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Jocelyn getting less fundie?


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Looking at Feelin' Feminine to see how much Jocelyn was still involved in the light of Broken Holy Courtship #2 and found an intriguing reaction to a question about women wearing pants:



From the second article entitled 'Are Pants Immodest?':

Just because we encourage ladies to dress in skirts doesn’t mean we think that pants are immodest. That’s like someone saying they like mustard better than ketchup, and a ketchup-lover saying she is saying that eating ketchup is wrong. Not so.

Also, this is quite a general statement, but I just wanted to let those who may feel “look-down upon†for wearing pants that we don’t condemn them in anyway.

Time will tell whether she'd put her words into practice, but wow. Very un-Dixon-like. Definitely not like Jacque. Can Jocelyn seriously be considering breaking free once they return to the US?


That first one was interesting. Once upon a time, Jocelyn totally condemned culottes as evil and masculine and snubbed modest bloggers who wore and promoted them. I sincerely hope she is changing her mindset.

I think overall, the move to Costa Rica was a bad move for the Dixons and they are realizing it. Amanda "ran away" (even though she was an adult at the time). They kept having visa issues. They lost traffic on their blogs. Jocelyn went through two failed betrothals. They had to move to a different house. They became unsatisfied with "serving" there. And by the looks of the pictures, their health and hygiene look very poor. America hasn't been blown up by a nuke.

Hopefully they are moving back to the States after realizing what a shitpile their lives have become since moving there and since getting deeper into their crazy religion. I can only hope all this change is for the better.


I think overall, the move to Costa Rica was a bad move for the Dixons and they are realizing it. Amanda "ran away" (even though she was an adult at the time). They kept having visa issues. They lost traffic on their blogs. Jocelyn went through two failed betrothals. They had to move to a different house. They became unsatisfied with "serving" there. And by the looks of the pictures, their health and hygiene look very poor. America hasn't been blown up by a nuke.

Hopefully they are moving back to the States after realizing what a shitpile their lives have become since moving there and since getting deeper into their crazy religion. I can only hope all this change is for the better.

I've looked at the 3rd daughter's blog and from what I can tell, they live mostly on free fruit that they harvest from neighbors' trees, whatever eggs their hens lay, beans, and homemade bread. No wonder they all look malnourished. And it looks like the house they're in isn't much more than a tiny stucco shack. Judging by the pictures, I'd say it probably has 4 rooms and a rudimentary kitchen at best. Rachel (the daughter) even said they were without an oven for a long while.

I can't imagine how they'll ever get enough money to move nine people back to the States, or where they'd live once they got here. They appear to be penniless, or nearly so. It's a shame, because it seemed they had a nice farmhouse and lived a reasonably comfortable rural life before they moved to C.R.


I've looked at the 3rd daughter's blog and from what I can tell, they live mostly on free fruit that they harvest from neighbors' trees, whatever eggs their hens lay, beans, and homemade bread. No wonder they all look malnourished. And it looks like the house they're in isn't much more than a tiny stucco shack. Judging by the pictures, I'd say it probably has 4 rooms and a rudimentary kitchen at best. Rachel (the daughter) even said they were without an oven for a long while.

I can't imagine how they'll ever get enough money to move nine people back to the States, or where they'd live once they got here. They appear to be penniless, or nearly so. It's a shame, because it seemed they had a nice farmhouse and lived a reasonably comfortable rural life before they moved to C.R.

All the girls look so thin. I feel sorry for Rachel - she seems so sweet (and apparently a talented baker) and just going with the flow. She doesn't seem to have the arrogant streak that Jocelyn has (which is perhaps going after this second broken betrothal).


Can Jocelyn seriously be considering breaking free once they return to the US?

I'd be shocked if this happened. Jocelyn is Jacque's mini-me, and the favored daughter since Amanda left home. Jocelyn has bought into and regurgitated her mother's "teachings" for so long, I seriously think she'd have a psychotic break if she turned 180 degrees from her mom.


