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Astounding article on "Homeschool blindspots"


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It's long, but there's a condensed version here: http://www.joshharris.com/2011/09/homes ... dspots.php

I'm not familiar with who Reb Bradley is, but this article covers several mistakes religious-centered homeschooling parents make, admitting to his own mistakes. I think there are some lessons that even non-religious homeschooling parents can take from this. I think non-religious as less likely to be quite as sheltering though since we're less likely to worry about out kids catching the gays from having friends, but things like trying to force our own dreams onto our children is a mistake I think anyone can make.

As I was reading through this (I read the condensed version), I was able to pull several examples of fundy families that neatly fit into each. And every damned one of them needs to watch out for what Reb realized was his biggest mistake, not accepting his son for who he was, ultimately causing the boy to run to his friends (when he got a real job) who did. This article is very honest, and touching.


Very nice article (I read the short condensed version).

Is it possible to make Michelle and Jim Bob read this? Josh and Anna?

Guest Anonymous

Wonderful article, and every point he made is spot on. However, fundie homechoolers will just dismiss it as evil work of the devil.


I was hoping that the article was about the lack of science education.

It was a little too Christian-y for me, but I imagine a working, public schooling Jewish woman is not the target audience.


just fyi- when I tried to click on the condensed version my virus sheild went nuts and wouldn't open it.

Some of these young people grew up and left home in defiance of their parents. Others got married against their parents' wishes, and still others got involved with drugs, alcohol, and immorality. I have even heard of several exemplary young men who no longer even believe in God. My own adult children have gone through struggles I never guessed they would face.

O noes! Some of them left home! Some of them even - gasp! - don't believe in God!

(edited for punctuation)


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