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Unmarried women unfit to talk about birth control


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An opponent, state Sen. Michael Baumgartner, denounced her for signing a Senate letter arguing that the so-called "morning after" birth control pill should be available over the counter at pharmacies. Baumgartner said that Cantwell was not qualified to talk on the issue because she isn't married.

On Tuesday, I wrote about how Republicans would have a fighting chance at this contraception debate if they stayed on the message that it was only about religious liberty, but because they're visceral need to slut-shame is so great that they just can't do it. They are incapable of applying their habitual message discipline to this issue because they really, really hate the idea of women being on control of their own sexuality.

The very next night, during the latest GOP Cavalcade of Clowns, the point was illustrated perfectly. Gingrich and Romney stayed on-message, insisting that birth control isn't an issue and it was all about freedom to worship as one pleases and people's "conscience."

But Santorum couldn't do it -- he launched into a long diatribe about how perverse our culture had become depraved and bizarrely implied that birth control leads to more children being born out-of-wed-lock.

And then Ron Paul, responding to the idea that birth control "causes immorality," said: I don't see it that way. I think the immorality creates the problem of wanting to use the pills. So you don't blame the pills. I think it's sort of like the argument -- conservatives use the argument all the time about guns. Guns don't kill, criminals kill."

Having suggested that having sex is immoral -- and let's be very clear here: this includes married couples, the vast majority of whom use contraceptives -- and then gone on to compare it with criminals shooting up the joint, the crowd gave him a huge ovation.

They just can't help themselves. And as TPM notes, it's taking a toll on the presumed front-runner...



I am proud to say I have voted for Maria Cantwell.

It should be noted that Baumgartner is a WA State senator, while Cantwell is a US senator. Baumgartner is currently trying to win her slot, so he of course has nothing good to say about her. He panders a lot to the crazy Central WA TPers. Not that all TPers are crazy, but the ones here are more so than average afaik. I am FB friends with the local TP leader and friends in real life as well, so I am privy to their private conversations.


"Baumgartner said that Cantwell was not qualified to talk on the issue because she isn't married."

I didn't realize that women didn't develop a womb or start their periods until they were married. I must be an anomaly.


My brain just exploded and I can't forma coherent response to someone saying a woman is unqualified to talk about birth control and the morning after pill because she's not married.

Um, how the fuck is a man qualified to talk about it when he lacks a vagina if a person with a vagina is unqualified for not having a husband? You know a same-sex spouse wouldn't matter to that sick fucker.

My brain just exploded and I can't forma coherent response to someone saying a woman is unqualified to talk about birth control and the morning after pill because she's not married.

Um, how the fuck is a man qualified to talk about it when he lacks a vagina if a person with a vagina is unqualified for not having a husband? You know a same-sex spouse wouldn't matter to that sick fucker.

Because a married woman can ask her husband what she should think about birth control. A dude can always ask himself.

Guest Anonymous

The very next night, during the latest GOP Cavalcade of Clowns, the point was illustrated perfectly. Gingrich and Romney stayed on-message, insisting that birth control isn't an issue and it was all about freedom to worship as one pleases and people's "conscience."

WHAT? Oh now this beyond dumb!


WHAT? Oh now this beyond dumb!

This is hardly the worst of it. Read about what Santorum and Paul said.


This entire issue has my undies in a giant bunch. For all the stupid, mysoginist BS that comes out of the GOP and their religious backers, this has really hit me. It's not that I haven't known their positions, but this is so blatantly obvious and so in your face - it exposes exactly who these assholes are and what they think of women. Yet, people fall for their shit over and over and fail to see any kind of reality.

They're using women as their means, but it affects men too. Men want to have sex, too, without fear of pregnancy. Yet, it's all the evil, unmarried harlot's fault. Fuck that. Fuck the church, the compromises, the GOP and everyone else who dares to suggest they have any place in my health and body choices. MY body, MY decisions. Period.


I hope this will anger enough women that they get out and vote! But then, in my opinion, all Americans should be angered by this bullshit and get out and vote. Obama may not have given us everything we had hoped for, but he is centuries ahead of anyone else running. And for a second term big O might be able to get more done, now that he has laid the groundwork. My major fantasy is that the Obama will be re-elected, the Dems will retain the Senate and regain the House. Wouldn't that be wonderful.

My brain just exploded and I can't forma coherent response to someone saying a woman is unqualified to talk about birth control and the morning after pill because she's not married.

Um, how the fuck is a man qualified to talk about it when he lacks a vagina if a person with a vagina is unqualified for not having a husband? You know a same-sex spouse wouldn't matter to that sick fucker.

I'm with you Elle. I think it's hilarious that a man thinks he's qualified to talk about birth control.. and yet a woman, WITH A UTERUS, isn't....

Silly dude. You can't keep us oppressed.


This is hardly the worst of it. Read about what Santorum and Paul said.

It's about freedom of religion and worship like the civil rights battles of the 1960s were about states rights. :roll:

I hope this will anger enough women that they get out and vote! But then, in my opinion, all Americans should be angered by this bullshit and get out and vote. Obama may not have given us everything we had hoped for, but he is centuries ahead of anyone else running. And for a second term big O might be able to get more done, now that he has laid the groundwork. My major fantasy is that the Obama will be re-elected, the Dems will retain the Senate and regain the House. Wouldn't that be wonderful.

From your fingertips to God's ears, Teddy.

How are you feeling these days?


How much do you want to bet that they'll try to claim this next?


I can tell you that as an unmarried woman I am completely unfit to talk about birth control. I mean sure, I used to have to take birth control because my periods would last longer than 14 days and were making me anemic, but that doesn't mean I should have any right to determine whether or not I should be able to take birth control. Obviously, my anemia was a sign that I was living in sin and needed to make major life changes. Clearly, it was laid on my heart that men should determine whether or not I should have access to a medication that would be highly beneficial for my health.

It was also been laid on my heart that men are unfit to talk about vasectomies. As a woman who could potentially get pregnant, it is my role to determine whether or not my partner should have a vasectomy. :roll: :icon-rolleyes:

I hope this will anger enough women that they get out and vote! But then, in my opinion, all Americans should be angered by this bullshit and get out and vote. Obama may not have given us everything we had hoped for, but he is centuries ahead of anyone else running. And for a second term big O might be able to get more done, now that he has laid the groundwork. My major fantasy is that the Obama will be re-elected, the Dems will retain the Senate and regain the House. Wouldn't that be wonderful.

I discussed this yesterday with a co-worker and she doesn't believe it will be bad at all, that none of this women hating stuff can be passed through congress or senate etc. She's a non-voter and calls herself a Democrate.


It's about freedom of religion and worship like the civil rights battles of the 1960s were about states rights. :roll:

What a great analogy!


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