I'd be shocked if this happened. Jocelyn is Jacque's mini-me, and the favored daughter since Amanda left home. Jocelyn has bought into and regurgitated her mother's "teachings" for so long, I seriously think she'd have a psychotic break if she turned 180 degrees from her mom.

Do you not think that the second betrothal failure might change things though? Make her think that maybe The Jacque Way isn't so great anymore?


Do you not think that the second betrothal failure might change things though? Make her think that maybe The Jacque Way isn't so great anymore?

I don't know; I think it depends on the reason for the betrothal failure. Leandro was a Hebrew Roots believer just like the Dixons, but maybe he stood firmly for male dominance and wifely submission and wouldn't let Jocelyn walk all over him, the way Jacque does with her husband. Or maybe Jacque found some fault with him - as she has with everyone else in her life - and convinced Jocelyn that he wasn't good enough for her.


Where are you all seeing the pictures? I tried to go to Jocelyn's site, but it's closed.


I don't know; I think it depends on the reason for the betrothal failure. Leandro was a Hebrew Roots believer just like the Dixons, but maybe he stood firmly for male dominance and wifely submission and wouldn't let Jocelyn walk all over him, the way Jacque does with her husband. Or maybe Jacque found some fault with him - as she has with everyone else in her life - and convinced Jocelyn that he wasn't good enough for her.

Honestly I think Jocelyn is super insecure - I know she's spoken about having some kind of eating disorder before (over-exercising etc) so I wonder if in reality she's swallowing her mother's kool-aid for some kind of security. So it does make me wonder why the betrothal was called off.

Where are you all seeing the pictures? I tried to go to Jocelyn's site, but it's closed.


Rachel, the third eldest daughter's blog. Compare the pictures of the family to the pictures in the photos at the top of Jacque's blog:



Honestly I think Jocelyn is super insecure - I know she's spoken about having some kind of eating disorder before (over-exercising etc) so I wonder if in reality she's swallowing her mother's kool-aid for some kind of security. So it does make me wonder why the betrothal was called off.

I think you're probably right about the insecurity, which is why I think it's unlikely that she'll ever leave her mother. I think Jocelyn lives for the approval of her mom. That's why I think if Jacque felt Leandro wasn't good enough, Jocelyn would accept that, even though she might not like it.


I think you're probably right about the insecurity, which is why I think it's unlikely that she'll ever leave her mother. I think Jocelyn lives for the approval of her mom. That's why I think if Jacque felt Leandro wasn't good enough, Jocelyn would accept that, even though she might not like it.

You're probably right. Amanda is lucky she never had to do the courtship thing under Jacque's roof, because yikes. So much abuse of power going on there.


Jocelyn might as well be getting less fundie for all we know, but I wouldn't say that articles are necessarily a sign of that-one is from 2008 and anyway most of the FF crowd seems to pay lip service to the idea that you can't assume a woman is an evil whore just because she wears pants. I wonder if she has issues, though, or is just embarrassed, anyway how can she truly escape with no means at all to support herself?

I agree Rachel seems nicer, though I've never read her blog assiduously.

Anyway, I never got the point of the move to Costa Rica. I assumed at first they meant to be missionaries, but apparently that wasn't the case? Ok, America was the New Babylon, but how exactly is CR supposed to be more godly? After all it's a Catholic country, and I don't see how being there would help in some kind of Armageddon scenario.

Jocelyn might as well be getting less fundie for all we know, but I wouldn't say that articles are necessarily a sign of that-one is from 2008 and anyway most of the FF crowd seems to pay lip service to the idea that you can't assume a woman is an evil whore just because she wears pants. I wonder if she has issues, though, or is just embarrassed, anyway how can she truly escape with no means at all to support herself?

I agree Rachel seems nicer, though I've never read her blog assiduously.

