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Fundies, males and modesty.


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I believe we have read enough commentary, written by the fundies themselves, that demonstrates that the Fundamental Christian* way of raising male children creates an adult male with a strong, or even complete lack of self control. That, instead of teaching self control to their male offspring, they instead pass the burden onto their female offspring by teaching daughters to fear their own bodies and sexuality. This is again reinforced by teaching male offspring that females are inferior to the males. They raise their children with a false dichotomy for gender roles.

These ideas are further reinforced by tirelessly programming their children with the idea that to disagree with these ideas is to disagree, or go against, god himself. It is a vicious and sad cycle.

Now, so many of us are shocked by the idea that there are groups of people who want to return to the idea of the 'paterfamilias'. The idea that one male has absolute control over his family. History has shown us that such a family unit does nothing to protect the women and children under it's control. That the idea that the head male will see to the needs of those under him is false and instead leads to mistreatment and abuse. There is a reason that this historic system of family structure has fallen by the wayside, it didn't work.

Modern society has come to value the individual and individual freedoms as opposed to valuing the group over individuals. Fundamentalist Christianity seeks to impose a false ideal from some imagined past. Claiming that this will somehow solve societies ills. Ironically, similar family systems were responsible for those very same ills in the first place.


*This applies to other 'fundie' groups as well.


I agree. Worse, they deny that many people do not fit strict gender roles. Most people have traits that are traditionally considered to belong to the opposite sex. Fundamentalists and their ilk try to fit people into clearly defined, gender boxes.

Fundies want to take away freeom. The only way that they can keep society from moving forward is to keep people uneducated and poor


The thing that annoys me most about it all, is that they preach about freedom, returning freedom to the people, reducing the amount of government that is taking away the freedom but at the same time they are restricting every freedom i can think of. They don't really believe in free will. They are so mentally "slow" that they refuse to see the larger picture. They are not responsible for saving all of us from ourselves.

(Damn, my brain is moving to fast to phrase any of this right and not offend someone.)


^ The only freedom they like is freedom from a godless government. But once it's been properly Christianized, you'll bet they'll be preaching strict adherence to the laws.

The thing that annoys me most about it all, is that they preach about freedom, returning freedom to the people, reducing the amount of government that is taking away the freedom but at the same time they are restricting every freedom i can think of. They don't really believe in free will. They are so mentally "slow" that they refuse to see the larger picture. They are not responsible for saving all of us from ourselves.

(Damn, my brain is moving to fast to phrase any of this right and not offend someone.)

Honestly, it goes back to the two types of freedom. Freedom to, which is what most of us define freedom as. Or, freedom from, which is how fundies define freedom. Freedom from is not freedom at all. What it is is selfishness. It is conceit. It is a desire to control, to rule everyone else. The ultimate in selfish desires.


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