, assisted by george clooney, who admires me greatly and will be sad and heartbroken when my plan moves ahead without further human assistance.
      sky-clad, i will find my familiar, a malevolently clever curve-billed thrasher named Willie Wildman. together we will roam my neighborhood, putting together an animal army consisting of a coyote pack, a squadron of javelinas, and my local great horned owl pair, perseverance and ingenuity.
      we will all consume mass quantities of tequila, paint our faces blue, and set out on yucca broomsticks to reach our nation's capitol.
      we will swoop down on DC, screaming and howling, occupying first the capitol and then the white house, where we will become co-presidents and replace congress with the yacht-sinking orcas of the mediterranean. AND EVERYONE WILL FUCKING REJOICE.
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    • Audrey2


      It's crazy to think that it has already been 25 years since we were worried about what would happen when the calendars would switch over to Y2K.
      · 0 replies
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