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So, what do the older Duggar daughters do all day??


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The daughters 18 and older, what do they do all day? I mean, they're presumably finished with their homeschool studies, they aren't in college, they don't have jobs. Do they just take care of the babies and wait around for a husband? I just don't understand. They must be going crazy.

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I've wondered that, too. I assume they're put to work doing chores around the house and taking care of the little ones.


Last I heard, Jessa was in charge of her younger siblings' homeschooling, so she's basically an unpaid one-room schoolteacher. I think Jinger still does the laundry. Jill seems to be parenting the littlest kids. I'm not sure about Jana.


Jana may supervise and step in when one of the others needs help.


Laundry probably. I have enough laundry with 2 people in my home, forget 22 (including Grandma).



And when JB and Michelle get older:


Though, she might be already wearing them. I'd imagine the whole area has merged by now.


Though, she might be already wearing them. I'd imagine the whole area has merged by now.

*shudders* so not a mental image I wanted.

But yea I think they just baby/child wrangle all day


I think they are more likely to be worked to death than bored to death.. that is a whole bunch of small children to take care of !


And they probably spend some time studying for CLEP tests.

And they probably spend some time studying for CLEP tests.

Only when the cameras are rolling.

The oldest daughters are basically doing all of the grunt work attendant to an orphanage (with very low academic standards). I would imagine they have little, if any, free time.


I think they cook, clean, do laundry, raise children, homeschool, everything a WIFE should be doing in the fundie world. I think Michelle does squat at home.


Serve Jesus first, others second, and themselves last (or never).

Last I heard, Jessa was in charge of her younger siblings' homeschooling, so she's basically an unpaid one-room schoolteacher. I think Jinger still does the laundry. Jill seems to be parenting the littlest kids. I'm not sure about Jana.

Isn't Jana in charge of cooking?


They parent. They parent in the best way they know, without the benefit of sex or a husband, because their mother is mentally ill or lazy or both.


Answer: Did you see "Tangled"?


According to someone on the 19 kids facebook page Jill told them she was going to nursing school. College plus doesnt offer a nursing program it says so right on the website. If this were true that would be an episode worth seeing.

According to someone on the 19 kids facebook page Jill told them she was going to nursing school. College plus doesnt offer a nursing program it says so right on the website. If this were true that would be an episode worth seeing.

God, I hope that's true! And a real school, not a Gothard "school"!

Edit because I used quotation marks on the wrong word.

Answer: Did you see "Tangled"?

Parts of that song they may be doing:



waxing floor,

mopping floor,

play shitty music,

reading a crappy book,



climb over the kids,

lament life,

brush hair.

Parts of that song they aren't doing, as far as we know:

Reading good books,


sewing a dress (anything not fug frumper pattern),



darts (unless a Howler monkey gets hurt by a sharp phallic object),

paper mâché,

ballet (defrauding!),

chess (not for you, simple Christian woman!),

pottery (Boob and Mullet know that scene in Ghost!),

ventriloquy - puppets are creepy and ungodly, giving your voice to an object to make it appear possessed by Satan,

candle making (though the grease in the TTC alone could be worth it),

sketch anything pretty,

climb a tree or anything fun

have a pet

A sheltered Disney Princess has more hobbies and is more well rounded than the J'slaves. :twisted:


I'm sure all of them do housework from dawn to dusk. They're essentially stay-at-home moms and that's a big responsibility. Even with the kids spread between them, that's still 2 or 3 little kids to each of them on average. Plus there's a giant house to keep clean, cooking for everyone, and a pile of laundry that never gets smaller. They actually have more work than an average stay-at-home mom and nobody would question what she does all day (although I have known plenty of women who found it boring, it's still a lot of work).

The better questions is what does Michelle do all day? All of the work made her break down and cry when she had only 6 or 7 kids, and now she's content to let her daughters have the same amount of work that she couldn't handle herself.


