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Grandduggar # 3 on the way? Pictures.


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Updated Photo credit to Muffynbear: AlveiuKCMAIfIAS.jpg


I was looking at Josh's instagram and noticed this picture.... One of the people also comment on the photo and asked if there was another baby on the way. Isn't she wearing the same maternity shirt she wore to the reunion> 3095d4e6571c11e1abb01231381b65e3_6.jpg


Compare this image from the November reunion to now.... Same shirt... Notice the difference??? Is it just me? I'm not sure... 389950_286893508013975_100000799838307_769454_1536365602_n.jpg

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I see how it fitting tighter across the belly, but with all the crap they have been eating lately is a baby/baby or is it a food baby?

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Not just you, she's definitely got a bump in the top picture. And though I really, really suck at body/clothing mechanics (suffice to say I will never be an artist), I can't see how her position in the first picture could possibly be causing it. I also think her face looks fuller in the V-Day pic.

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In the top picture her face looks significantly fuller, but yeah, it could just be the crappy food.

In the reunion picture who's who L to R?

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In the top picture her face looks significantly fuller, but yeah, it could just be the crappy food.

In the reunion picture who's who L to R?

I think it's Candice, Susanna, Anna, Rebekah, then Ester?

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Ohhhh. I hate to say it, but she does look a lot heavier in the top picture. I mean discounting the slouchy "I'm holding a baby" pose, and the clingy knit cardigan, she does look bigger. I think she looks really tiny in the beach picture, she's no bigger than Suze there! And she was wearing horizontal stripes, for goodness sakes.

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Ohhhh. I hate to say it, but she does look a lot heavier in the top picture. I mean discounting the slouchy "I'm holding a baby" pose, and the clingy knit cardigan, she does look bigger. I think she looks really tiny in the beach picture, she's no bigger than Suze there! And she was wearing horizontal stripes, for goodness sakes.

Remember what she looked like when she was courting Smuggar? During all the TLC episodes of them courting she used to be super tiny!

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Her face is quite a bit fatter in the top picture. I'd say she's put weight on, probably from eating all the crap they usually eat.

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I don't know if the weight gain can be blamed on eating poorly. She looks pretty skinny in the Nov. reunion picture and she'd already been eating the same crap as Josh for a few years by then. I don't think the poor eating habits would just suddenly catch up with her in only a few months (I'm assuming the reunion was this past November)

It's totally #3. Poor Mac will be doing all the laundry by the time she's 5.

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I dont think we'll have any knowledge of #3 until after this season finishes airing. JB needs something to sell to TLC when they try and cancel.

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I'm going to guess food baby, especially by how Josh looks all the time, they sure do know how to pound that fast food.

Don't the fundies usually spread them out by about 18 months? Little Michael isn't quite 9 months old yet.

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I don't know if the weight gain can be blamed on eating poorly. She looks pretty skinny in the Nov. reunion picture and she'd already been eating the same crap as Josh for a few years by then. I don't think the poor eating habits would just suddenly catch up with her in only a few months (I'm assuming the reunion was this past November)

It's totally #3. Poor Mac will be doing all the laundry by the time she's 5.

Yeah, the reunion was just this past November.

Edit: No, I think she is pregnant. If you go to their site, ja20.com you can see how tiny Anna is when she wasn't pregnant and how different she looked when she got pregnant.

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This is off topic of the pregnancy subject, but the picture of the girls popped this question into my mind. How many of Anna's sibs are still Fundy/ Fundy-lite and who has completely left the movement? I know Suze is no longer Fundy and her brother...correct? And Priscilla is obviously still very much Fundy, but what about the others?

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I don't know if the weight gain can be blamed on eating poorly. She looks pretty skinny in the Nov. reunion picture and she'd already been eating the same crap as Josh for a few years by then. I don't think the poor eating habits would just suddenly catch up with her in only a few months (I'm assuming the reunion was this past November)

It's totally #3. Poor Mac will be doing all the laundry by the time she's 5.

I think people were just talking about the fast food they ate while on tour with Santorum. Didn't they tell it on the Today show with Michael?

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This is off topic of the pregnancy subject, but the picture of the girls popped this question into my mind. How many of Anna's sibs are still Fundy/ Fundy-lite and who has completely left the movement? I know Suze is no longer Fundy and her brother...correct? And Priscilla is obviously still very much Fundy, but what about the others?

Suze and Daniel have pretty much left the movement.

Anna and Priscilla are still chugging the Gothard koolaid. The oldest sister Esther is also still QF and fundie as well. Apparently her family has recently been called by god to become missionaries in Zambia. Other sister Rebekah seems to be less fundie and more of a mainstream christian at this point.

The two youngest boys are still teens, living at home and presumably following their parents beliefs.

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@slickcat79 Thanks! Hopefully the two youngest boys will be able to break apart, if not completely, at least like Rebekah did. Only time will tell.

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I think people were just talking about the fast food they ate while on tour with Santorum. Didn't they tell it on the Today show with Michael?

I didn't think about that. I'd assumed with Josh's consistant weight gain and love affair of crap food that they (or at least he) had been eating poorly all along. I didn't consider that they might have just stepped up the poor eating because they were on the road.

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Anna's face does look fuller in the pic posted today compared to the reunion picture. She could have put on a few pounds since they were eating out breakfast, lunch and dinner while following Ye Frothy One around but then again, it seems like Smuggar's family tends to eat out a lot from all those pics he has taken of food even before traveling around for Frothy.

If she is pregnant, they're not going to say anything about it until their next Today Show appearance to promote the "pregnancy announcement" for the show.

As for Anna's siblings:

L to R: Candice (Daniel's wife), Susanna, Anna, Esther, and Rebekah.

Priscilla, Anna and Esther are still following the fundie lifestyle. Daniel/Candice, Rebekah and Susanna have left that lifestyle behind and have become more mainstream.

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I didn't think about that. I'd assumed with Josh's consistent weight gain and love affair of crap food that they (or at least he) had been eating poorly all along. I didn't consider that they might have just stepped up the poor eating because they were on the road.

Yeah there was holiday eating, plus more than a month of eat out 3 meals a day, so weight gain/bloating could have gotten pretty bad.

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If Anna isn't pregnant, I agree she probably gained weight from eating out when they were on the campaign trail. I hate to sound cruel, but Anna would benefit from a nose job.

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I think she already got one. Look at her nose in the first episodes with her compared to now. It's a lot less uh... jacked-up than it ued to be.

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