Anyway, I never got the point of the move to Costa Rica. I assumed at first they meant to be missionaries, but apparently that wasn't the case? Ok, America was the New Babylon, but how exactly is CR supposed to be more godly? After all it's a Catholic country, and I don't see how being there would help in some kind of Armageddon scenario.

It's not America + they knew of other Torah Observant Americans who had moved there + it looked pretty = let's move our entire family there with no job/money/nowhere of our own to live (they were actually staying with another family at first). The move came about because of Jacque's paranoia about America and the New World Order, they didn't think it through as such.

That first one was interesting. Once upon a time, Jocelyn totally condemned culottes as evil and masculine and snubbed modest bloggers who wore and promoted them. I sincerely hope she is changing her mindset.

I think overall, the move to Costa Rica was a bad move for the Dixons and they are realizing it. Amanda "ran away" (even though she was an adult at the time). They kept having visa issues. They lost traffic on their blogs. Jocelyn went through two failed betrothals. They had to move to a different house. They became unsatisfied with "serving" there. And by the looks of the pictures, their health and hygiene look very poor. America hasn't been blown up by a nuke.

Hopefully they are moving back to the States after realizing what a shitpile their lives have become since moving there and since getting deeper into their crazy religion. I can only hope all this change is for the better.

I just want to correct the visa thing, they didn't have visa issues they were fraudulently there on a tourist visa and had to leave the country every 90 days to get another fraudulent visa.

They were illegal immigrants.


I just want to correct the visa thing, they didn't have visa issues they were fraudulently there on a tourist visa and had to leave the country every 90 days to get another fraudulent visa.

They were illegal immigrants.

*ARE illegal immigrants

Strange how you can be so judgemental about others not keeping the Law when you yourself go against Matthew 22:21, repeatedly and with no shame.


Thanks, you are right, they are still there illegally.


Thanks for the link. I was looking at the wrong blog. Jocelyn's sister, Rachel, has a poem up on her blog right now, and I have to say that I was surprised it wasn't AA BB or AB AB form. I hate those kinds of poems; they're so trite and usually simplistic. Rachel is really pretty and has a bit of a sense of humor. She really needs to work on her Spanish grammar though (vida pura, not pura vida)

Thanks for the link. I was looking at the wrong blog. Jocelyn's sister, Rachel, has a poem up on her blog right now, and I have to say that I was surprised it wasn't AA BB or AB AB form. I hate those kinds of poems; they're so trite and usually simplistic. Rachel is really pretty and has a bit of a sense of humor. She really needs to work on her Spanish grammar though (vida pura, not pura vida)

Actually, it seems like pura vida is a popular expression in Costa Rica. So her grammar isn't incorrect.

ETA: Although her English grammar seems to be lacking. She says her youngest brother "Talks so good" instead of "Talks so well."

I hate prescriptivism, but honestly using good as an adverb jut grates on my snobby ears

Thanks for the link. I was looking at the wrong blog. Jocelyn's sister, Rachel, has a poem up on her blog right now, and I have to say that I was surprised it wasn't AA BB or AB AB form. I hate those kinds of poems; they're so trite and usually simplistic. Rachel is really pretty and has a bit of a sense of humor. She really needs to work on her Spanish grammar though (vida pura, not pura vida)

Having been to costa rica I can tell you that it is pura vida. It is a very common phrase.


I found it ironic that they published an online magazine when the girls' grammar and punctuation is so consistently poor.


They chose CR because it was one of the countries listed in this book that Jacque tried to get me to read. At first I thought she was just a really religious fundie, but when she started talking about Babylon, FEMA camps, persecution and fleeing I knew she had officially crossed the threshold into the thinking of someone who is mentally ill. Her blog used to have this stuff posted, but she has since taken it down.

http://www.amazon.com/End-America-John- ... 0984077111



Exactly. The Dixons thought America would be destroyed and so chose to go to a country they deemed "safe".


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