They plan, schedule, and execute all duties relating to child care and household management. Pretty much anything JB or J'chelle should be doing is what they do. The real question is what do Ma and Pa Duggar do all day? I mean besides "pray" for the next little Duggarling.


Raising their children younger siblings, while Michelle "grieves" over her loss by attending speaking events and continuing to have sweet fellowshipping time with her oh so Godly husband, Jim Fuck.

As for Jill going to nursing school-I don't buy it. She's been going back and forth between midwife and nursing school. Last I heard, from a book signing, she told the woman taping the signing that she's planning on becoming a midwife.

It's sad to think that after they get married, they're going to become housewives and servants to their husbands.


As for Jill going to nursing school-I don't buy it. She's been going back and forth between midwife and nursing school. Last I heard, from a book signing, she told the woman taping the signing that she's planning on becoming a midwife.

Seems like the adult children in this family spend a lot of time planning to do things without actually doing anything. Josh has been planning on going to law school for how many years now? I think this is a case of â€I think of doing it, therefore I am doing it.†If Josh even applies to law school or Jill is ever allowed to get any training beyond CollegeMinus I'll eat my shoe!


In some ways, I think those girls must and should be bored out of their minds everyday. I know I would go crazy due to the lack of intellectual stimulation in that house. Realistically, I wonder if that is the case for them since all they really know is being a housewife, which they are, just without the hubby sex.

They aren't like us. They don't know what it is like to go to the mall with friends or go to the library and geek out like me over all the new books on the shelves. They dont know what it is like to freely search the internet and check Free Jinger multiple times a day because this site is addicting. They have no idea what it is like to make decisions about your day that don't involve household duties set by your parents. I am sure they get bored but not necessarily for the reasons we do. We know what is out there and what they are missing. For the most part, I don't think they would understand how the rest of us live. A free day for me is sleeping in, eating leftover pizza and trying to convince myself that if I stay in my PJs doing laundry won't be necessary. I don't think they get free days other than the ones pushed by TLC for filming purposes.

As to Jill, I doubt that she is never going to be a real nurse. No real nursing school is going to take her. College Minus cannot prepare her for nursing school. Jill seems sweet but I am not sure that she is the sharpest knife in drawer. I don't think she even knows what it requires. My grandmother was an RN and showed me that it takes more than being a sweet person to do the job. It is hard work and the education required is not easy. Nursing school is competitive and highly qualified people are rejected everyday. If this is something she really wants, she can do it, but it is going to take more than the SOTDRT and College Minus to get her there. She is going to have to start from scratch, and I mean by starting with getting a real high school education, in order to get herself on par with everyone else applying. Besides, nursing school will require her to interact with male adult patients, touch them and see them naked. We know this behavior is not allowed in their world.


As to Jill, I doubt that she is never going to be a real nurse. No real nursing school is going to take her. College Minus cannot prepare her for nursing school. Jill seems sweet but I am not sure that she is the sharpest knife in drawer. I don't think she even knows what it requires. My grandmother was an RN and showed me that it takes more than being a sweet person to do the job. It is hard work and the education required is not easy. Nursing school is competitive and highly qualified people are rejected everyday. If this is something she really wants, she can do it, but it is going to take more than the SOTDRT and College Minus to get her there. She is going to have to start from scratch, and I mean by starting with getting a real high school education, in order to get herself on par with everyone else applying. Besides, nursing school will require her to interact with male adult patients, touch them and see them naked. We know this behavior is not allowed in their world.

If Jill were allowed to take remedial classes at a community college, she might stand a chance of being able to get in. But that's it: she would have to be allowed to go to a real college and be permitted to focus on her school work. The chances of that are slim. Nursing school is a TON of work, plus you have to do your clinicals and do your time as a student-nurse in the hospital. Essentially, she would not be able to be a sister mom, and we all know that that would never be allowed.

And that's a good point: she would have to be able to handle naked men. Further, she would most likely have to administer care that may be against Gothard values. That would never be allowed.


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