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Michelle's submissive wife instructions revealed


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Remember how people were trying to figure out what was on Michelle's paper at the speech she gave te other day? Well, it's even more vomit-inducing than I had feared. Radaronline.com broke the story (http://www.radaronline.com/exclusives/2 ... y-marriage) and provided a link to the church website that has the paper in full - all 12 pages of soul-sucking hell(http://www.radaronline.com/sites/radaro ... usband.pdf).


The "church" also claims they have a paper for men on how to treat their wives, but (not surprisingly), it is in progress. Because, we simpletons (women) are in much more need of behavioral help, dontchaknow :hand: .


Behold a few of the gems I noticed:

"1. When a wife intrudes into one responsibility, her husband often surrenders other

responsibilities as well.

2. A wife may avoid temporary consequences by taking matters into her own hands, but doing

so will ultimately cause destruction"

and "1. God works through a man's decisions - good or bad.

2. Bad decisions reveal his needs and allow the wife to appeal and demonstrate Godly character."

So remember, ladies, if your man is going to do something incredibly idiotic/dangerous/illegal and you tell him it's not smart, you will crush his manly spirit forever! No real man can handle being second-guessed by a lowly female (where's the puking smilie when I need it??!!



.... because convincing women to follow that rule wouldn't lead to any of them not getting help in an abusive situation :evil:


And, finally, a gem that explains the simpering look she has on her face whenever the boob is speaking "LOOK AT YOUR HUSBAND ADMIRINGLY WHEN HE TALKS TO OTHERS, IT INSPIRES THEIR RESPECT." No, Michelle, it makes everyone think you havea mental illness!


D'oh! I swear I looked to see if it was already posted, I guess I need better glasses ;-)


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