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Well it is a cold day in hell today. well almost


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well it is not really an apology but about the best we will get.


http://www.therightscoop.com/breaking-r ... -ms-fluke/

A Statement from Rush

March 03, 2012


For over 20 years, I have illustrated the absurd with absurdity, three hours a day, five days a week. In this instance, I chose the wrong words in my analogy of the situation. I did not mean a personal attack on Ms. Fluke.


I think it is absolutely absurd that during these very serious political times, we are discussing personal sexual recreational activities before members of Congress. I personally do not agree that American citizens should pay for these social activities. What happened to personal responsibility and accountability? Where do we draw the line? If this is accepted as the norm, what will follow? Will we be debating if taxpayers should pay for new sneakers for all students that are interested in running to keep fit?In my monologue, I posited that it is not our business whatsoever to know what is going on in anyone’s bedroom nor do I think it is a topic that should reach a Presidential level.


My choice of words was not the best, and in the attempt to be humorous, I created a national stir. I sincerely apologize to Ms. Fluke for the insulting word choices.


Rush's language was attacking Ms. Fluke. I don't see where he was illustrating his view of the absurdity of the situation. Doesn't come across to me anywhere near a sincere apology, but more like he needs to do it to retain advertisers.


The statement is just more press for Rush, its really not an apology at all. He's attempting to make a rather minor recovery. And frankly for every advertiser he's lost there are more in the wings, its merely business as usual.

The statement is just more press for Rush, its really not an apology at all. He's attempting to make a rather minor recovery. And frankly for every advertiser he's lost there are more in the wings, its merely business as usual.

of course it is not but it is the best that anyone will get out of him.


Fuck him and his bullshit apology

eta: my comment above is one of indignation. Not a suggestion. My PSA is that this post in no way condones or encourages intercourse with Rush Limbaugh. For the record, the only person on earth who I think is even possibly worthy of being sexed up by Rush Limbaugh is Ann Coulter. But only on my worst day. On most days I would even exempt her on humanitarian grounds.


Or as daily kos put it: "Dear slut, sorry I called you a slut"

Well at least all the GOP strategists are all annoyed now that he messed up their bullshit narrative about how this is about religious freedom, not women.


Its the actions of a child ordered by his parents to apologize to someone he's called a name. Devoid of sincerity, and not even close to making amends. Hollow words from his hollow head.


"I apologize to Ms. Fluke for the insulting word choices."

Yeah, you apologize "for the word choices", but you don't apologize for the meaning of them. So in essence, you'd still call her a slut, but you don't want to cause yourself more damage.



That apology blows.

I must have missed the part where Ms. Fluke described her recreational sexual activities. The testimony I heard was about female reproductive health and the cost to women with low incomes when they can't receive the pill to treat dangerous conditions.

She briefly mentioned a MARRIED friend who can no longer afford birth control. I'm sure Rush confused "slut" with "bitch" in this scenario, but that's not surprising, since "slut," "bitch," "liberal," "feminist," and "dyke" are probably all synonyms for "women who won't fuck me" in Rush's thesaurus.


Not an actual apology.

Rush Limbaugh needs to die a painful death and be reincarnated as a woman with a heavy menstrual cycle, heavy cramps, and migraines each month, starting at age 10, plus I hope he is reborn into a family that is dirt poor!

He is the biggest asshole on earth.

Because my husband's new insurance barely covers anything, I was shocked to find the generic birth control is $60.00 a month now. We cannot afford this. It's so sad. These conservatives are nutbags.


Still an ass without a clue.


and why isn't Bill o'reilly in trouble as well? he raked the young lady over the coals but stopped short of calling her a slut, still a horrible person.


An apology consists of three parts: (1) I was wrong; (2) I'm sorry; (3) I won't do it again. Adding justifications and/or caveats nullifies the apology. The temperature in hell is as hot as it ever was because that wasn't an apology.


Not sincere. He just wants to continue the controversy. Guess maybe he lost some of his audience with that statement against women so to attempt to save his own arse, he made a faux apology. The guy makes his living off of controversy-got to keep it going. A pretend apology is good press for his drones.


The best part was in the MSNBC article I read this afternoon:

Limbaugh also denied he was opposed to birth control, according to a transcript of his show. “This is about expanding the reach and power of government into your womb, if you're a woman. This is about the Democrat Party wanting more and more control over you. What was early feminism all about? Emancipation, individuality, freedom, liberation, all of these things. Now here comes Danica Patrick out and she says, 'I'm perfectly comfortable letting the government make my health decisions for me.' Well, folks, I'm gonna tell you: Right there, that's the death and the end of feminism.â€

Sorry, Rush, you're the last person I'd look for on anything concerning feminism.


Translation: Oh shit! I lost some sponsors. Better pretend to apologize.

Translation: Oh shit! I lost some sponsors. Better pretend to apologize.

no more like The government is breathing down my neck got to look good. He has been on the air way to long to worry about a lack of sponsors.


I don't think it's my right to have to pay for a man's sexual activity or my business to be all up in his bedroom. I don't think insurance companies should pay for Viagra or any other erectile disfunction drug. After all, there's no reason why a man couldn't live a full and productive life without sex. Having sex isn't necessary.


He's only sorry he's in so much trouble. What he said the SECOND day he made comments was even worse than calling her a slut the first day. After the first comments and backlash, he did it again.


This statement is posturing bullshit and as long as insurance companies cover sex aids for impotent men like this prick it will always be nothing but empty words. The hypocrisy of a man who doesn't want others to pay for birth control but has no problem getting his viagra covered is just disgusting.

I don't think it's my right to have to pay for a man's sexual activity or my business to be all up in his bedroom. I don't think insurance companies should pay for Viagra or any other erectile dysfunction drug. After all, there's no reason why a man couldn't live a full and productive life without sex. Having sex isn't necessary.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

I wish I had your address. I made some astounding rocky road brownies today and would gladly FedEx them to you.


He's only fauxpologizing because he's losing funding. I certainly hope she sues the bastard.

Also, I live in a town named Hell and yes, it was very cold today. Snowing, in fact.


That's not an apology. That's not even a fake apology. He's just reiterating what he already said. A three year old child can do a better fake apology than that. This is just insultingly bad. It's not even that it's offensive, it's insulting our intelligence.


it should stay in our bedrooms, except for the whole uploading pornographic videos to the internet to pay society back part? wtf?


My opinion on birth control, abortion and reproductive rights of women in general is this: I don't have a uterus therefore I do not have the right to an opinion.


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